I want to plot the random effects of a model with varying intercepts and slopes. This post was very helpful in terms of the appropriate tidybayes syntax. However, adding varying slopes to the model results in unexpected behaviour from gather_draws; specifying r_id[id,Intercept]
or r_id[id,time]
makes no difference and the resulting plot does not correspond to the random effects for either the intercept or the slope.
I am using @JohsEnevoldsen’s reprex with the only modification the addition of random slopes for time:
d <-
id = factor(1:10),
time = 1:4
) %>%
z = rep(rnorm(10, sd = 0.5), each = 4),
Y = 1.5 + 0.5 * time + z + rnorm(40, sd = 0.2),
M1 <- brm(Y ~ 1 + time + (1 + time| id),
data = d, family = gaussian(),
iter = 1000,
backend = "cmdstanr")
, , Intercept
Estimate Est.Error Q2.5 Q97.5
1 -0.12182594 0.2141703 -0.54930118 0.29942240
2 0.06140011 0.1663396 -0.28008318 0.38041707
3 -0.33533598 0.1801811 -0.72191107 -0.01113552
4 0.44677237 0.1893477 0.07975836 0.86135812
5 -0.11140675 0.1807069 -0.47692082 0.23308177
6 -0.29537786 0.1831022 -0.67463705 0.04450496
7 -0.08908667 0.1802029 -0.46727428 0.23957137
8 0.37610969 0.1886941 0.02324225 0.77461247
9 0.25854348 0.1904829 -0.10047515 0.65007647
10 -0.17810860 0.1772599 -0.54263985 0.15150215
, , time
Estimate Est.Error Q2.5 Q97.5
1 -0.127122340 0.07349263 -0.28767610 0.002235723
2 0.016880230 0.05182165 -0.08242850 0.124009700
3 0.002815841 0.05538314 -0.10253180 0.119227900
4 0.068828232 0.06146326 -0.04963366 0.194749350
5 0.043993295 0.05598179 -0.05237502 0.161750675
6 -0.042610859 0.05758365 -0.15697500 0.065933037
7 0.055915037 0.05640605 -0.03752997 0.176907225
8 -0.016174280 0.05552775 -0.13380868 0.085501485
9 -0.030336484 0.05775368 -0.16932777 0.071325792
10 0.016324616 0.05190020 -0.08350246 0.124140150
plot_posterior_draws <- function(M) {
rand.int <- gather_draws(M, r_id[id,Intercept]) %>%
mutate(id = factor(id)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = .value, y=id)) +
stat_halfeye() +
labs(title="Random Intercepts")
rand.slo <- gather_draws(M, r_id[id,time]) %>%
mutate(id = factor(id)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = .value, y=id)) +
stat_halfeye() +
labs(title="Random Slopes")
rand.int / rand.slo
@mjskay am I doing this wrong?