I’m attempting to convert a model that uses rectangular data into one that can deal with ragged arrays.
Step 1 is to rewrite it using non-ragged data entered in the new format and just replicate the results, based on the standard trick for looping through an arrays indexed by individual - but Stan is telling me that my code is wrong, I suspect, (Error evaluating the log probability at the initial value.) and I’ve failed at seeing where the difference is.
I am inputting the same data, except that I’m not transforming it into a matrix in the ragged case - but I can’t figure out how to look at any diagnostics, and stan won’t display anything I print() in the parameters and model blocks because it terminates before sampling. :(
I tried replicating with a simpler model, but in that case it works, so I’m unsure what is different. Am I being silly, and missing something obvious, or should these two models not return the same result given the same data?
Non-ragged: (works)
functions {
vector dist_calc(vector speed, vector angle, vector start_height, real g){
vector[size(to_array_1d(speed))] v_h;
v_h = speed .* sin(angle*pi()/180);
return speed .* cos((angle)*pi()/180) .* ((v_h + sqrt(v_h .* v_h + 2*g*start_height)) / (g));
vector angle_calc(vector speed, vector time, vector start_height, real g){
// (180/pi)* asin( ((1/2) * g * measured_time^2 - height_p[Thrower_i])/(measured_speed * measured_time))
return asin(((g/2*(time .* time)-start_height)) ./ (speed .* time))*(180/pi());
data {
//Data Element Parameters;
int<lower=1> N_i; //Number of input cases per person
int<lower=1> N_p; //Number of throwers
int<lower=1> Thrower_i[N_i*N_p]; //Which thrower threw case i
vector<lower=0,upper=90>[N_i] throw_angle_intent[N_p]; //Angle Intended for case i - but varies based on the error in each throw
vector<lower=0>[N_i] measured_speed[N_p]; //Speed Measured for case i in M/s
vector<lower=0>[N_i] measured_time[N_p]; //Time Measured for case i from throw until landing
vector<lower=0>[N_i] measured_distance[N_p]; //Distance Measured for case i in meters
vector<lower=0>[N_p] height_p; // Person P's height.
// Model Parameter elements:
real<lower=0> g; // Gravity - 9.8 m/s on earth.
transformed data {
parameters {
vector[N_i] Angle_Variance[N_p];
real<lower=0> angle_tau;
vector[N_p] personal_angle_bias;
real<lower=0> dist_calc_tau;
} //End Parameters
transformed parameters {
model {
angle_tau ~ gamma(4,1);
dist_calc_tau ~ gamma(10,1);
for (p in 1:N_p){
vector[N_i] Calc_Angle;
Calc_Angle = angle_calc(measured_speed[p], measured_time[p], to_vector(rep_array(height_p[p],N_i)),g); //This is determined by kinematics.
Angle_Variance[p] ~ normal(0,5);
throw_angle_intent[p] ~ normal(Angle_Variance[p] + Calc_Angle,0.001);
personal_angle_bias[p] ~ normal(mean(Angle_Variance[p]),0.001);
measured_distance[p] ~ normal(dist_calc(measured_speed[p], Calc_Angle, to_vector(rep_array(height_p[p],N_i)),g), dist_calc_tau);
Ragged version: (fails)
functions {
vector dist_calc(vector speed, vector angle, vector start_height, real g){
vector[size(to_array_1d(speed))] v_h;
v_h = speed .* sin(angle*pi()/180);
return speed .* cos((angle)*pi()/180) .* ((v_h + sqrt(v_h .* v_h + 2*g*start_height)) / (g));
vector angle_calc(vector speed, vector time, vector start_height, real g){
// (180/pi)* asin( ((1/2) * g * measured_time^2 - height_p[Thrower_i])/(measured_speed * measured_time))
return asin(((g/2*(time .* time)-start_height)) ./ (speed .* time))*(180/pi());
data {
//Data Element Parameters;
int<lower=1> N_i_t; //Number of total throws
int<lower=1> N_p; //Number of throwers
int<lower=1> Thrower_i[N_i_t]; //Which thrower threw case i
vector<lower=0,upper=90>[N_i_t] throw_angle_intent; //Angle Intended for case i - but varies based on the error in each throw
vector<lower=0>[N_i_t] measured_speed; //Speed Measured for case i in M/s
vector<lower=0>[N_i_t] measured_time; //Time Measured for case i from throw until landing
vector<lower=0>[N_i_t] measured_distance; //Distance Measured for case i in meters
vector<lower=0>[N_p] height_p; // Person P's height.
// Model Parameter elements:
real<lower=0> g; // Gravity - 9.8 m/s on earth.
transformed data {
int throws[N_p];
throws = rep_array(0, N_p);
for (i in 1:N_i_t){
throws[Thrower_i[i]] = throws[Thrower_i[i]]+1; //How many throws each player had.
parameters {
vector[N_i_t] Angle_Variance;
real<lower=0> angle_tau;
vector[N_p] personal_angle_bias;
real<lower=0> dist_calc_tau;
} //End Parameters
transformed parameters {
model {
angle_tau ~ gamma(4,1);
dist_calc_tau ~ gamma(10,1);
int position;
position = 1;
for (p in 1:N_p){
vector[throws[p]] measured_speed_p;
vector[throws[p]] measured_time_p;
vector[throws[p]] measured_distance_p;
vector[throws[p]] Angle_Variance_p;
vector[throws[p]] throw_angle_intent_p;
vector[throws[p]] Calc_Angle;
measured_speed_p = to_vector(segment(measured_speed,position, throws[p]));
measured_time_p = to_vector(segment(measured_time,position, throws[p]));
measured_distance_p = to_vector(segment(measured_distance,position, throws[p]));
Angle_Variance_p = to_vector(segment(Angle_Variance,position, throws[p]));
throw_angle_intent_p = to_vector(segment(throw_angle_intent_p,position, throws[p]));
Calc_Angle = angle_calc(measured_speed_p, measured_time_p, to_vector(rep_array(height_p[p],throws[p])),g); //This is determined by kinematics.
Angle_Variance_p ~ normal(0,angle_tau);
throw_angle_intent_p ~ normal(Angle_Variance_p + Calc_Angle,0.001);
personal_angle_bias[p] ~ normal(mean(Angle_Variance_p),0.001);
measured_distance[p] ~ normal(dist_calc(measured_speed_p, Calc_Angle, to_vector(rep_array(height_p[p],throws[p])),g), dist_calc_tau);
position = position + throws[p]; //Move the offset to be correct for the next player.