This appears it may be a bug. I have the following declarations
data {
int N;
int T;
int D;
int S;
row_vector[D+1] z[N, T];
row_vector[D] X[N, T];
int y[N, 2, T]; // outcome
int transD;
int dphi;
vector[dphi] mu_phi;
matrix[dphi,dphi] Omega_phi;
When I run the code, it complains that I declared z to have the wrong dimension
initialization; variable name=z; position=0; dims declared=(34,80,6); dims found=(100,80,6)
N is definitely 100. If I re-pkl the .stan file, sometime it will complain the declaration is (33,80,6)
finally, I forced the declaration to be
AFAIK, the pickling / unpickling process doesn’t run the stanc compiler a second time.
stanc is a compiler and it translates the .stan file to C++. Once the compiler is compiled, it will always create the same C++ file given the same .stan input. There really isn’t a chance for it to interpret differently based on multiple runs. (Unless there’s something really funky going on in Python, which is possible, but I think if you’re talking about behavior just when pickling / unpickling, then stanc isn’t the culprit.)
sorry I believe I made a confusing presentation. What I am saying is I repickled the stan file and ended up with a different result, meaning there is something random about this. However, the entire process is that the pkl file is passed to the client code and model.sampling called on it. downstream there will actually be a cython compilation process which takes the pkl as the input. this is as far I understand the process. nevertheless, it seems obvious that the compilation process mis-read N dimension in the the z[N, T] decalration.
Sorry, I still don’t know what you’re trying to do / have done. Can you put down the full Stan program and a reproducible example in the form of a script or even just Python code?
I didn’t see an Nz in the original code, so it’s really hard to tell how this is relevant. (I’m not saying that it isn’t; I’m just saying that there isn’t enough information to help.)
after playing with code, I can tell the offending code is where I used [D + 1] as the declaring dimension. The compiler (or the process of instantiating StanModel, pickle, then cython compile) gets confused about the both N and D + 1 dimensions for that variable.
feel free to test that out with any code you might have. Just declare a dimension with [something + 1].
Hey guys, I apologize for creating this confusing issue, and thanks for following the thread painstakingly. I realize now that this bug only occurs in the combination of stan + ep-stan + the modifications I personally made to ep-stan. I am the only person that can really dig into it to the root, and I can only do that if I learn a lot more about cython, since the bug appears in the generated cython. For now, I am happy to find the work around, which is eliminating the use of [D + 1].
The 33/34 vs 100 would indicate that you split your data in three parts.
This is good insight, I didn’t notice that. It will be a good hint if I dig into the root cause.
I really don’t understand this. The Stan language only allows for one declaration per variable
This is referring to the declaration
row_vector[D+1] z[N, T];
You can see that even though it is a single declaration, it has 3 dimension variables.