Please also provide the following information in addition to your question:
- Operating System: Windows 2016 Server
- rstanarm Version: 2.18.2
My mixed effect linear regression model has an outcome variable that is strictly positive.
I am using the weakly informative t_prior.
I have added the family = gaussian(link = ‘log’) to the model arguments.
t_prior <- student_t(df = 7,
location = 0,
scale = 2.5)
StandardizedOME.1e4.stan_glmer <- stan_glmer(
I(StandardizedOME + 1) ~ z.Age + z.AnesthesiaDuration + AnesthesiaTechniqueBlock +
AnesthesiaTechniqueGeneral + AnesthesiaTechniqueNeuraxial + o.ASAClass +
EmergencyStatusYN + Race + Sex + REMI + NonOpioidAnalgesicsCount +
o.AIM1Year + CPTBucket + (1 | MPOGInstitutionID),
data = AIM1Small.1e4.df,
family = gaussian(link = ‘log’),
prior = t_prior,
prior_intercept = t_prior,
chains = 4,
cores = 4
Error messages are returned at the start of sampling:
Chain 1: Rejecting initial value:
Chain 1: Error evaluating the log probability at the initial value.
Chain 1: Exception: normal_lpdf: Location parameter[1] is inf, but must be finite! (in ‘model_continuous’ at line 170)
The model estimation terminates after 100 attempts.
The following text is written to console:
some chains had errors; consider specifying chains = 1 to debughere are whatever error messages were returned
Stan model ‘continuous’ does not contain samples.
Stan model ‘continuous’ does not contain samples.
Stan model ‘continuous’ does not contain samples.
Stan model ‘continuous’ does not contain samples.
Error in check_stanfit(stanfit) :
Invalid stanfit object produced please report bug
Error in dimnamesGets(x, value) :
invalid dimnames given for “dgCMatrix” object
Are there other arguments that must be set to use the log link in the gaussian family?