I have a similar issue, although my case is a little different.
I am coding a reinforcement learning model on RStan. I try to model the decision-making process in the human mind during a reward- and effort-based decision-making task.
Below is the R code:
# Create the RL1 folder path for results
RL1_path <- file.path(paths$RL, 'RL1')
# Create the directory if it doesn't exist
if (!dir.exists(RL1_path)) {
dir.create(RL1_path, recursive = TRUE)
# Create an empty data frame to store the fitted param of all the participants
fitParam_all <- data.frame()
# Convert columns to numeric
OptDiff_dff <- OptDiff_df
columns_to_convert <- c("RealEff.opt1", "RealEff.opt2",
"RealEff.opt1.t1", "RealEff.opt2.t1",
"RealEff.opt1.t2", "RealEff.opt2.t2",
"RealEff.opt1.t3", "RealEff.opt2.t3", "SymbL", "SymbR")
OptDiff_dff[columns_to_convert] <- lapply(OptDiff_dff[columns_to_convert],
#MY DATA HAS SOME NA VALUES, so I first filled missing values with a sentinel value because "Stan do not support NA values",
OptDiff_dff[is.na(OptDiff_dff)] <- -999
# Loop over unique participants
for (participant_id in unique(OptDiff_dff$ParticipantID)) {
# Loop over unique sessions
for (session_name in unique(OptDiff_dff$Session)) {
# Determine the session folder based on the 'session' variable
session_folder <- ifelse(tolower(session_name) == 'insidescanner',
'SessionIn', 'SessionOut')
# Create the session file path
session_path <- file.path(RL1_path, session_folder)
# Create the directory if it doesn't exist
if (!dir.exists(session_path)) {
dir.create(session_path, recursive = TRUE)
# Get data for the current participant and session
participant_data <- OptDiff_dff %>%
ParticipantID == participant_id & Session == session_name) %>%
if(nrow(participant_data) > 0) {
# Create and format the data frame to be able to run the Stan model
Stan_df <- within(participant_data, {
Trial <- as.integer(Trial)
ChosOpt <- as.numeric(ChosOpt) - 1
# Convert the data frame to a list
Stan_df <- as.list(Stan_df)
# Ensure the names are correctly transformed
names(Stan_df) <- gsub("\\.", "_", names(Stan_df))
# Convert selected columns to vectors
vector_columns <- c('EffProb_opt1', 'EffProb_opt2', 'EffMag_opt1',
'EffMag_opt2', 'RewMag_opt1', 'RewMag_opt2')
for (col_name in vector_columns) {
Stan_df[[col_name]] <- as.vector(Stan_df[[col_name]])
# Add the total number of trials to the list for Stan
Stan_df$ntr <- as.integer(nrow(participant_data))
fit_samp = rstan::stan(
file = file.path(paths$stan, 'RL_model1_sampling.stan'),
data = Stan_df, chains = 1, cores = 4, iter = 1, #FOR NOW (after, set chains=4, iter=6000)
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9))
