Projpred: Fixing Group Effects in Search Terms and Tips for Speed?

Hi Frank,

Thanks so much for your response! I’ve always been so impressed seeing how active this community is!!! I really appreciate you taking the time to write such a helpful response!

No I wasn’t actually, I have now updated the package, let’s see how that effects things. Sounds like this would be a big help, and exactly what I need.

Yes that’s exactly right. I was looking at this post. The impression I got was that I would need to do something like this:

my_search_terms <- c(
    "(1 | iso_country_code) + (1 | iso_country_code:village)",
    "(1 | iso_country_code) + (1 | iso_country_code:village) + x1",
    "(1 | iso_country_code) + (1 | iso_country_code:village) + x2",
    "(1 | iso_country_code) + (1 | iso_country_code:village) + ...",
    "(1 | iso_country_code) + (1 | iso_country_code:village) + x10"

cv_varsel_res <- cv_varsel(ref_model,
                          method = 'forward', 
                          cv_method = 'kfold', 
                          K = 5,
                          verbose = TRUE, 
                          seed = seed,
                          search_terms = my_search_terms

Is that correct, or have I misunderstood? This seems to line up with the issue you linked to?

Thanks so much for the suggestions, I will have play around with the different options! I will let you know how I get on.

Ah yes, I see the inconsistency! Yes I do call library(projpred) beforehand, I don’t know why I have presented it like this!

Thanks again,


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