Please check out the new version of the Stan project’s mc dash stan dot org website which is designed to harmonize with the Stan docs: Stan
This website is designed to make it easy to install and learn Stan. Under the “Learning Resources” tab we’ve added a new page linking to all the talks and videos from all StanCons, as well as a listing of all StanConnect sessions under “Domain-specific Resources”.
Comments, issues, and contributions welcome. Currently this repo is on my github account, but in the future, this will move to the stan-dev repo
Many thanks to Vianey Leos Barajas and Brian Ward for collaboration and feedback.
For getting started add Stan playground and that you can try Stan out in your browser.
I think a super simple Stan program should be front and center with a short explanation of it. The meaning of it should convey, “This is what Stan looks like and it’s not scary!”. Then a link to run it in Stan playground.
I can put my hierarchical models tutorial from Stancon24 on here or we can move it somewhere. Let me know.
There’s a lot of room for improvement on the landing page (see above). These are the concerns and constraints:
How did the visitor land here? There are a lot of use cases, but given that more people haven’t heard of Stan (sad) than have, we need a compelling, short overview which speaks to the visitor’s needs.
For folks who are already using Stan, the top nav bar should answer the most-likely questions.
The landing page should also convey that we’re open-source and friendly.
One thing I just noticed is that (as of this moment) there are 27 clicks on the link but only 9 clicks on the link to your new draft site. I think people may think the first link is going to the site but it’s actually to the existing one and the second link is to your new one.
I think the new draft of the website looks great. Thank you for working on this! I opened one small GitHub issue already and I’ll try to make some time soon to go through the rest of it and see what I notice.
The new site looks great. You could consider to include a Biostats domain specific web-site - Applied Modelling in Drug Development - to be included. Not sure I found it. This site has been open-sourced by Novartis, my employer.