I am trying to add the option of specifying the cmdstanr_write_stan_file_dir
option in my code and am running into problems. I am on linux, which might be relevant for path handling?
What I currently do is to just set options(cmdstanr_write_stan_file_dir = some_path)
and fit brms models as usual.
However, I get a file '~/Documents/[...]' not found or cannot be opened
error from stanc. After some digging it seems that stanc does not like paths that start with ~/...
. At least when trying around in my terminal I got the same error for when using ~/...
while /home/user/...
did not throw the problem.
Now I thought I had the error figured and all I had to do was putting the right path format in the option. But it seems that brms is using a ~/...
path regardless.
If anyone here sees an obvious mistake on my end before I step through the entire brm
call that’d help a lot :)