Hi there,
I’m working on a mixed model for risky decision-making and came across this life-saving (blog)[Towards A Principled Bayesian Workflow] by @betanalpha. I decided to implement the steps, and the result of step 10 (algorithm calibration) and step 11 (inferential calibration) using simulated data from the prior distribution seems very problematic. I couldn’t quite figure out where’s the problem, any help / insight would be greatly appreciated!
In each trial the subject is asked to choose between a lottery with known probability + payout magnitude and a guaranteed sure-bet. The model takes the probability of lottery P_L, the payout magnitude of lottery V_L, the magnitude of surebet V_{SB} from each trial, and estimates the subject risk preference \rho, internal noise \sigma_v and the mixing proportion of 3 agents: rational, pure lottery, pure sure-bet (\omega_1, \omega_3, \omega_3). Trial-history effects are also considered (\omega_{win}, \omega_{lose}).
\mu_{L} = P_L V_L^{\rho} \\
\mu_{SB} = V_{SB}^{\rho}\\
\hat{V}_L = \mathrm{normal}(\mu_L,\sigma_v ^ {\rho})\\
\hat{V}_{SB} = \mathrm{normal}(\mu_{SB},\sigma_v ^ {\rho})\\
P_{rational} = P(\hat V _L > \hat V _{SB}) \\
\vec{P}_{rational, lottery, surebet} = [P_{rational}, 1, 0] \\
P(\mathrm{Choose\ L}) =
\text{if win}, \vec{\omega}_{win} \cdot \vec{P} \\
\text{if lose}, \vec{\omega}_{lose} \cdot \vec{P} \\
\text{if surebet}, \vec{\omega} \cdot \vec{P} \\
Here is the actual posterior model:
functions {
real choiceprob(real rho, real sigma_v, real lottery_mag, real lottery_prob, real sb_mag, real rew_multi) {
real y;
real u1; // Lottery utility
real u2; // Surebet utility
u1 = lottery_prob * (rew_multi * lottery_mag) ^ rho;
u2 = (rew_multi * sb_mag) ^ rho;
y = 1 - normal_cdf(0, u1 - u2, sqrt(2) * sigma_v ^ rho);
return y;
data {
int<lower=0> T; // Number of trials we have
vector[T] lottery_mag; // Lottery value for that choice
vector[T] lottery_prob; // Lottery probabilities for that choice
vector[T] sb_mag; // Surebet values for that choice
vector[T] total_rew_multi; // total reward multiplier = base_reward * rew_multi
vector[T] prev_outcome; // -1 = lose, 1 = win, 0 = surebet
int n_chose_lott[T]; // number chose lottery for this trial type
int n_trials[T]; // total number of trials for this trial type
parameters {
real rho_raw; // risk preference
real sigmav_raw; // internal noise
vector[3] omega_raw; // baseline fractions of being rational, lottery and surebet agent
vector[3] post_win_raw; // changes to omega baseline after a win
vector[3] post_lose_raw; // changes to omega baseline after a lose
transformed parameters{
real<lower=0> rho;
real<lower=0> sigmav;
vector[3] omega;
vector[3] omega_win;
vector[3] omega_lose;
rho = exp(rho_raw);
sigmav = exp(sigmav_raw);
omega = softmax(omega_raw);
omega_win = softmax(omega_raw + post_win_raw*0.1);
omega_lose = softmax(omega_raw + post_lose_raw*0.1);
model {
vector[3] agent; // initialize an agent vector
real p_rational;
real p_chose_lott;
rho_raw ~ normal(log(0.8), 0.15);
sigmav_raw ~ normal(log(3), 0.5);
omega_raw[1] ~ normal(1, 1);
omega_raw[2] ~ normal(0, 1);
omega_raw[3] ~ normal(0, 1);
post_win_raw ~ std_normal();
post_lose_raw ~ std_normal();
for(t in 1:T){
p_rational = choiceprob(rho, sigmav, lottery_mag[t], lottery_prob[t], sb_mag[t], total_rew_multi[t]);
