Having transitioned to cmdstanr, it irks me that Rstudio’s “check syntax on save” option for .stan
files uses rstan
, often yielding false alarms thanks to my Stan code using features from newer versions of cmdstan
than rstan
is using.
Happily there’s a pretty easy workaround whereby you simply run the following (or put it in your .Rprofile
so it is run automatically at every R startup):
#dependencies: cmdstanr, fs, stringr, crayon
cmdstan_pedantic_check = function(path){
stdout = processx::run(
command = fs::path(cmdstanr::cmdstan_path(),cmdstanr:::stanc_cmd())
, args = c(
, '--include-paths', '.'
, '--warn-pedantic'
, '--warn-uninitialized'
, wd = dirname(path)
, error_on_status = F
, stderr_to_stdout = T
cat(crayon::blue('No syntax errors detected! :D\n\n'))
stdout = stringr::str_remove_all(stdout,stringr::fixed('./'))
stdout = stringr::str_replace_all(stdout, 'Info: ', '\nInfo:\n')
utils::assignInNamespace("rstudio_stanc", cmdstan_pedantic_check, ns="rstan", envir=as.environment("package:rstan"))
That should work for most simple model-compilation scenarios, as well as those with includes that are in the same dir as the stan file. I haven’t checked it against more advanced compile scenarios (MPI, etc), but it would surprise me if the syntax-checking purposes of this usage of stanc
needs anything else.