Replicating conditional_effects

As part of understanding better the (Bayesian) stats I would like to replicate the outcome of the conditional_effects by hand (ggplot)

By using the following model

fit3 <- brm(time | cens(censored) ~ age * sex + disease + (1|patient),
            data = kidney, family = lognormal(),
       cores = 4, chains = 4, seed = 60224)

I can get this plot by conditioning on disease == other

cond <- make_conditions(kidney, vars = c("disease")) %>% filter(disease == 'other')

p_null <- conditional_effects(fit3,
                    effects = 'age:sex',
                    conditions = cond,
                    re_formula =  ~(1|patient))

Now I’m trying to replicate this plot by

  1. Creating a grid of data I want to plot (age and sex keeping constant disease == ‘orther’),
  2. Adding the epred drwas using re_formula = ~(1|patient) (as before),
  3. Ploting it

The data grid:

## Function to create a sequence from min to max based on a variable in a data.frame 
seqf <- function(x, var , length.out = 21){
  seq(min(x[, var]), 
      max(x[, var]),
      length.out = 21

dat_grid1 <- expand_grid(
         age  = seqf(x=kidney, var= 'age'),
         sex =  kidney$sex  %>% unique %>% sort,
         disease = 'other',
         patient = kidney$patient   %>% unique

The epred draws and the plot

dat_grid1 %>%
  add_epred_draws(fit3, re_formula = ~(1|patient), allow_new_levels = F) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = age , 
             y = .epred, 
             color = sex, group = sex, fill = sex)) +
  stat_lineribbon(.width = 0.0, alpha = 1) +
  stat_ribbon(.width = 0.75, alpha = .3) +

Now, something is wrong, the outcomes are different and “more” annoyingly my plot take 5 times more time to be generated.

Of course,
My data has ~1600 rows,
The data from conditional_effects is like 300 rows - plot(p_null, plot = F)[[1]]$data but I don’t undestand how it can accept the argument re_formula = ~(1|patient) when in the data the patient level has NA