Outputting covariance matrices from CmdStan

I can’t seem to round trip covariance matrices in CmdStanPy, though I think this may be an underlying CmdStan issue that is just easier to see with CmdStanPy. I’m generating some covariance matrices with the wishart_rng and then trying to read them in as data into another model. When I try that, I get errors about some small percentage of these matrices not being positive definite.

It looks like the CSVs that CmdStan outputs are not super precise; is there a way to change that (and see that change in CmdStanPy)? Am I doing something else wrong?


data {
  int K;
  int N;
generated quantities {
  cov_matrix[K] covs[N];
  for (n in 1:N) 
    covs[n] = wishart_rng(K, diag_matrix(rep_vector(1.0, K)));


data {
  int K;
  int N;
  cov_matrix[K] covs[N];

This works in Rstan though:

R code
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores()).
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
draws =stan(model_code="
data {
  int K;
  int N;
generated quantities {
  cov_matrix[K] covs[N];
  for (n in 1:N) 
    covs[n] = wishart_rng(K, diag_matrix(rep_vector(1.0, K)));
data=list(N=2, K=10),

draws = extract(draws)

checker = stan_model(model_code="
data {
  int K;
  int N;
  cov_matrix[K] covs[N];
bleh = lapply(1:(dim(draws$covs)[1]), 
       function (i) {
                  data=list(N=2, K=10, covs=draws$covs[1,,,]),
                  iter=1, chains=1)


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The precision in cmdstan CSVs is definitely the problem here as you need a lot of precision here to pass the strict positive definitnes check in Stan. Especially with large matrices.

Rstan reads the doubles directly, as far as I understand.

We would have to make the precision in the CSV files an argument at some point probably.
So not sure you can do anything about that at this point.


I thought there was an option to increase the output precision in CmdStan. If not, we could add it.

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I agree. Issue created: https://github.com/stan-dev/cmdstan/issues/922