Does anybody have any advice on generating predictions from a BRMS model with a Wiener distribution? When I try, the process seems very slow. It could be that my own intuition is very wrong, and everything is fine, but I thought it would be good to double check I’m not doing something dumb!
At the moment I am using the tidybayes package.
The dataset I use to fit the model has 22k rows (data from a psychology experiment)
I am aggregating over repetitions before running the predictions, which reduces the amount of data to 2.3k rows.
If I run the below (with n = 1), the code takes around 6 seconds to run, and the predicted values look quite nice when compared to the empirical median reaction time.
start_time <- Sys.time()
d %>% group_by(id, bk, co, st) %>%
summarise(median_rt = median(rt),
mean_resp = mean(resp),
.groups = "drop") %>%
re_formula = NULL,
n = 1,
negative_rt = TRUE,
prediction = "prt") %>%
select(-.chain, -.iteration, -.draw) -> p
print(Sys.time() - start_time)
Although, if I then rm(p)
and rerun the code, it takes much longer. On the last try, I hit the stop button after waiting for 2 minutes! Restarting R and running again leads to 11 seconds to run the code.
Ideally, I think I want to run the above with higher n.
My PC has 16GB RAM and is running Windows.
If it helps, the model formula is:
formula <- bf(rt | dec(resp) ~ 0 + bk:co:st + (0 + bk:co:st|p|id),
bs ~ 0 + bk:co + (0 + bk:co|p|id),
bias ~ 0 + bk:co + (0 + bk:co|p|id),
ndt ~ 1 + (1|p|id))
Thank you for your help