I was looking on information on this and I found some posts with incomplete information or redirecting to broken links inside the wiki for rstan or github repositories. My understanding is that we need to set some flags in the Makevars.win to allow Stan to use OpenCL when necessary. I have installed the latest Nvidia GPU computing toolkit and I checked my device ID using clinfo, but I can’t figure out what are the things I need to add to my Makevars file.
@rreareyes cmdstanr is a new interface to Stan from R. It’s lighter weight than the regular Rstan. It’s still in a kindof prerelease form but you can get it here: https://mc-stan.org/cmdstanr/
Is there any update wrt RStan and GPU usage?
I’m bumping this because it still shows up as one of the top results when searching for RStan and GPUs, and since it is now 2 years old, maybe there is some update?
Hi, @tpfau: RStan on CRAN is at 2.21. RStan on GitHub is at 2.26. Stan is at 2.30. We release quarterly.
If you don’t need log density and gradient and transform access in your code, you might consider switching to cmdstanr, which keeps up to date with Stan w.r.t. GPU, threading, etc.