Hello everyone,
I am trying to build a model in Rstan for grouped data, but the sampler does not work because of the error: “gamma_lpdf: Random variable is nan, but must not be nan!”. The Stan code is as the following:
data {
int<lower=1> I; // num of rows or groups of data
int<lower=1> J; //num of data point in each group
int<lower=1> Y[I,J]; //the response variable
// the initial data do not have equal size subset, use interpolation to generate more data points in smaller group.
parameters {
real<lower=0> alpha[J];
real<lower=0> beta[J];
model {
matrix[I,J] lambda;
for(i in 1:I){
for (j in 1:J){
target +=cauchy_lpdf(alpha[j]|0,5);// weakly informative
target +=cauchy_lpdf(beta[j]|0,5);
target +=gamma_lpdf(lambda[i,j]|alpha[j],beta[j]);
target +=poisson_lpmf(Y[i,j]|lambda[i,j]); //line 26
My data come in this way: 5 groups of data(J=5) with 10 data points in each group.
782 777 787 844 498
96 64 90 109 66
144 133 189 189 124
117 92 181 138 96
170 138 221 324 151
239 184 315 394 189
13 9 16 13 1
37 32 34 54 18
489 408 543 688 351
223 162 268 328 185
R code:
Y.c=c(782, 96, 144, 117, 170, 239, 13, 37, 489, 223,
777, 64, 133, 92, 138, 184, 9, 32, 408, 162,
787, 90, 189, 181, 221, 315, 16, 34, 543, 268,
844, 109, 189, 138, 324, 394, 13, 54, 688, 328,
498, 66, 124, 96, 151, 189, 1, 18, 351, 185)
fit=stan(file ='PoissonBayesiankernel_groupedData.stan', data = Poisson_HB_kernel_dat,iter =(n_sam+n_warmup), warmup=n_warmup,chains = n_chain)
When I ran the code, the sampler didn’t work and the error messages were:
Rejecting initial value:
Error evaluating the log probability at the initial value.
_**Exception: gamma_lpdf: Random variable is nan, but must not be nan! (in 'model1dfc6d1b537f_PoissonBayesiankernel_groupedData' at line 26) **_
Initialization between (-2, 2) failed after 100 attempts.
Try specifying initial values, reducing ranges of constrained values, or reparameterizing the model.
[1] "Error in sampler$call_sampler(args_list[[i]]) : Initialization failed."
[1] "error occurred during calling the sampler; sampling not done"
Line 26 of the code is
target +=poisson_lpmf(Y[i,j]|lambda[i,j]); //line 26
Could anyone suggest a possible cause for the problem “Random variable is nan”? I read one similar post, which can be found here (http://discourse.mc-stan.org/t/random-variable-is-nan-but-must-not-be-nan/1536), but I don’t think the reason is the same.
Thank you.