RStan refactor branch

@bgoodri and @jonah: I’m at the point where I need your help.

I’m on branch: feature/stan-services in RStan. Here’s what I’m doing to build it:

R CMD build StanHeaders/
R CMD INSTALL StanHeaders_*.tar.gz

cd rstan
make build; make install

Below is what I’ve done to test all of it. It all works, at calling the C++, but we need to get the writers in place so that we get samples pushed through to the stan fit object.


stancode <- 'data {real y_mean;} parameters {real y;} model {y ~ normal(y_mean,1);}'
mod <- stan_model(model_code = stancode)
smwd <- new("stanmodel_with_data", model = mod, data = list(y_mean = 2))
init = list(); seed = 1; id = 0; init_radius = 2

## diagnose
smwd@model$diagnose(init, seed, id, init_radius, 1e-6, 1e-6)

## optimize
smwd@model$optimize_bfgs(init, seed, id, init_radius, 0.001, 1e-12, 10000, 1e-8, 10000000, 1e-8, 2000, 1, 10)

smwd@model$optimize_lbfgs(init, seed, id, init_radius, 5, 0.001, 1e-12, 10000, 1e-8, 10000000, 1e-8, 2000, 1, 10)

smwd@model$optimize_newton(init, seed, id, init_radius, 2000, 1)

smwd@model$sample_fixed_param(init, seed, id, init_radius, 1000, 1, 100)

## sample
num_warmup = 1000; num_samples = 1000; num_thin = 1; save_warmup = 0; refresh = 100; stepsize = 1; stepsize_jitter = 0; max_depth = 10
 smwd@model$sample_hmc_nuts_dense_e(init, seed, id, init_radius, num_warmup, num_samples, num_thin, save_warmup, refresh, stepsize, stepsize_jitter, max_depth)
num_warmup = 1000; num_samples = 1000; num_thin = 1; save_warmup = 0; refresh = 100; stepsize = 1; stepsize_jitter = 0; max_depth = 10; delta = 0.8; gamma = 0.05; kappa = 0.75; t0 = 10; init_buffer = 75; term_buffer = 50; window = 25
smwd@model$sample_hmc_nuts_dense_e_adapt(init, seed, id, init_radius, num_warmup, num_samples, num_thin, save_warmup, refresh, stepsize, stepsize_jitter, max_depth, delta, gamma, kappa, t0, init_buffer, term_buffer, window)

num_warmup = 1000; num_samples = 1000; num_thin = 1; save_warmup = 0; refresh = 100; stepsize = 1; stepsize_jitter = 0; max_depth = 10;
smwd@model$sample_hmc_nuts_diag_e(init, seed, id, init_radius, num_warmup, num_samples, num_thin, save_warmup, refresh, stepsize, stepsize_jitter, max_depth)

num_warmup = 1000; num_samples = 1000; num_thin = 1; save_warmup = 0; refresh = 100; stepsize = 1; stepsize_jitter = 0; max_depth = 10; delta = 0.8; gamma = 0.05; kappa = 0.75; t0 = 10; init_buffer = 75; term_buffer = 50; window = 25
smwd@model$sample_hmc_nuts_diag_e_adapt(init, seed, id, init_radius,num_warmup, num_samples, num_thin, save_warmup, refresh, stepsize, stepsize_jitter, max_depth, delta, gamma, kappa, t0, init_buffer, term_buffer, window)

num_warmup = 1000; num_samples = 1000; num_thin = 1; save_warmup = 0; refresh = 100; stepsize = 1; stepsize_jitter = 0; max_depth = 10;
smwd@model$sample_hmc_nuts_unit_e(init, seed, id, init_radius, num_warmup, num_samples, num_thin, save_warmup, refresh, stepsize, stepsize_jitter, max_depth)

num_warmup = 1000; num_samples = 1000; num_thin = 1; save_warmup = 0; refresh = 100; stepsize = 1; stepsize_jitter = 0; delta = 0.8; gamma = 0.05; kappa = 0.75; t0 = 10;
smwd@model$sample_hmc_nuts_unit_e_adapt(init, seed, id, init_radius, num_warmup, num_samples, num_thin, save_warmup, refresh, stepsize, stepsize_jitter, max_depth, delta, gamma, kappa, t0)

num_warmup = 1000; num_samples = 1000; num_thin = 1; save_warmup = 0; refresh = 100; stepsize = 1; stepsize_jitter = 0; int_time = 2 * pi
smwd@model$sample_hmc_static_dense_e(init, seed, id, init_radius, num_warmup, num_samples, num_thin, save_warmup, refresh, stepsize, stepsize_jitter, int_time)

num_warmup = 1000; num_samples = 1000; num_thin = 1; save_warmup = 0; refresh = 100; stepsize = 1; stepsize_jitter = 0; int_time = 2 * pi; delta = 0.8; gamma = 0.05; kappa = 0.75; t0 = 10; init_buffer = 75; term_buffer = 50; window = 25
smwd@model$sample_hmc_static_dense_e_adapt(init, seed, id, init_radius, num_warmup, num_samples, num_thin, save_warmup, refresh, stepsize, stepsize_jitter, int_time, delta, gamma, kappa, t0, init_buffer, term_buffer, window)

