Original title is error message:
Error in mod$fit_ptr():
Exception: mismatch in number dimensions declared and found in context;
processing stage=data initialization;
variable name=t;
dims declared=(528066);
dims found=(528066, 1)
(in 'model7e843df54b3a_gppm' at line 18)
I am not so familiar with rstan but I am trying to apply a GPPM model and have got the stan code for it:
// Periodic variant of SE kernel
real periodic_se_k(real x, real y, real c, real sigma_sq, real l_sq){
return sigma_sq * exp(-2*(sin(pi()*(x-y)/c))^2 / l_sq);
int<lower=1> P; // number of periods
int<lower=1> N; // number of customers
int<lower=1> M; // number of data points
int<lower=1> K; // max number of purchases
int<lower=1> t[M]; // calendar time
int<lower=1> l[M]; // lifetime
int<lower=1> r[M]; // interpurchase time (recency)
int<lower=1> pnum[M]; // purchase number
int<lower=1> id[M]; // customer id of observation m
int<lower=0,upper=1> y[M]; // outcome of observation m (purchase or not)
// non-restricted components of the GP's
vector[P] alpha_long;
vector[P-1] free_week;
vector[P-1] free_short;
vector[P-1] free_rec;
vector[P-1] free_life;
vector[K-1] free_pnum;
real mu; // baseline spending level (cal mean function)
vector[N] delta; // heterogeneity random effects
real<lower=0> sigsq; // variance of random effects
// hyperparameters of the GP's
real<lower=0> etasq_week;
real<lower=0> rhosq_week;
real<lower=0> etasq_short;
real<lower=0> etasq_long;
positive_ordered[2] rhosq_cal;
real<lower=0> etasq_rec;
real<lower=0> rhosq_rec;
real<lower=0> etasq_life;
real<lower=0> rhosq_life;
real<lower=0> etasq_pnum;
real<lower=0> rhosq_pnum;
real lambda_rec1;
real<lower=0> lambda_rec2;
real lambda_life1;
real<lower=0> lambda_life2;
real lambda_pnum1;
real<lower=0> lambda_pnum2;
transformed parameters{
// full GPs (with the first period restriction)
vector[P] alpha_week;
vector[P] alpha_short;
vector[P] alpha_rec;
vector[P] alpha_life;
vector[K] alpha_pnum;
vector[P] week_mean;
vector[P] short_mean;
vector[P] long_mean;
vector[P] rec_mean;
vector[P] life_mean;
vector[K] pnum_mean;
vector[1] z;
// add zero first period restriction
z[1] = 0;
alpha_week = append_row(z,free_week);
alpha_short = append_row(z,free_short);
alpha_rec = append_row(z,free_rec);
alpha_life = append_row(z,free_life);
alpha_pnum = append_row(z,free_pnum);
// set mean functions
for(p in 1:P)
rec_mean[p] = lambda_rec1*(p-1)^lambda_rec2;
life_mean[p] = lambda_life1*(p-1)^lambda_life2;
short_mean[p] = 0;
long_mean[p] = mu;
week_mean[p] = 0;
for(k in 1:K)
pnum_mean[k] = lambda_pnum1*(k-1)^lambda_pnum2;
vector[M] theta;
matrix[P,P] Sigma_short;
matrix[P,P] L_short;
matrix[P,P] Sigma_long;
matrix[P,P] L_long;
matrix[P,P] Sigma_week;
matrix[P,P] L_week;
matrix[P,P] Sigma_rec;
matrix[P,P] L_rec;
matrix[P,P] Sigma_life;
matrix[P,P] L_life;
matrix[K,K] Sigma_pnum;
matrix[K,K] L_pnum;
