Yes, that was it. Thanks! Updated figures and code attached/below …
NonBB_sp.pdf (30.2 KB)
iter.m1no <-
iter.m1nl <-
# manually to get right order, with intercept
mu_params.wi <- c("(Intercept)", "warm20","photo12","chillchill1","chillchill2",
"warm20:siteSH", "photo12:siteSH",
meanzb.wi <- sumer.m1no[mu_params.wi,col4fig]
rownames(meanzb.wi) = c("Intercept",
"Forcing Temperature",
"Chilling 4°",
"Chilling 1.5°C",
"Forcing x Photoperiod",
"Forcing x Chilling 4°C",
"Forcing x Chilling 1.5°C",
"Photoperiod x Chilling 4°C",
"Photoperiod x Chilling 1.5°C",
"Forcing x Site",
"Photoperiod x Site",
"Site x Chilling 4°C",
"Site x Chilling 1.5°C"
meanzl.wi <- sumer.m1nl[mu_params.wi,col4fig]
rownames(meanzl.wi) <- rownames(meanzb.wi) <- speff.lo <- vector()
params <- c("(Intercept)", "warm20","photo12","chillchill1",
"chillchill2","siteSH", "warm20:photo12",
"warm20:siteSH", "photo12:siteSH",
sp.params <- c("(Intercept)", "chillchill1","chillchill2","siteSH",
params.wsp <- c(1, 4:6, 14:15)
params.nosp <- c(1:15)[-params.wsp]
pdf(file.path(figpath, "NonBB_sp.pdf"), width = 7, height = 8)
par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar = c(2, 10, 2, 1))
# Upper panel: budburst
plot(seq(-4, #min(meanz[,'mean']*1.1),
5, #max(meanz[,'mean']*1.1),
length.out = nrow(meanzb.wi)),
seq(1, 5*nrow(meanzb.wi), length.out = nrow(meanzb.wi)),
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
yaxt = "n")
legend(x =-4.5, y = 6, bty="n", legend = "a. Budburst", text.font = 2)
# rasterImage(bbpng, -0.25, 1, 0, 4)
axis(2, at = 5*(nrow(meanzb.wi):1), labels = rownames(meanzb.wi), las = 1, cex.axis = 0.8)
# Plot species levels for each predictor
for(i in 1:length(unique(dx$sp))){
b.params <- iter.m1no[!, c(paste("b", "[", sp.params, " sp:",
unique(dx$sp)[i], "]", sep=""))))]
main.params <- iter.m1no[!, sp.params))]
bplusmain <- b.params
for(c in 1:ncol(main.params)){
bplusmain[c] <- b.params[c]+main.params[c]
bplusmain.quant <- sapply(bplusmain, FUN = quantile, probs = c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75))
sp.est <- t(bplusmain.quant)
jt <- jitter(0, factor = 40)
arrows(sp.est[,"75%"], jt+(5*(nrow(meanzb.wi):1)-1)[params.wsp], sp.est[,"25%"], jt+(5*(nrow(meanzb.wi):1)-1)[params.wsp],
len = 0, col = alpha("firebrick", 0.2))
jt+(5*(nrow(meanzb.wi):1)-1)[params.wsp], #[c(3:5,11:12)], # ADJUSTED for just the ranef here
pch = 16,
col = alpha("firebrick", 0.5)) = rbind(, t(sp.est[,1]))
arrows(meanzb.wi[,"75%"], (5*(nrow(meanzb.wi):1))+1, meanzb.wi[,"25%"], (5*(nrow(meanzb.wi):1))+1,
len = 0, col = "black", lwd = 3)
pch = 16,
cex = 1,
col = "midnightblue")
abline(v = 0, lty = 2)
# Lower panel: leafout
par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar = c(2, 10, 2, 1))
plot(seq(-4, #min(meanz[,'mean']*1.1),
5, #max(meanz[,'mean']*1.1),
length.out = nrow(meanzl.wi)),
seq(1, 5*nrow(meanzl.wi), length.out = nrow(meanzl.wi)),
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
yaxt = "n")
legend(x =-4.5, y = 6, bty="n", legend = "b. Leafout", text.font = 2)
axis(2, at = 5*(nrow(meanzl.wi):1), labels = rownames(meanzl.wi), las = 1, cex.axis = 0.8)
# Plot species levels for each predictor
for(i in 1:length(unique(dx$sp))){
b.params <- iter.m1nl[!, c(paste("b", "[", sp.params, " sp:",
unique(dx$sp)[i], "]", sep=""))))]
main.params <- iter.m1nl[!, sp.params))]
bplusmain <- b.params
for(c in 1:ncol(main.params)){
bplusmain[c] <- b.params[c]+main.params[c]
bplusmain.quant <- sapply(bplusmain, FUN = quantile, probs = c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75))
sp.est <- t(bplusmain.quant)
jt <- jitter(0, factor = 40)
arrows(sp.est[,"75%"], jt+(5*(nrow(meanzl.wi):1)-1)[params.wsp], sp.est[,"25%"], jt+(5*(nrow(meanzl.wi):1)-1)[params.wsp],
len = 0, col = alpha("firebrick", 0.2))
jt+(5*(nrow(meanzl.wi):1)-1)[params.wsp], #[c(3:5,11:12)], # ADJUSTED for just the ranef here
pch = 16,
col = alpha("firebrick", 0.5))
speff.lo = rbind(speff.lo, t(sp.est[,1]))
arrows(meanzl.wi[,"75%"], (5*(nrow(meanzl.wi):1))+1, meanzl.wi[,"25%"], (5*(nrow(meanzl.wi):1))+1,
len = 0, col = "black", lwd = 3)
pch = 16,
cex = 1,
col = "midnightblue")
abline(v = 0, lty = 2);