Hi all,
I am new for STAN and have a question about a code. The model I am working is a sort of simple regression. But I’d like to provide constraint to the coefficients. Simply, sum of the coefficients is equal to 1. Also, all coefficients should be positive.
y_t = alpha_1x1_t + alpha_2x2_t + alpha_3*x3_t + epsilon_t,
where epislon is normal and the coefficient vector (alpha_1, alpha_2, alpha_3) ~ Dirichlet((para_1, para_2, para_3)).
I built this model with a synthetic data example (see below).
The model works well but the posteriors of the parameter vector (para_1, para_2, para_3) are extremly different from the values which I desinged. I’m wondering if there is any suggestion for me.
Thanks in advance!
library(nimble) ## For dirichlet distribution
a <- c(1,2,3) ## Desinged parameter values
Np <- length(a)
Nn <- 300
zz1 <- NULL
for (i in 1:Nn) {
zz1 <- rbind(zz1, rdirch(n=1,a))
Firxx <- runif(Nn, 1, 4)
Secxx <- runif(Nn, 1, 4)
Thrxx <- runif(Nn, 1, 4)
yy1 <- Firxxzz1[,1] + Secxxzz1[,2] + Thrxx*zz1[,3] + rnorm(Nn, 0, 0.2)
######### Model #########
data {
int <lower=0> Nn; // number of time steps
int <lower=0> Np; // number of Xs
// Variables
real yy[Nn];
real<lower=0> Firxx[Nn];
real<lower=0> Secxx[Nn];
real<lower=0> Thrxx[Nn];
parameters {
vector<lower=0,upper=100>[Np] alpha; // Define parameters of dirichlet
real<lower=0> sigma; // Define standard deviation
simplex[Np] fracs;
transformed parameters {
real Flowhat[Nn];
for (i in 1:Nn) {
Flowhat[i] <- fracs[1]*Firxx[i] + fracs[2]*Secxx[i] + fracs[3]*Thrxx[i];
model {
yy ~ normal(Flowhat, sigma);
fracs[1:Np] ~ dirichlet(alpha[1:Np]);
######### Model #########
Posterior mean of alphas: c(250, 500, 750)