// calendar time, cyclic component kernel
for(i in 1:P)
for(j in 1:P)
Sigma_week[i,j] = etasq_week * exp(-2*(sin(pi()*(i-j)/7))^2/rhosq_week);
Sigma_week[j,i] = Sigma_week[i,j];
Sigma_week[i,i] = Sigma_week[i,i]+0.0001;
L_week = cholesky_decompose(Sigma_week);
// calendar time, short-run component kernel
for(i in 1:P)
for(j in 1:P)
Sigma_short[i,j] = etasq_short * exp(-((i-j)^2)/rhosq_cal[1]);
Sigma_short[j,i] = Sigma_short[i,j];
Sigma_short[i,i] = Sigma_short[i,i]+0.0001;
L_short = cholesky_decompose(Sigma_short);
// calendar time, long-run component kernel
for(i in 1:P)
for(j in 1:P)
Sigma_long[i,j] = etasq_long * exp(-((i-j)^2)/rhosq_cal[2]);
Sigma_long[j,i] = Sigma_long[i,j];
Sigma_long[i,i] = Sigma_long[i,i]+0.0001;
L_long = cholesky_decompose(Sigma_long);
// recency kernel
for(i in 1:P)
for(j in 1:P)
Sigma_rec[i,j] = etasq_rec * exp(-((i-j)^2)/rhosq_rec);
Sigma_rec[j,i] = Sigma_rec[i,j];
Sigma_rec[i,i] = Sigma_rec[i,i]+0.0001;
L_rec = cholesky_decompose(Sigma_rec);
// lifetime kernel
for(i in 1:P)
for(j in 1:P)
Sigma_life[i,j] = etasq_life * exp(-((i-j)^2)/rhosq_life);
Sigma_life[j,i] = Sigma_life[i,j];
Sigma_life[i,i] = Sigma_life[i,i]+0.0001;
L_life = cholesky_decompose(Sigma_life);
// pnum kernel
for(i in 1:K)
for(j in 1:K)
Sigma_pnum[i,j] = etasq_pnum * exp(-((i-j)^2)/rhosq_pnum);
Sigma_pnum[j,i] = Sigma_pnum[i,j];
Sigma_pnum[i,i] = Sigma_pnum[i,i]+0.0001;
L_pnum = cholesky_decompose(Sigma_pnum);
// kernel hyperparameter priors
etasq_week ~ normal(0,5);
rhosq_week ~ normal(P/2,P);
etasq_short ~ normal(0,5);
etasq_long ~ normal(0,5);
rhosq_cal ~ normal(P/2,P);
etasq_rec ~ normal(0,5);
rhosq_rec ~ normal(P/2,P);
etasq_life ~ normal(0,5);
rhosq_life ~ normal(P/2,P);
etasq_pnum ~ normal(0,5);
rhosq_pnum ~ normal(20,10);
// kernel mean function priors
mu ~ normal(0,5);
lambda_rec1 ~ normal(0,5);
lambda_pnum1 ~ normal(0,5);
lambda_life1 ~ normal(0,5);
lambda_rec2 ~ normal(0,5);
lambda_pnum2 ~ normal(0,5);
lambda_life2 ~ normal(0,5);
// sample GPs
alpha_week ~ multi_normal_cholesky(week_mean,L_week);
alpha_short ~ multi_normal_cholesky(short_mean,L_short);
alpha_long ~ multi_normal_cholesky(long_mean,L_long);
alpha_rec ~ multi_normal_cholesky(rec_mean,L_rec);
alpha_life ~ multi_normal_cholesky(life_mean,L_life);
alpha_pnum ~ multi_normal_cholesky(pnum_mean,L_pnum);
// sample random effects
delta ~ normal(0,sigsq);
sigsq ~ normal(0,2.5);
// gppm likelihood
for(m in 1:M)
theta[m] = alpha_week[t[m]]+alpha_long[t[m]]+alpha_short[t[m]]+alpha_life[l[m]]+alpha_rec[r[m]]+alpha_pnum[pnum[m]]+delta[id[m]];
y ~ bernoulli_logit(theta);
The Rcode, I used is the following one:
data_list <- list(M=nrow(data),
## Estimate the model:
fit <- stan(file="gppm.stan",
As far, as I understood the error message implies that the variable t was not forwarded to Stan and it could not find it, but it should be in data_list. Thank you in advance!!!