# Whether I run this whole code cell or just the 'Sampling method' snippet, THIS ERROR APPEARS:
# Chain 1: Rejecting initial value:
# Chain 1: Gradient evaluated at the initial value is not finite.
# Chain 1: Stan can't start sampling from this initial value.
# Chain 1:
# Chain 1: Initialization between (-2, 2) failed after 100 attempts.
# Chain 1: Try specifying initial values, reducing ranges of constrained values, or reparameterizing the model.
# [1] "Error : Initialization failed."
# [1] "error occurred during calling the sampler; sampling not done"
# Extract parameters from the fitted Stan model 'fit_samp'
ParamExtract <- rstan::extract(
fit_samp, pars = c("invTemp", "LR", "bRewMag", "bEffMag"))
ParamExtract <- as.list(ParamExtract)
# Convert 'ParamExtract' to a data frame
ParamExtract <- do.call(cbind.data.frame, ParamExtract)
fitParam <- as.data.frame(colMeans(ParamExtract))
# Convert row names to a column
fitParam <- tibble::rownames_to_column(fitParam, var = "Parameter")
names(fitParam) <- c("Parameter", "Value")
# Pivot wider
fitParam <- tidyr::pivot_wider(
data = fitParam,
names_from = Parameter,
values_from = Value
# Add 'ParticipantID' column
fitParam$ParticipantID <- participant_id
# Select the columns in the desired order
fitParam <- fitParam %>%
dplyr::select(ParticipantID, invTemp, LR, bRewMag, bEffMag)
if(nrow(fitParam_all) > 0) {
# Bind 'fitParam' to the global data frame 'fitParam_all'
fitParam_all <- rbind(fitParam_all, fitParam)
} else {
fitParam_all <- fitParam
# Save the data frame 'fitParam' & 'fitParam_all' to a file in 'RL1_path'
write.csv(fitParam, file = paste0(
session_path, "/", participant_id, "_FittedParameters_RLsampl.csv"),
row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(fitParam_all, file = paste0(
session_path, "/FittedParameters_RLsampl.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
saveRDS(fit_samp, file = paste0(
session_path, "/", participant_id, "_fitModel.rds"))
#to read rds file: fit_samp <- readRDS(file = paste0(session_path, "/", participant_id, "_fitModel.rds"))
} else {
Below is the Stan code:
// Declare the DATA that the model will use
data {
int ntr; // number of trials
real EffProb_opt1[ntr]; // z-scored Effort Proba of option1
real EffProb_opt2[ntr];
real EffMag_opt1[ntr];
real EffMag_opt2[ntr];
real RewMag_opt1[ntr];
real RewMag_opt2[ntr];
real SymbL[ntr]; // Symbol displayed on the left of the screen
real SymbR[ntr];
int ChosOpt[ntr]; // option chosen (decision) - which symbol was chosen
int Trial[ntr]; // current trial number
// Define the PARAMETERS that the model will estimate
parameters {
real < lower = 0 > invTemp; // beta (inverse temperature = decision noise / stochasticity)
real < lower = 0, upper = 1 > LR; // alpha (learning rate)
real bRewMag; // weighting of RewMag
real bEffMag; // weighting of EffMag
// MODEL to be estimated: Specify likelihood of data given param & their priors
// Model outputs
model {
real PredictRew_perOpt[ntr,2]; // store PredictRew for 2 Opt across all trials
real PredictEff_perOpt[ntr,2];
real PE; // temporary variable to calculate difference btw expected/actual outcome
real UtilOpt1[ntr]; // store utility of Opt1 (desirability to choose this option)
real UtilOpt2[ntr];
real invTxUtil[ntr]; // adjust utility to account for invTemp
// Model specifies PRIOR distributions for the parameters
invTemp ~ cauchy(0,10); // invTemp with Cauchy distrib° (mean, scale), broad
bRewMag ~ cauchy(0,2); // bRewMag with Cauchy distrib°, moderate uncertainty
bEffMag ~ cauchy(0,2);
// LEARNING LOOP: Model updates prediction based on the outcomes of each trial
for (itr in 1:ntr) { // loop iterates over each trial
if (Trial[itr] < max(Trial)) { // if not last trial, calculate PE for Reward & Effort
if (Trial[itr] == 1) { // if 1st trial, (re)initialize predicted parameters:
