Hi all,
This is my first time using Stan so forgive any dumb errors. I am trying to fit a hierarchical/random effects model consisting of a system of first order differential equation. One of the parameters (epsilon) in the ODE
comes from a gamma distribution and is unique for each individual. So (r,epsilon_i,K) for i = 1,…,J are ODE model parameters, alpha and beta are hyperparameters and sigma is the observance variance. The data is one observation for individual. Here’s my attempt in pystan:
obdata = {‘J’: ncats,‘ts’: daypool, ‘y1_data’ : countpool}
withinhostcode = “”"
functions {
real[] whmodel(real t, // time
real[] y, // state
real[] theta, // parameters
real[] x_r, // data (real)
int[] x_i) { // data (integer)
real dydt[2];
dydt[1] = theta[1] * y[1] * (1 - (y[1]/theta[2])) - theta[3] * y[1] * y[2];
dydt[2] = -theta[3] * y[1] * y[2];
return dydt;
data {
int<lower=1> J;
real ts[J,3];
real y1_data[J];
transformed data {
real y0[2];
real t0;
real x_r[0];
int x_i[0];
t0 = 0;
y0[1] = 10;
y0[2] = 100;
parameters {
real<lower=0> r;
real<lower=0> K;
real<lower=0> eps[J];
real<lower=0> alpha;
real<lower=0> beta;
real<lower=0> sigma;
transformed parameters{
real y[3,2];
real y_hat[J];
real theta[3];
for (i in 1:J)
theta[1] = r;
theta[2] = K;
theta[3] = eps[i];
y = integrate_ode_bdf(whmodel, y0, t0, ts[i], theta, x_r, x_i);
y_hat[i] = y[3,1]; //solution corresponding to observed data time
eps ~ gamma(alpha, beta); //alpha, beta have uniform priors
r ~ gamma(100,0.00292);
K ~ normal(2000,2000);
sigma ~ normal(0,1000);
y1_data ~ normal(y_hat, sigma); //Gaussian error assumption
However, when I run the model using
sm = StanModel(model_code = withinhostcode, verbose=True)
fit = sm.sampling(data = obdata, iter =100, chains = 1)
It successfully compiles but once it gets to fit, doesn’t really print anything or exit. It gets stuck even when I do a few iterations. Not quite sure if I’m doing anything wrong or it’s really that slow to sample from. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated!