Plotting posterior predictions for a beta_binomial model

Hi, could someone please help me plot this graph for a beta_binomial model with dpar = mu, phi?
I have the dataframe ready, just not sure how to specify xdist, as I cannot find beta_binomial in the package ‘distributional’.

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You can use distributional::dist_wrap() to specify custom distributions. You need the d / p / q / r prefixed functions that define the beta-binomial distribution.

If you don’t want to write these functions, you can usually find them for most distributions in a package somewhere. For example, {TailRank} defines dbb, pbb, qbb, and rbb.
To use dist_wrap(), we specify the suffix of these four functions (“bb”) and the package name (“TailRank”). Note that {TailRank} needs to be installed via BioConductor.

TailRank uses the more typical alpha / beta parameterization of the Beta distribution (it calls them u and v) instead of mu / phi, so we also have to translate mu / phi into u and v:


dist_beta_binomial = function(size, mu, phi) {
    N = size, u = mu * phi, v = (1 - mu) * phi,
    package = asNamespace("TailRank")

You could also manually define the d / p / q / r functions with a common suffix and then use that with dist_wrap() (then the package argument is not needed).

I’ll make a fake dataset with size, mu, and phi so we can demo the distribution type:

df = data.frame(
  size = 30,
  mu = rbeta(100, 90, 110),
  phi = rgamma(100,300,10)

Then plot:


df |>
  ggplot() + 
    aes(xdist = dist_beta_binomial(size, mu, phi)),
    fill = NA, color = "gray65", alpha = 0.1
  ) +



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