PredictRew_perOpt[itr,2] = 0; // PredictRewOpt2 = mean z-scored distrib°
PredictRew_perOpt[itr,1] = 0;
PredictEff_perOpt[itr,2] = 0;
PredictEff_perOpt[itr,1] = 0;
// UPDATE believes about option 1 - if option 1 was present
if (SymbL[itr] == 1 || SymbR[itr] == 1) { // only if symbol on left/right is 1
print("PERew1: SymbL/R == 1");
PE = RewMag_opt1[itr] - PredictRew_perOpt[itr,1]; // Prediction error calculation
PredictRew_perOpt[itr+1,1] = PredictRew_perOpt[itr,1] + LR*PE; // Next trial's predicted reward for option 1 calculation
} else { // if option 1 wasn't on the screen, don't change the believes
print("PERew1: SymbL/R != 1");
PredictRew_perOpt[itr+1,1] = PredictRew_perOpt[itr,1];
if (SymbL[itr] == 1 || SymbR[itr] == 1) { // do the same for Effort
print("PEEff1: SymbL/R == 1");
PE = EffMag_opt1[itr] - PredictEff_perOpt[itr,1];
PredictEff_perOpt[itr+1,1] = PredictEff_perOpt[itr,1] + LR*PE;
} else {
print("PEEff1: SymbL/R != 1");
PredictEff_perOpt[itr+1,1] = PredictEff_perOpt[itr,1];
// Do the same for option 2
if (SymbL[itr] == 2 || SymbR[itr] == 2) {
print("PERew2: SymbL/R == 2");
PE = RewMag_opt2[itr] - PredictRew_perOpt[itr,2];
PredictRew_perOpt[itr+1,2] = PredictRew_perOpt[itr,2] + LR*PE;
} else {
print("PERew2: SymbL/R != 2");
PredictRew_perOpt[itr+1,2] = PredictRew_perOpt[itr,2];
if (SymbL[itr] == 2 || SymbR[itr] == 2) {
print("PEEff2: SymbL/R == 2");
PE = EffMag_opt2[itr] - PredictEff_perOpt[itr,2];
PredictEff_perOpt[itr+1,2] = PredictEff_perOpt[itr,2] + LR*PE;
} else {
print("PEEff2: SymbL/R != 2");
PredictEff_perOpt[itr+1,2] = PredictEff_perOpt[itr,2];
// DECISION LOOP: Loop calculates utility of both opt + ChosOpt for each trial
for (itr in 2:ntr) {
if (SymbL[itr] == 1 || SymbR[itr] == 1) { // for option 1
UtilOpt1[itr] = bRewMag*PredictRew_perOpt[itr,1]
+ bEffMag*PredictEff_perOpt[itr,1]
- EffProb_opt1[itr];
} else {
print("SymbL/R != 1");
if (SymbL[itr] == 2 || SymbR[itr] == 2) { // for option 2
UtilOpt2[itr] = bRewMag*PredictRew_perOpt[itr,2]
+ bEffMag*PredictEff_perOpt[itr,2]
- EffProb_opt2[itr];
} else {
print("SymbL/R != 2");
// ABOVE CODE SEEMS TO RUN but when adding THE FOLLOWING SNIPPET it results in the mentioned error.
// INVTEMP UTILITY ADJUSTMENT: utility difference btw Opt scaled by each invTemp
invTxUtil[itr] = invTemp*(UtilOpt1[itr]-UtilOpt2[itr]);
if (!is_inf(invTxUtil[itr])) {
print("invTemp = ", invTemp);
print("UtilOpt1[itr] = ", UtilOpt1[itr]);
print("UtilOpt2[itr] = ", UtilOpt2[itr]);
print("invTxUtil[itr] = ", invTxUtil[itr]);
} else {
print("invTxUtil[itr] == inf");
// BELOW IS THE REST OF THE STAN PROGRAM that I excluded for now, trying to go step by step.
// // Linking Utility & Choices: ChosOpt as Bernoulli distrib° with logit of invTxUtil
// if (ChosOpt[itr] < 2 && !is_nan(invTxUtil[itr])) { // only if ChosOpt is 0/1 (ChosOpt = 0 means choosing option 1 / ChosOpt = 1 means choosing option 2; have to do that has logit works between 0 and 1)
// ChosOpt[itr] ~ bernoulli_logit(invTxUtil[itr]);
// } else {
// print("ChosOpt = 2/3");
// }
Below is the output displayed in R:
#[printed things]
Chain 1: Rejecting initial value:
Chain 1: Gradient evaluated at the initial value is not finite.
Chain 1: Stan can't start sampling from this initial value.
Chain 1:
Chain 1: Initialization between (-2, 2) failed after 100 attempts.
Chain 1: Try specifying initial values, reducing ranges of constrained values, or reparameterizing the model.
[1] "Error : Initialization failed."
[1] "error occurred during calling the sampler; sampling not done"
I hope someone can help me with this.
Please note that I am a very beginner: I had never really coded before January 2024 and I have been using Stan for a month now…
So I hope I have not given you too much unnecessary information (or not enough…) and that it is quite clear.
Thank you very much in advance, as I have been stuck on this issue for over a week.