I wrote a GP model for time series using the sde formulation as proposed by Särkkä & Solin. The covariance function is a sum of short-term, longer term and (weekly) periodic covariance fucntions. It turned out to be more complicated than I expected, but I would appreciate comments re eg the efficiency of code. As it is, 4x400 samples with warmup = 150 takes about 2 minutes for n=300, so for that small n the speed up compared with the batch approach isn’t that great.
matrix Fmatrix(real ell, int D) {
// creates matrix F corresponding to a Matern kernel with nu = D - 1/2
matrix[D,D] F;
real lambda = sqrt(2*(D-0.5))/ell;
for (j in 1:D) {
F[D,j] = -choose(D,j-1)*lambda^(D-j+1);
for (i in 1:(D-1)) {
if(j == i+1)
F[i,j] = 1;
F[i,j] = 0;
return F;
matrix Pmatrix(real s2, matrix F){
// Creates steady state covariance matrix corresponding to F
int D = rows(F);
real lambda = -F[D,D]/D;
matrix[D,D] P;
vector[D*D] Pvec;
matrix[D*D,D*D] XX;
matrix[D,D] ID = diag_matrix(rep_vector(1,D));
vector[D*D] Q = rep_vector(0,D*D);
Q[D*D] = -s2 * tgamma(D)^2 / tgamma(2*D-1) * (2*lambda)^(2*D-1);
for (i in 1:D) {
for (k in 1:D) {
XX[(i-1)*D+1:i*D,(k-1)*D+1:k*D] = F[i,k]*ID;
XX[(i-1)*D+1:i*D,(i-1)*D+1:i*D] = XX[(i-1)*D+1:i*D,(i-1)*D+1:i*D] + F;
Pvec = XX\Q;
for (j in 1:D) {
P[1:D,j] = Pvec[(j-1)*D+1:j*D];
return P;
matrix blockdiag(matrix m1, matrix m2){
// creates a block diagonal matrix from 2 square matrices
int d1 = rows(m1);
int d2 = rows(m2);
matrix[d1+d2,d1+d2] mm;
mm[1:d1,1:d1] = m1;
mm[(d1+1):(d1+d2),(d1+1):(d1+d2)] = m2;
mm[d1+1:d1+d2,1:d1] = rep_matrix(0,d2,d1);
mm[1:d1,d1+1:d1+d2] = rep_matrix(0,d1,d2);
return mm;
matrix Fseasonal(real omega,int J){
matrix[2*J,2*J] F = rep_matrix(0,2*J,2*J);
for(j in 1:J){
F[2*j,2*j-1] = omega*j;
F[2*j-1,2*j] = -F[2*j,2*j-1];
return F;
matrix Pseas(int J, real ell){
matrix[2*J,2*J] P= rep_matrix(0,2*J,2*J);
for(i in 1:J){
P[2*i,2*i] = 2*modified_bessel_first_kind(i,square(1/ell))/exp(square(1/ell));
P[2*i-1,2*i-1] = P[2*i,2*i];
return P;
int N; // n of time points
int Nobs; // n of observations
int np; // n of prediction steps
real y[N]; // observations including dummies
real tt[N]; // vector of time points
int obs[N]; // binary indicator for observations
int obsind[Nobs]; //time indices of observations
real pred_step; // prediction time step
real mu;
real<lower=0> ellshort;
real<lower=0> elllong;
real<lower=0> ellseas;
real<lower=0> s2short;
real<lower=0> s2long;
real<lower=0> epsilon;
transformed parameters{
matrix[2,2] Fshort = Fmatrix(ellshort,2);
matrix[3,3] Flong = Fmatrix(elllong,3);
matrix[4,4] Fseas = Fseasonal(2*pi()/(7), 2);
matrix[9,9] F = blockdiag(blockdiag(Fshort,Flong),Fseas);
matrix[9,9] Pinf = blockdiag(blockdiag(Pmatrix(s2short,Fshort), Pmatrix(s2long,Flong)),Pseas(2,ellseas));
matrix[9,9] A;
matrix[9,9] QQ;
vector[N] muvec;
vector[N] Pvec;
vector[9] mp;
matrix[9,9] Pp;
vector[9] K;
vector[9] m = rep_vector(0,9);
matrix[9,9] P = Pinf;
row_vector[9] H = [1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0];
real dt = 0;
// Kalman filter
for (k in 1:N) {
mp = m;
Pp = P;
} else {
if( dt != (tt[k]-tt[k-1]) ){
dt = tt[k]-tt[k-1];
A = matrix_exp(F*dt);
QQ = Pinf-A*Pinf*A';
mp = A*m;
Pp = A*P*A' + QQ;
muvec[k] = H*mp;
Pvec[k] = H*Pp*H' + epsilon;
K = Pp*H'/Pvec[k];
m = mp + K*((y[k]-mu) - muvec[k]);
P = Pp - K*H*Pp; }
else {
m = mp;
P = Pp;
mu ~ normal(0,20);
ellshort ~ inv_gamma(3,2);
elllong ~ normal(50,10);
ellseas ~ inv_gamma(3,2);
epsilon ~ inv_gamma(3,2);
s2short ~ inv_gamma(3,2);
s2long ~ inv_gamma(3,2);
y[obsind] ~ normal(mu + muvec[obsind], sqrt(Pvec[obsind]));
generated quantities {
vector[np] preds;
vector[np] simul;
vector[9] mb = m;
matrix[9,9] Pb = P;
matrix[9,9] Ap = matrix_exp(F*pred_step);
matrix[9,9] Qp = Pinf-Ap*Pinf*Ap';
vector[9] mpb;
matrix[9,9] Ppb;
for(j in 1:np) {
mpb = Ap*mb;
Ppb = Ap*Pb*Ap' + Qp;
preds[j] = mu + H*mpb;
simul[j] = normal_rng(preds[j], sqrt(H*Ppb*H' + epsilon) );
mb = mpb;
Pb = Ppb;