So, there is a lot to unpack… I’ll admit I don’t follow all the details, but for the sake of getting you at least some hints sooner rather than later, I’ll start with some surface-level observations and hope they’ll help you move forward. I’ll admit that I’ve never used hbayesdm
or built any models like the one you describe…
Yes, that looks bad. Rhat for generated quantities can sometimes be safely ignored - if it is NA, it often means that all posterior samples from all chains have the same value. To what extent this is to be expected and to what extent it may signal a bug is a model-specific question.
Anyway, I would take this one step at a time and first check, whether there isn’t some fundamental problem unrelated to your tweaks to the model - if you take the hbayesdm
model as-is (ignoring for a while that it doesn’t capture some aspects of the data), are you able to fit without problems (divergences, treedepth warnings, reasonable Rhat)? If so, are you then able to use the same Stan code to fit the same model yourself? (or maybe that’s what you did already?) Are you able to fit some example dataset from hbayesdm
with your custom code?
Yes, that happens, been there some time ago myself… Unfortunately once you move beyond simple stuff, there really is a lot of background knowledge one needs to build up to be able to succesfully run complex models and lot of it is not yet captured in accessible tutorials/classes/… So yes, the first steps can be overwhelming, and Bayesian modelling can be very hard, but I believe you will be able to conquer it :-) Just don’t be afraid to ask.
(I would recommend McElreath’s Statistical Rethinking as a good primer that builds a lot of knowledge from the ground up - there is even an online version of course materials and talks: GitHub - rmcelreath/statrethinking_winter2019: Statistical Rethinking course at MPI-EVA from Dec 2018 through Feb 2019, but I think it still doesn’t cover some of the more advanced stuff. The case studies and courses by Mike Betancourt Writing - do cover some of the more advanced stuff, but can be hard to digest)
It is very rare that you are able to get rid of fitting issues by adding more parameters/structure/… So I would first debug the simpler model. One thing to look at would be the pairs
plot for the parameters (possibly subsetting to show only some of the A_pr
and tau_pr
and keep the plot reasonable). See also Visual MCMC diagnostics using the bayesplot package • bayesplot for some more discussion on using visualisations to debug.
If you have a constrained parameter - e.g. vector<lower=0, upper = 1>[5] x;
then all elements of x
will be constrained between 0 and 1. Stan creates an unconstrained version of the parameter behind the scenes, but for the most part, you don’t need to worry about it too much.
Hypothesis testing is a bit of an unnatural approach in Bayesian inference (though it can be done). The most natural approach is to inteprepte either the posterior distribution of the parameters, or predictions of the model.
If you want to think about some sort of Bayesian alternative to classical point hypothesis, I’ve written about this elsewhere: Bayesian Hypothesis testing - #15 by martinmodrak