Problems running LOO on >1 core

Can you confirm that this would be the correct method then?

> Main_EffectsModel=stan_glm(Accept_Reject~Discount+Floor, 
+                            family = binomial(link = "logit"), 
+                            data=sonadata_clean, 
+                            prior = Priors_MEmodel,
+                            #prior_intercept = normal(), 
+                            #prior_PD = TRUE, 
+                            algorithm = c("sampling"), 
+                            mean_PPD = TRUE,
+                            adapt_delta = 0.95, 
+                            #QR = FALSE, 
+                            #sparse = FALSE,
+                            chains=3,iter=550,cores=3)
> lik=log_lik(Main_EffectsModel)
> loo::loo(lik, save_psis=TRUE,cores=16)

Computed from 825 by 633 log-likelihood matrix

         Estimate   SE
elpd_loo   -231.6 16.3
p_loo         4.0  0.4
looic       463.3 32.6
Monte Carlo SE of elpd_loo is 0.1.

All Pareto k estimates are good (k < 0.5).
See help('pareto-k-diagnostic') for details.
Warning message:
Relative effective sample sizes ('r_eff' argument) not specified.
For models fit with MCMC, the reported PSIS effective sample sizes and 
MCSE estimates will be over-optimistic.

Looks good!

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The other difference is that brms uses loo.matrix by default while rstanarm uses loo.function. brms loo has the pointwise argument to switch to loo.function. When I activate that together with cores > 1, the loo computation does not terminate in reasonable time (few minutes) for a model that takes 2 seconds in pointwise evaluation when cores = 1. So there may be another problem with loo.function and cores on windows more generally. I will try to look into it later in more detail.

I have opened a PR to fix the problem with relative_eff.function on Windows (

On a somewhat related note, is this the only way to get my model itself to run in parallel on Windows?

@Longshot408 No I think parallelization when running a model should work fine. The only recent issue with parallelization I know of is

Are you getting that or other errors? If so can you open a separate topic and we’ll try to sort it out there?

Thanks, that would be helpful!

Nope, no errors, just disapointing benchmarks. After switching from an i5-6500 to a Ryzen 7 3700X I wanted to see how much more efficient my model run times were going to be; turns out the only benefit was the increased clockspeed of the newer CPU. Benchmarks stopped improving after setting “cores=3”.

After doing some more digging, is this because the cores setting is limited by how many chains you run??

Yeah that’s right. But you can leverage the extra cores by using certain features of the Stan language that allow for within-chain parallelization. Here’s a good tutorial from @bbbales2 on using one of those functions:

Unfortunately, we haven’t yet updated the models in rstanarm to use those functions.

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I think the error with multiple cores on windows is now fixed on GitHub. So it’s possible to either use the workaround I mentioned above

or to install the development version of the loo package from GitHub, in which case the workaround shouldn’t be necessary anymore:
