Hi all,
I recently posted for help to build a survival model using a mixture prior. I was able to run this model without issue, code below:
data {
int<lower=0> K; // num covariates
int<lower=0> N; // num uncensored obs
vector[N] t; // event time (non-strict decreasing)
matrix[N, K] x; // covariates for uncensored obs
int N_c; // num censored obs
vector[N_c] t_c; // censoring time
matrix[N_c, K] x_c; // covariates for censored obs
parameters {
vector[K] beta; // slopes (no intercept)
model {
// mixture of 0.4*N(0,4) + 0.6*N(0,0.24)
for (k in 1:K) {
target += log_mix(0.4, normal_lpdf(beta[k] | 0, 4),
normal_lpdf(beta[k] | 0, 0.24));
vector[N] log_theta = x * beta;
vector[N_c] log_theta_c = x_c * beta;
real log_denom = log_sum_exp(log_theta_c);
for (n in 1:N) {
log_denom = log_sum_exp(log_denom, log_theta[n]);
target += log_theta[n] - log_denom; // log likelihood
I was also hoping to generate draws from this mixture for prior predictive checks (and to make sure the distribution is behaving as expected).
A minimal working example in R (using dnorm
rather than rnorm
) looks like this:
# the x axis of the plot
x <- seq(from = -15, to = 15, length.out = 2000)
# the y axes of the plot
## Y ~ N(0, 4)
y_n04 <- dnorm(x, 0, 4)
## Y ~ N(0, 0.24)
y_n0024 <- dnorm(x, 0, 0.24)
## Y ~ 0.4*N(0, 4) + 0.6*N(0, 0.24)
y_mix <- y_n04*0.4 + y_n0024*0.6
# plot the distributions
plot(x, y_n04, type = "l", ylim = c(0, 2))
lines(x, y_n0024)
lines(x, y_mix)
I was unable to replicate this type of generated prior check within the generated quantities{}
block in Stan. I tried several different combinations of normal_rng()
, normal_lpdf()
, and log_mix()
without success (either getting errors or PRNG values that did not replicate the expected mixture distribution.
Any direction would be appreciated and thanks again, all, for your time and patience!