I will use a repeated-measures model to demonstrate my concern. My guess is that this issue might be due to whichever default MCMC algorithm being used (however, the message shows the same “Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) …”). Or, pseudo random seed is inherently different by machine.
System One: R 4.1.1; RStudio 1.4.1717; macOS 10.14.5.
System Two: R 4.0.1; RStudio 1.4.1103; Windows 7 Professional (x86_54, yep antique).
stan_code <- "
data {
int<lower=1> N; // number of subjects
int<lower=2> C; // number of conditions
vector[C] Y[N]; // responses
parameters {
vector[C] mu; // condition means
real<lower=0> sigma; // standard deviation of the error
real<lower=0> gb; // variance of the standardized subject-specific random effects
vector[N] b; // subject-specific random effects
transformed parameters {
real<lower=0> tau; // sd of the subject-specific random effects
tau = sigma * sqrt(gb);
model {
// linear mixed-effects model
for (i in 1:N) {
Y[i] ~ normal(mu + b[i], sigma);
b ~ normal(0, tau);
// priors
// mu ~ implicit uniform prior // Jeffreys prior
target += -2* log(sigma); // Jeffreys prior
gb ~ scaled_inv_chi_square(1, 1); // Rouder et al. (2012)
anova_stan <- stan_model(model_code = stan_code)
Y <- matrix(c(10,6,11,22,16,15,1,12,9,8,
13,8,14,25,20,17,4,17,12,12), ncol = 3)
N <- nrow(Y)
C <- ncol(Y)
datlist <- list("N" = N, "C" = C, "Y" = Y)
mcmc <- sampling(anova_stan, data = datlist,
pars = c("mu", "sigma"), refresh = 0,
warmup = 200, iter = 2200, chains = 4, seed = 123)
(result <- rstan::summary(mcmc)$summary[,"mean"])
System One returns
# mu[1] mu[2] mu[3] sigma lp__
# 11.0328955 13.0375702 14.2364598 0.8194753 -33.5446405
System Two returns
# mu[1] mu[2] mu[3] sigma lp__
# 11.0204850 13.0253015 14.2226526 0.8188674 -33.5321822