num_warmup = 1000; num_samples = 1000; num_thin = 1; save_warmup = 0; refresh = 100; stepsize = 1; stepsize_jitter = 0;
smwd@model$sample_hmc_static_diag_e(init, seed, id, init_radius, num_warmup, num_samples, num_thin, save_warmup, refresh, stepsize, stepsize_jitter, int_time)

num_warmup = 1000; num_samples = 1000; num_thin = 1; save_warmup = 0; refresh = 100; stepsize = 1; stepsize_jitter = 0; int_time = 2 * pi; delta = 0.8; gamma = 0.05; kappa = 0.75; t0 = 10; init_buffer = 75; term_buffer = 50; window = 25; 
smwd@model$sample_hmc_static_diag_e_adapt(init, seed, id, init_radius, num_warmup, num_samples, num_thin, save_warmup, refresh, stepsize, stepsize_jitter, int_time, delta, gamma, kappa, t0, init_buffer, term_buffer, window)

num_warmup = 1000; num_samples = 1000; num_thin = 1; save_warmup = 0; refresh = 100; stepsize = 1; stepsize_jitter = 0; int_time = 2 * pi;
smwd@model$sample_hmc_static_unit_e(init, seed, id, init_radius, num_warmup, num_samples, num_thin, save_warmup, refresh, stepsize, stepsize_jitter, int_time)
num_warmup = 1000; num_samples = 1000; num_thin = 1; save_warmup = 0; refresh = 100; stepsize = 1; stepsize_jitter = 0; int_time = 2 * pi; delta = 0.8; gamma = 0.05; kappa = 0.75; t0 = 10; 
smwd@model$sample_hmc_static_unit_e_adapt(init, seed, id, init_radius, num_warmup, num_samples, num_thin, save_warmup, refresh, stepsize, stepsize_jitter, int_time, delta, gamma, kappa, t0)

##experimental: variational
grad_samples = 1; elbo_samples = 100; max_iterations = 10000; tol_rel_obj = 0.01; eta = 1.0; adapt_engaged = 1; adapt_iterations = 50; eval_elbo = 100; output_samples = 1000
smwd@model$experimental_advi_fullrank(init, seed, id, init_radius, grad_samples, elbo_samples, max_iterations, tol_rel_obj, eta, adapt_engaged, adapt_iterations, eval_elbo, output_samples)
smwd@model$experimental_advi_meanfield(init, seed, id, init_radius, grad_samples, elbo_samples, max_iterations, tol_rel_obj, eta, adapt_engaged, adapt_iterations, eval_elbo, output_samples)

The remaining items that we need to deal with:

  • setting up writers so the values get back to R
  • getting the defaults from Stan into the right parameters
  • wish: change the level of the functions so they apply to smwd directly and not on smwd@model. Is that possible? (so smwd@sample_hmc_nuts_dense_e_adapt(...) instead of smwd@model$sample_hmc_nuts_dense_e_adapt(...)

We need to decide how we want to store the values in R. A lot of people dislike the current behavior which is a list of lists of arrays.

That’s really a separate decision.

I’m going through now and changing the current branch to use RStan. I
really don’t want to wait around waiting for a decision and design. If
you’re able to come up with a solution over the next couple days, then we
can go with it.

I can’t imagine something like this being decided in a couple of days, particularly not the next couple of days. We wrote down some ideas along these lines years ago

If you just want output, I would implement the CSV writer for now and read it into a stanfit object with read_stan_csv().

@bgoodri, that’s the answer I expected. I’m just going to replace the existing code with something that’ll work for this branch.

What happens after sampler_command() inside stan_fit.hpp? What bit of code is executed next? I’m running into some errors downstream and I need to figure out what exactly is happening.

Daniel, line 605 in stanmodel-class.R is where call_sampler gets called (at
least for the sampling command, vb and optim are before that), there’s
really nothing in call_sampler after sampler_command, so the next calls are
from the “sampling” method in stanmodel-class.R.

If you post the specific errors I might be able to glance at the code and
tell you what’s going on.


Thanks! I’ll see if I can track down where it goes after that. I’ll push a branch later.

@sakrejda I’ll need some more help.

I just pushed feature/refactor-stan-services.

This is what I run:

fit <- stan(model_code = "parameters { real<lower = 0, upper = 1> theta; } model { }")

I’m able to generate an nfit object in stanmodel-class.R in the setMethod("sampling", "stanmodel",...) method.

In rstan.R, when I run this line:

  sampling(sm, data, pars, chains, iter, warmup, thin, seed, init, 
           check_data = TRUE, sample_file = sample_file, 
           diagnostic_file = diagnostic_file,
           verbose = verbose, algorithm = match.arg(algorithm), 
           control = control, check_unknown_args = FALSE, 
           cores = cores, open_progress = open_progress, include = include, ...)

