Hi community,
I have created a hierarchical / multi-level model using cmdstanpy and Stan, but I am seeing some behaviours in my posterior chains which don’t seem quite right. In the attached plot, the E_\sigma and V$_\sigma$ learned parameters seem to remain close to my priors, and not moving towards their expected values. Even when I increase the inputted data, these posteriors still seem not to move closer to their expected values. Furthermore, I also expect structure 6 (shown in black in the plots) to take some ‘statistical strength’ from the population, and so the \mu_s I think should have some posterior density at the global expected value (E_\mu).
I sometimes get errors, depending on the random seed, or number of generated inputted data points. Errors tend to include low BFMI values, or random variable is 0 or inf but must be positive finite (for the Esig model parameter). I have set this parameter to be gamma distributed so it seems very unlikely to be zero.
Any tips on ideas to try would be greatly appreciated, I have tried a lot of tweaks with priors but don’t seem to have improved the situation much to great frustration. I appreciate the problem is somewhat complicated so any questions let me know.
I am in essence using the natural frequency values (wn) in the input data, alongside a polynomial model to infer distributions about soil spring stiffness (s) at local and global levels.
It is also worth noting there is some posterior correlation between the \gamma and E_\sigma parameters. Increases to either of these parameters both have similar effects on the natural frequency - which may result in some identifiability issues? I tried to define some tighter priors to try and resolve this, but this hasn’t worked too well so far.
data {
int<lower=0> N; // number of data
vector[N] wn; // variates
array[N] int I; // index
int<lower=0> K; // number of domains
vector[6] c; // coefficients
// priors
vector[2] gamma0;
vector[2] Emu0;
vector<lower=0>[2] Esig0;
vector[2] Vmu0;
vector<lower=0>[2] Vsig0;
parameters {
real<lower=0> gamma; //noise
vector[N] dsk;
real<lower=0> Emu;
real<lower=0> Esig;
real<lower=0> Vmu;
real<lower=0> Vsig;
vector[K] Es;
vector<lower=0>[K] Vs;
transformed parameters {
vector[N] s;
for (n in 1:N) {
s[n] = Vs[I[n]]*dsk[n] + Es[I[n]];
model {
Emu ~ normal(Emu0[1],Emu0[2]);
Vmu ~ cauchy(Vmu0[1],Vmu0[2]);
Esig ~ gamma(Esig0[1],Esig0[2]); // this param is causing some errors e.g. 0 or inf but must be + finite
Vsig ~ gamma(Vsig0[1],Vsig0[2]); // one or two similar errors with this param too.
gamma ~ cauchy(gamma0[1],gamma0[2]);
for (k in 1:K) {
Es[k] ~ normal(Emu,Vmu);
Vs[k] ~ normal(Esig,Vsig);
vector[N] mu;
for (n in 1:N) {
dsk[n] ~ std_normal();
mu[n] = c[1]*pow(s[n],5) + c[2]*pow(s[n],4) + c[3]*pow(s[n],3) + c[4]*pow(s[n],2) + c[5]*pow(s[n],1) + c[6];
wn ~ normal(mu, gamma); // likelihood