I’m a complete novice in Rstan, and trying to generate multiple vectors from multinomial distributions. Since this should create ragged vectors, which is not supported in Rstan to my best knowledge, I bind all of them into one long vector.
Here’s my current R code to run the stan file,
n <- 50
numInst_train <- sample(10:20, size = n, replace = T)
rstanfit <- stan(file = "rcode/MultiBayes.v1.stan",
data = list(n = n,
numInst = numInst_train,
m = sum(numInst_train)),
chains = 1,
iter = 10,
init = list(chain1 = list(hp_pi = unlist(rep(1 / numInst_train, numInst_train)),
temp = rep(0, sum(numInst_train)))))
and this below is my stan file;
data {
// information of input
int n; // the number of samples
int numInst[n]; // the number of instances in a bag
int m; // Total number of instances
vector[m] temp;
vector[m] hp_pi;
int delta[m]; // indicator of primary instances
int pos = 1;
for(jj in 1:n){
segment(delta, pos, numInst[jj]) ~ multinomial(segment(hp_pi, pos, numInst[jj]));
pos += numInst[jj];
for(jj in 1:m){
temp[jj] ~ normal(delta[jj], 1);
Therefore, I’ve got an error message that says
Error evaluating the log probability at the initial value.
Exception: multinomial_lpmf: Number of trials variable[1] is -2147483648, but must be >= 0! (in 'model630cdd604c_MultiBayes' at line 15)
I’m using R 3.5.0, Windows, and stan 2.17.0.
It would be appreciated if anyone gives me your input here.