Semantic error

Hello, I’m attempting to fit a model with two states (variables) to ion channel data. The data consists of ion channel status (1 if open, 0 if closed) at different measurement times. However, running the code generates the following error. I can’t see where the error is exactly. Ant help will be appreciated.

Error in stanc(file = file, model_code = model_code, model_name = model_name, :
Semantic error in ‘string’, line 45, column 10 to line 46, column 60:

43:      N_t0[2] = 0;
45:      N_t = integrate_ode_bdf(current, N_t0, t0, times, params, x_r, x_i, //integrate_ode_rk45
46:                              rel_tol, abs_tol, max_num_steps);

Ill-typed arguments supplied to function ‘integrate_ode_bdf’:
(, array real, real, array real, array real, array real,
array int, real, real, int)
where F1 = (real, array real, array real, array real, array int) => array real
Available signatures:
(, array real, real, array real, array real, data array real,
data array int, data real, data real, data real) => array[,] real
where F2 = (real, array real, array real, data array real,
data array int) => array real
The 6th argument must be data-only. (Local

The Stan code is as follow

// Numerically solved ODEs
functions {
  real[] current(real t,
                  real[] N,
                  real[] params,
                  real[] x_r,
                  int[] x_i) {
    real q45 = params[1];                        // Kinetic rate from C4 to O5
    real q54 = params[2];                        // Kinetic rate from O5 to C4
    real dN_dt[2];
    dN_dt[1] = q54*N[2] - q45*N[1];              // Probability channel is closed
    dN_dt[2] = q45*N[1] - q54*N[2];              // Probability channel is open
    return dN_dt;
  // Computes the channel dynamics
  real[] channel_current(real[] times, real t0, real S_t0,
                         real q45, real q54, real[] x_r, int[] x_i,
                         real rel_tol, real abs_tol, int max_num_steps) {
    real N_t0[2];
    real params[2];
    real N_t[size(times), 2];
    matrix[size(times), 2] N_hat;
    real S_hat[size(times)];                     // Predicted channel Status
    params[1] = q45;
    params[2] = q54;
    // Initial channel status
    N_t0[1] = S_t0;
    N_t0[2] = 0;
    N_t = integrate_ode_bdf(current, N_t0, t0, times, params, x_r, x_i, //integrate_ode_rk45
                            rel_tol, abs_tol, max_num_steps);
    for (state in 1:size(N_t0)) {
      N_hat[1:size(N_t), state] = to_vector(N_t[1:size(N_t), state]);
    // Get channel status
    for (t in 1:size(times)) {
      S_hat[t] = N_hat[t, 2];
    return S_hat;

data {
  int<lower = 1> n_times;                        // Number of times (observations)
  int<lower = 1> n_channels;                     // Number of ion channels
  real<lower = 0> t0[n_channels];                // Initial time
  real<lower = 0> S_t0[n_channels];              // Initial channel status
  int<lower = 0> obs[n_times];                   // Observation row numbers
  real<lower = 0> status[n_times];               // Recorded channel status
  real<lower = 0> times[n_times];                // Times (observations)
  int<lower = 0, upper = 1> run_estimation;      // Switch to evaluate the likelihood
  real rel_tol;
  real abs_tol;
  int max_num_steps;

transformed data {
  real x_r[0];
  int x_i[0];

parameters {
  real<lower = 0> q45_hat;                           
  real<lower = 0> q54_hat;
  corr_matrix[2] rho;
  vector<lower = 0>[2] omega;                    // Standard deviations for inter-channel variability
  real<lower = 0> sigma;                         // Residual standard deviation
  vector[2] theta[n_channels];                   // Individual level parameters

transformed parameters {
  vector<lower = 0>[2] theta_hat;                // Population level mean parameter values
  cov_matrix[2] Omega;                           // Covariance matrix
  real<lower = 0> q45[n_channels];
  real<lower = 0> q54[n_channels];
  real<lower = 0> S_hat[n_times];                // Estimated channel open probability
  real<lower = 0> S_hat_obs[n_times];              // Estimated status at observation times
  // Individual-level parameters
  theta_hat[1] = q45_hat;
  theta_hat[2] = q54_hat;
  Omega = quad_form_diag(rho, omega);
  for (i in 1:n_channels) {
    q45[i] = theta[i, 1];
    q54[1] = theta[i, 2];
    S_hat[i] = 
      channel_current(times[i], t0[i], S_t0[i],
                      q45[i], q54[i], x_r, x_i,
                      rel_tol, abs_tol, max_num_steps);
  S_hat_obs = S_hat[obs];

