I wanted to fit some models using Bayesian survival analysis. However, I couldn't find the function "stan_surv" in rstanarm functions. The only option I see is stan_jm, but my model requires survival function with cox regression family or any parametric families. Anyone has any idea when the stan_surv function will be available?
Hm, not sure on how to cite in that case. I guess citing rstanarm is appropriate but maybe there is something to cite for the survival stuff as well.
Tagging @jonah@sambrilleman who would know more.
Brilleman, S. L., Elci, E. M., Novik, J. B., & Wolfe, R. (2020). Bayesian Survival Analysis Using the rstanarm R Package. arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.09633, https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.09633.
as well as the usual rstanarm citation:
Goodrich B, Gabry J, Ali I, Brilleman S (2020). “rstanarm: Bayesian applied regression modeling via Stan.” R package version 2.21.1, https://mc-stan.org/rstanarm.
Hi, I have used this link to download the package, but I still cannot get R to recognized the stan_surv function. Is there an additional step required?
Dear All,
I have the same issue. Using this line:
install.packages(“StanHeaders”, repos = c(“Repository for distributing (some) stan-dev R packages | r-packages”, getOption(“repos”)))
doesn’t seem to work. Also tried: devtools::install_github(“stan-dev/rstanarm”, ref = “feature/survival”, build_vignettes = FALSE)