Problem building the case study in

Short summary of the problem:
An error occurs when trying to build HTML or PDF examples, either with make or manually with Quarto.

  1. List item

bob@dana:~/stan-getting-started$ make

quarto render quarto/stan-getting-started.qmd --to html --no-execute-daemon

Starting python3 kernel...Done

Executing 'stan-getting-started.quarto_ipynb'
  Cell 1/52: ''...Done
  Cell 2/52: ''...

An error occurred while executing the following cell:
N = 100
theta = 0.3
data = {'N': N, 'theta': theta}
model = csp.CmdStanModel(stan_file = '../stan/binomial-rng.stan')
sample = model.sample(data = data, seed = 123, chains = 1,
                      iter_sampling = 10, iter_warmup = 0,
                      show_progress = False, show_console = False)

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[2], line 5
      3 data = {'N': N, 'theta': theta}
      4 model = csp.CmdStanModel(stan_file = '../stan/binomial-rng.stan')
----> 5 sample = model.sample(data = data, seed = 123, chains = 1,
      6                       iter_sampling = 10, iter_warmup = 0,
      7                       show_progress = False, show_console = False)

File ~/.local/lib/python3.13/site-packages/cmdstanpy/, in CmdStanModel.sample(self, data, chains, parallel_chains, threads_per_chain, seed, chain_ids, inits, iter_warmup, iter_sampling, save_warmup, thin, max_treedepth, metric, step_size, adapt_engaged, adapt_delta, adapt_init_phase, adapt_metric_window, adapt_step_size, fixed_param, output_dir, sig_figs, save_latent_dynamics, save_profile, show_progress, show_console, refresh, time_fmt, timeout, force_one_process_per_chain)
   1036 else:
   1037     cmdstan_inits = _inits
-> 1039 args = CmdStanArgs(
   1040     self._name,
   1041     self._exe_file,
   1042     chain_ids=chain_ids,
   1043     data=_data,
   1044     seed=seed,
   1045     inits=cmdstan_inits,
   1046     output_dir=output_dir,
   1047     sig_figs=sig_figs,
   1048     save_latent_dynamics=save_latent_dynamics,
   1049     save_profile=save_profile,
   1050     method_args=sampler_args,
   1051     refresh=refresh,
   1052 )
   1054 if show_console:
   1055     show_progress = False

File ~/.local/lib/python3.13/site-packages/cmdstanpy/, in CmdStanArgs.__init__(self, model_name, model_exe, chain_ids, method_args, data, seed, inits, output_dir, sig_figs, save_latent_dynamics, save_profile, refresh)
    793 else:
    794     raise ValueError(
    795         'Unsupported method args type: {}'.format(type(method_args))
    796     )
--> 797 self.method_args.validate(len(chain_ids) if chain_ids else None)
    798 self.validate()

File ~/.local/lib/python3.13/site-packages/cmdstanpy/, in SamplerArgs.validate(self, chains)
    138         raise ValueError(
    139             'Value for iter_warmup must be a non-negative integer,'
    140             ' found {}.'.format(self.iter_warmup)
    141         )
    142     if self.iter_warmup == 0 and self.adapt_engaged:
--> 143         raise ValueError(
    144             'Must specify iter_warmup > 0 when adapt_engaged=True.'
    145         )
    146 if self.iter_sampling is not None:
    147     if self.iter_sampling < 0 or not isinstance(
    148         self.iter_sampling, (int, np.integer)
    149     ):

ValueError: Must specify iter_warmup > 0 when adapt_engaged=True.

make: *** [makefile:2: quarto/stan-getting-started.html] Error 1

If possible, add also code to simulate data or attach a (subset of) the dataset you work with.

Please provide this additional information in addition to your question:

  • Operating System: Fedora 41
  • CmdStan Version: cmdstan-2.35.0
  • Compiler/Toolkit: gcc 14.2.1

Looking forward to your topic!

what version of CmdStanPy are you using?

I think this might be related to this bug: `iter_warmpup=0` and `fixed_param=True` will always fail for stan 2.34.1 · Issue #766 · stan-dev/cmdstanpy · GitHub

if you have the patience to play around with latest versions, could you please try the latest CmdStanPy and the latest 2.36 release candidate (new one coming this week).

Thanks—is there a way I can just update the case study and make this more robust?