Error with multiple cores for leave-one-group-out kfold

Using packages rstanarm and loo to run a logistic regression with four different intercepts and univariate slope hierarchical by individual, then using k-fold leave-one-group-out for model selection (kfold_split_grouped, then kfold). I get the same error when running the kfold command regardless of the model complexity.
Error message:
Fitting K = 60 models distributed over 3 cores
Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) :
3 nodes produced errors; first error: object ‘n_chains’ not found
I think it has to do with the number of cores in the kfold command (The above error occurred with 3 cores). If I run it with one core, it works but impossibly slowly. More than one core, and there is a problem.

I updated R and all packages yesterday.

Below is some sample R code with simulated data that should reproduce the error. The problem occurs at line 83.

Test of hierarchical analysis using rstanarm.



Simulate data.

Logistic linear regression with four different intercepts by group and

slope different for each individual, but overall slope

distributed normally with defined mean and variance.

N_indiv ← 60 # Number of individuals.
N_data ← 20 # Number of datapoints per individual.
Interc4 ← c(0,-0.5,0.5,-0.25) # One of four intercepts, depending on group.
Slope_mean ← 0.05 # Known, defined hyperprior mean of slope.
Slope_std ← 0.1 # Known, defined hyperprior of standard deviation of slope.

Tst_Bayes ← vector(length = 0)
slope_samp ← rnorm(n = N_indiv, mean = Slope_mean, sd = Slope_std) # Each individual has it’s own slope.
Period_samp ← sample(1:4, replace = TRUE, size = N_indiv) # Define group for determining intercept.
for(i in 1:N_indiv){

Sample slope for each individual.

slope_s_i ← slope_samp[i]
Interc_p ← Interc4[Period_samp[i]]

Sample predictor variable. For simplicity, random draw of x from uniform distribution.

x_samp ← runif(n = N_data, min = 0, max = 20)
logit_y_samp ← Interc_p + (slope_s_i*x_samp)
y_samp ← exp(logit_y_samp)/(1.0+exp(logit_y_samp))
YN_samp ← runif(n = N_data)
GoNoGo ← vector(length = N_data)
GoNoGo[YN_samp <= y_samp] ← 1
GoNoGo[YN_samp > y_samp] ← 0
Tst_Bayes ← rbind(Tst_Bayes, cbind(rep(i, times = N_data),rep(Period_samp[i], times = N_data),x_samp, y_samp, YN_samp, GoNoGo))

Tst_Bayes2 ← data.frame(
ID = Tst_Bayes[,1],
Period = as.factor(Tst_Bayes[,2]),
x_samp = Tst_Bayes[,3],
GoNoGo = Tst_Bayes[,6])



n_chains ← 3
n_thin ← 10
n_finalsampout ← 2000 # This is per chain!
n_warmup ← n_finalsampout/2
n_iter ← n_warmup + (n_finalsampout*n_thin)
seed_samp ← sample(x = 1:99999, size = 7)

tstA ← stan_glm (GoNoGo ~ 1 , data = Tst_Bayes2, family = binomial(link = “logit”), chains = n_chains, iter = n_iter, warmup = n_warmup, thin = n_thin, cores = n_chains, seed = seed_samp[04])

Can run these if you want: tstB ← stan_glm (GoNoGo ~ Period , data = Tst_Bayes2, family = binomial(link = “logit”), chains = n_chains, iter = n_iter, warmup = n_warmup, thin = n_thin, cores = n_chains, seed = seed_samp[07])

Can run these if you want: tstC ← stan_glmer(GoNoGo ~ Period + (0 + x_samp|ID) , data = Tst_Bayes2, family = binomial(link = “logit”), chains = n_chains, iter = n_iter, warmup = n_warmup, thin = n_thin, cores = n_chains, seed = seed_samp[06])

Can run these if you want: tstD ← stan_glmer(GoNoGo ~ Period + (0 + x_samp|ID) + x_samp, data = Tst_Bayes2, family = binomial(link = “logit”), chains = n_chains, iter = n_iter, warmup = n_warmup, thin = n_thin, cores = n_chains, seed = seed_samp[05])


Leave one out.

loo_tstA ← loo(tstA, cores = 2)
loo_tstB ← loo(tstB, cores = 2)
loo_tstC ← loo(tstC, cores = 2)
loo_tstD ← loo(tstD, cores = 2)


elpd_diff se_diff

tstD 0.0 0.0

tstC -1.0 1.4

tstB -97.5 13.3

tstA -116.3 14.4


Leave one group out.

K_grp ← kfold_split_grouped(K = max(Tst_Bayes2$ID), x = Tst_Bayes2$ID)

logo_tstA ← kfold(tstA, K=max(Tst_Bayes2$ID), folds = K_grp, cores = 3) # Error message here.
logo_tstB ← kfold(tstB, K=max(Tst_Bayes2$ID), folds = K_grp, cores = 3) # Error message here.
logo_tstC ← kfold(tstC, K=max(Tst_Bayes2$ID), folds = K_grp, cores = 3) # Error message here.
logo_tstD ← kfold(tstD, K=max(Tst_Bayes2$ID), folds = K_grp, cores = 3) # Error message here.


elpd compare



model stacking

lpd_point ← cbind(logo_tstA$pointwise[,“elpd_kfold”],

Ping @jonah