I get this result:

Error in, attr(x, "sampler_params")) : 
  second argument must be a list

Help?! I don’t know where that’s coming from.

Looks like line 325-326 in stanfit-class.R:

  ldf <- lapply(object@sim$samples, function(x), attr(x,


So expects a first argument that is a function and a second
argument that is a list of arguments to the function. It calls the
function (first argument) with arguments pulled from the list (second

So object@sim$samples is supposed to have an attribute that is a list (is
it an entry in the list per chain?) and in your call it ends up not being a
list. One of the ways to make R’s errors easier on yourself is to do


before you run your code. Then when you get the error you get something
much like a backtrace and you can figure out where things went wrong
interactively. In this case you could check what kind of object the
"sampler_params" attribute of object@sim$samples really is.


Woohoo! I’m done. For anyone able to work with branches of RStan, can you run through this branch?

If there’s any behavior that’s inconsistent with the current branch, it’d be good to know. I’ve been testing with this:


R CMD build StanHeaders/
R CMD INSTALL StanHeaders_*.tar.gz
cd rstan
make build && make install

Then from within R:

## options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
fit <- stan(model_code = "transformed data { int N; int n; N = 10; n = 3; } parameters { real<lower = 0, upper = 1> theta; } model { n ~ binomial(N, theta); }")

## 1. diagnose:
fit <- stan(fit = fit, test_grad = TRUE)

## 2: optimize newton
optimizing(get_stanmodel(fit), algorithm = "Newton")

## 3: optimize bfgs
optimizing(get_stanmodel(fit), algorithm = "BFGS")

## 4: optimize lbfgs
optimizing(get_stanmodel(fit), algorithm = "LBFGS")
## 5: sample fixed_param
fit <- stan(fit = fit, algorithm = "Fixed_param")

## 6: sample nuts dense_e adapt_false
fit <- stan(fit = fit, algorithm = "NUTS", control = list(metric = "dense_e", adapt_engaged = FALSE))

## 7: sample nuts dense_e adapt_true
fit <- stan(fit = fit, algorithm = "NUTS", control = list(metric = "dense_e", adapt_engaged = TRUE))

## 8: sample nuts diag_e adapt_false
fit <- stan(fit = fit, algorithm = "NUTS", control = list(metric = "diag_e", adapt_engaged = FALSE))

## 9: sample nuts diag_e adapt_true
fit <- stan(fit = fit, algorithm = "NUTS", control = list(metric = "diag_e", adapt_engaged = TRUE))

## 10: sample nuts unit_e adapt_false
fit <- stan(fit = fit, algorithm = "NUTS", control = list(metric = "unit_e", adapt_engaged = FALSE))

## 11: sample nuts unit_e adapt_true
fit <- stan(fit = fit, algorithm = "NUTS", control = list(metric = "unit_e", adapt_engaged = TRUE))

## 12: sample static dense_e adapt_false
fit <- stan(fit = fit, algorithm = "HMC", control = list(metric = "dense_e", adapt_engaged = FALSE))

## 13: sample static dense_e adapt_true
fit <- stan(fit = fit, algorithm = "HMC", control = list(metric = "dense_e", adapt_engaged = TRUE))

## 14: sample static diag_e adapt_false
fit <- stan(fit = fit, algorithm = "HMC", control = list(metric = "diag_e", adapt_engaged = FALSE))

## 15: sample static diag_e adapt_true
fit <- stan(fit = fit, algorithm = "HMC", control = list(metric = "diag_e", adapt_engaged = TRUE))

## 16: sample static unit_e adapt_false
fit <- stan(fit = fit, algorithm = "HMC", control = list(metric = "unit_e", adapt_engaged = FALSE))

## 17: sample static unit_e adapt_true
fit <- stan(fit = fit, algorithm = "HMC", control = list(metric = "unit_e", adapt_engaged = TRUE))

## 18: variational fullrank
vb(get_stanmodel(fit), algorithm = "fullrank")

## 19: variational meanfield
vb(get_stanmodel(fit), algorithm = "meanfield")

Cool! I can give it a try.

I just pushed. The adaptation info and the elapsed time is now being propagated. That should be all the existing functionality.

I was able to get it built and I ran through your test code as well as a few toy examples of my own. As far as I can tell it seems to be running smoothly!

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Oh and yes, get_adaptation_info also seems to be working again. Thanks!

Yeah. I got that up and running again.

Bump. Can someone give me a timeline and a list of things we need to do for the refactor branch to be deemed ok?

Is the “default parameters” functionality working? I’m particularly looking forward to that. There’s lots of duplicated code that will replace.

Yes, but perhaps not as you expect it to work.

Defaults are implemented, but I was talked out of handling all of the dispatching from Stan. I can work that through the PyStan branch.

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