Quarto-based mc-stan.org website - check it out!

Please check out the new version of the Stan project’s mc dash stan dot org website which is designed to harmonize with the Stan docs: Stan

This website is designed to make it easy to install and learn Stan. Under the “Learning Resources” tab we’ve added a new page linking to all the talks and videos from all StanCons, as well as a listing of all StanConnect sessions under “Domain-specific Resources”.

Comments, issues, and contributions welcome. Currently this repo is on my github account, but in the future, this will move to the stan-dev repo stan-dev.github.io.

Many thanks to Vianey Leos Barajas and Brian Ward for collaboration and feedback.


Looks good and I like the refreshed language.

For getting started add Stan playground and that you can try Stan out in your browser.

I think a super simple Stan program should be front and center with a short explanation of it. The meaning of it should convey, “This is what Stan looks like and it’s not scary!”. Then a link to run it in Stan playground.

I can put my hierarchical models tutorial from Stancon24 on here or we can move it somewhere. Let me know.


Excellent suggestion!

A few more things I should have mentioned:

The current home for this repo is: GitHub - mitzimorris/stan-website: Do-over of mc-stan.org using quarto and mc-stan.org/docs theming please submit issues and/or PRs to fix what’s there or build it out further

There’s a lot of room for improvement on the landing page (see above). These are the concerns and constraints:

  • How did the visitor land here? There are a lot of use cases, but given that more people haven’t heard of Stan (sad) than have, we need a compelling, short overview which speaks to the visitor’s needs.
  • For folks who are already using Stan, the top nav bar should answer the most-likely questions.
  • The landing page should also convey that we’re open-source and friendly.
  • Does this look good on your phone?
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One thing I just noticed is that (as of this moment) there are 27 clicks on the mc-stan.org link but only 9 clicks on the link to your new draft site. I think people may think the first link is going to the new mc-stan.org site but it’s actually to the existing one and the second link is to your new one.

I think the new draft of the website looks great. Thank you for working on this! I opened one small GitHub issue already and I’ll try to make some time soon to go through the rest of it and see what I notice.

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thanks. evidently any word suffixed with “.com” or “.org” get linked - e.g. thisisnotaurl.com and wowdiscourseistupid.com.

Oh, you’re right. Looks like it did that in my comment too, which I wasn’t intending.


The new site looks great. You could consider to include a Biostats domain specific web-site - Applied Modelling in Drug Development - to be included. Not sure I found it. This site has been open-sourced by Novartis, my employer.


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I would add blavaan to the High-level modeling interfaces list.

thanks for this! is blavaan just for SEMs? in which case, there’s another category of things to list: currently maintained packages built on Stan.

reopened this issue: curated list of tools and packages like CRAN task view · Issue #6 · mitzimorris/stan-website · GitHub

Although blavaan can run models without latent variables (i.e., regression/path analysis) it was designed mainly for Bayesian SEM.