agent[1] = p_rational; // rational agent
agent[2] = 1; // lottery agent
agent[3] = 0; // surebet agent
if (prev_outcome[t] == 1){ // lottery win
p_chose_lott = dot_product(agent, omega_win);
} else if (prev_outcome[t] == -1){ // lottery lose
p_chose_lott = dot_product(agent, omega_lose);
} else if (prev_outcome[t] == 0){ // surebet
p_chose_lott = dot_product(agent, omega);
n_chose_lott[t] ~ binomial(n_trials[t], p_chose_lott);
Here is the Stan script used for ensemble simulation from the priors:
functions {
real choiceprob(real rho, real sigma_v, real lottery_mag, real lottery_prob, real sb_mag, real rew_multi) {
real y;
real u1; // Lottery utility
real u2; // Surebet utility
u1 = lottery_prob * (rew_multi * lottery_mag) ^ rho;
u2 = (rew_multi * sb_mag) ^ rho;
y = 1 - normal_cdf(0, u1 - u2, sqrt(2) * sigma_v ^ rho);
return y;
data {
int<lower=0> T; // Number of trials we have
vector[T] lottery_mag; // Lottery value for that choice
vector[T] lottery_prob; // Lottery probabilities for that choice
vector[T] sb_mag; // Surebet values for that choice
vector[T] total_rew_multi; // total reward multiplier = base_reward * rew_multi
vector[T] prev_outcome; // -1 = lose, 1 = win, 0 = surebet
int n_trials[T]; // total number of trials for this trial type
generated quantities {
// Simulate model configuration from prior model
// declare outcome
vector[T] n_chose_lott;
// declare parameters
real<lower=0> rho;
real<lower=0> sigmav;
vector[3] omega_raw;
vector[3] post_win_raw;
vector[3] post_lose_raw;
// declare transform parameters
vector[3] omega;
vector[3] omega_win;
vector[3] omega_lose;
// declare temporary variables
vector[3] agent; // initialize an agent vector
real p_rational;
real p_chose_lott;
// simulate hyperpriors
rho = exp(normal_rng(log(0.8), 0.15));
sigmav = exp(normal_rng(log(3), 0.5));
omega_raw[1] = normal_rng(1, 1);
omega_raw[2] = normal_rng(0, 1);
omega_raw[3] = normal_rng(0, 1);
for (i in 1:3){
post_win_raw[i] = normal_rng(0, 1);
post_lose_raw[i] = normal_rng(0, 1);
// transform simulated omega hyperpriors
omega = softmax(omega_raw);
omega_win = softmax(omega_raw + post_win_raw*0.1);
omega_lose = softmax(omega_raw + post_lose_raw*0.1);
// Simulate data from observational model
for(t in 1:T){
p_rational = choiceprob(rho, sigmav, lottery_mag[t], lottery_prob[t], sb_mag[t], total_rew_multi[t]);
agent[1] = p_rational; // rational agent
agent[2] = 1; // lottery agent
agent[3] = 0; // surebet agent
if (prev_outcome[t] == 1){ // lottery win
p_chose_lott = dot_product(agent, omega_win);
} else if (prev_outcome[t] == -1){ // lottery lose
p_chose_lott = dot_product(agent, omega_lose);
} else if (prev_outcome[t] == 0){ // surebet
p_chose_lott = dot_product(agent, omega);
n_chose_lott[t] = binomial_rng(n_trials[t], p_chose_lott);
Here’s the diagnostic plots from the Principled Bayesian Workflow, I only fitted the posterior model 100 times but the overall problem is clear: The prior ranks show that the sampling is underdispersed, and the posterior sensitivity plot shows that posterior z-score is really bad. I tried changing priors wider and narrower, it didn’t seem to help much. @betanalpha If you have any thoughts on how to improve the model (eventually we want to fit a HBM, but now even the simple one is problematic…)… any idea would be great! Many thanks!