model {
  // Priors
  q45_hat ~ normal(0, 0.1);
  q54_hat ~ normal(3, 1);
  // Half-cauchy prior (see Bayesian Data Analysis, Gelman et al. p.130)
  omega ~ cauchy(0, 1);//2.5                            // Standard deviations
  // Approximately equivalent to uniform distribution on correlations
  rho ~ lkj_corr(2);                                      // Correlation matrix with LKJ prior     
  sigma ~ cauchy(0, 2);//1                                // Residual standard deviation
  // Inter-individual variability
  theta ~ multi_normal(theta_hat, Omega);
  // Likelihood
  if (run_estimation == 1) {
    S_obs ~ normal(S_hat_obs, sigma);                      // Normal error

generated quantities {
  vector[2] theta_pred[n_channels];
  real<lower = 0> q45_pred[n_channels];
  real<lower = 0> q54_pred[n_channels];
  real<lower = 0> S_hat_pred_times[n_times];
  real<lower = 0> S_hat_pred[n_times];
  real<lower = 0> S_cond[n_times];
  real<lower = 0> S_pred[n_times];                 // Predicted channel status
  vector[n_times] log_lik;                         // Log likelihood of each observation
  for (i in 1:n_channels) {
    theta_pred[i] = multi_normal_rng(theta_hat, Omega);
    q45_pred[i] = theta_pred[i, 1];
    q54_pred[i] = theta_pred[i, 2];
    S_hat_pred_times[i] = 
      channel_current(times[i], t0[i], S_t0[i],
                      q45_pred[i], q54_pred[i], x_r, x_i,
                      rel_tol, abs_tol, max_num_steps);
  S_hat_pred = S_hat_pred_times[obs];
  // Random number generator drawing from a Bernoulli distribution
  for (n in 1:n_times) {
    // Individual predictions
    S_cond[n] = bernoulli_rng(S_hat_obs[n], sigma);
    // Log likelihood
    log_lik[n] = bernoulli_lpmf(S_obs[n] | S_hat_obs[n], sigma);
    // Channel predictions
    S_pred[n] = bernoulli_rng(S_hat_pred[n], sigma);

The R code that calls the Stan code is as follows:

Call Stan file

stan_file ← ‘Park_two_state_ODE_incomplete.stan’

Import and read data

data ← read_excel(‘MultiChannel_1uMIP3_1uMBCLxl.xlsx’)
n_channels ← length(unique(data$Channel))
n_times ← length(unique(data$Time))


Fit Stan model

For the stan model we need the following variables:

stan_data ← list(n_times = n_times,
n_channels = n_channels,
t0 = data$Time[1],
S_t0 = data$Status[1],
obs = nrow(data),
status = data$Status,
times = data$Time,
rel_tol = 1e-3,
abs_tol = 1e-6,
max_num_steps = 1e6,
run_estimation = 1)

Model parameters to plot

params_plot ← c(‘q45_hat’, ‘q54_hat’, ‘sigma’, ‘omega’)

Additional parameters to monitor

additional_params ← c(‘rho’, ‘S_cond’, ‘S_pred’, ‘q45’, ‘q54’)
parameters ← c(params_plot, additional_params)

initialParameterValues = function() list(
q45_hat = abs(rnorm(1, 0, 0.01)),
q54_hat = abs(rnorm(1, 3, 1)),
omega = abs(rnorm(2, 0.25, 0.5)),
rho = diag(2),
sigma = runif(1, 0.5, 1),
theta = matrix(rep(c(0, 2), ea = n_channels), nrow = n_channels)

compiled_model ← stan_model(stan_file)
sim_out ← sampling(compiled_model,
data = stan_data,
chains = 1,
iter = 10,
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.8,
stepsize = 0.1,
max_treedepth = 10),
init = initialParameterValues)

The error is telling you that the arguments to the ODE integrator need to be marked as data. Since you’re accepting them as arguments to channel_current, you can do so like

/* ..., */
 data real[] x_r, data int[] x_i, data real rel_tol, data real abs_tol, data int max_num_steps

More information is available here: 9.4 Argument types and qualifiers | Stan Reference Manual

Thank you for your response. In general, does this have to be done beyond declaring them in the data or transformed data blocks?

If you’re using a function, yes. Function arguments are a bit “forgetful” about where their values are coming from, so if they need to be data you have to add the extra tag in the argument type, int foo(data int x).

But I think letting the compiler guide you here is a decent idea. As you’ve seen, it will tell you if they’re missing, so you don’t need to do too much guesswork.

Great, thank you for your help!