Hope this is a sufficiently relevant post!
I am advertising a cool and genuinely inter-disciplinary PhD project at the University of St Andrews which will involve modelling complex ecology, citizen science observation processes and formal ethics frameworks - all brought together in Stan models. More complete description here: Bridging Philosophy and Ecology: Ethical Decision-Making in Wild Salmonid Conservation at University of St Andrews on FindAPhD.com.
Some key details:
- The PhD is fully funded at the standard UK rate (note this is tax free, so not quite as low as it looks…)
- It is open to international applicants.
- It comes with a healthy training grant - we don’t expect applicants to already be experts in ecology, ethics and statistics!
- The successful applicant will be part of the NetGain PhD cohort with regular opportunities to get interact and network https://netgain.wp.st-andrews.ac.uk/
- They will be based primarily at the world-leading statistical ecology Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling (CREEM), University of St Andrews.
- They will also have the opportunity to spend time at the institutions of the other supervisors (University of Aberdeen, NatureScot, Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland, and UKCEH), particularly working on their policy teams.
- The supervisor group are genuinely all lovely people and this is a new collaboration so we are all very invested in making it work!
Feel free to drop me an email or reply below if you have any questions!