TL;DR: when fitting an outcome contest model to experimental data, the parameter estimation indicates a negative effect of the main predictor, but predicted outcomes indicate a positive effect.
I am working on a cultural transmission experiment, where stimuli are produced within chains (participant p1 looks at stimulus 0 and reproduces it, the output of that gets given to participant p2, who reproduces it, etc.). We hypothesize that stimuli at later generations are “refined” to be more perceptually salient to humans (see here for a prev paper on this:
We therefore build a 2 alternatives forced choice task, where all pairs of stimuli are presented to new participants and they have to indicate which is the more salient (or other properties, it doesn’t matter here).
The process can be simulated as follows:
## Define amount of data
items <- 30
chains <- 5
raters <- 30
## Define parameter values
GenerationB <- .4
sigma_raters <- .4
sigma_items <- .4
sigma_chains <- .2
# Create dataset with stimuli, with generation and chain ids
d_items <- tibble(
item = 1:items,
item_intercept = rnorm(items, 0, sigma_items),
generation = rep(-1:1, 10),
chain = rep(seq(chains), each = items/chains),
chain_slope = NA
chain_slope = rnorm(chains, 0, sigma_chains)
for (i in seq(items)) {
d_items$chain_slope[i] <- chain_slope[d_items$chain[i]]
# Create dataset with raters
d_raters <- tibble(
ID = 1:raters,
rater_slope = rnorm(raters, 0, sigma_raters)
## Now create all possible combinations between the stimuli
combinations <- t(combn(1:items, 2))
df_recovery <- NULL
for (rater in seq(raters)) {
temp <- tibble(
stimulusR = combinations[,1],
stimulusL = combinations[,2],
chainR = NA,
chainL = NA,
generationR = NA,
generationL = NA,
intR = NA,
intL = NA,
diff = NA,
thetaR = NA,
choiceR = NA
for (i in seq(nrow(combinations))) {
temp$chainR[i] <- d_items$chain[temp$stimulusR[i]]
temp$chainL[i] <- d_items$chain[temp$stimulusL[i]]
temp$generationR[i] <- d_items$generation[temp$stimulusR[i]]
temp$generationL[i] <- d_items$generation[temp$stimulusL[i]]
temp$intR[i] <- d_items$item_intercept[temp$stimulusR[i]] +
(GenerationB + d_items$chain_slope[temp$stimulusR[i]] +
d_raters$rater_slope[rater]) * d_items$generation[temp$stimulusR[i]]
temp$intL[i] <- d_items$item_intercept[temp$stimulusL[i]] +
(GenerationB + d_items$chain_slope[temp$stimulusL[i]] +
d_raters$rater_slope[rater]) * d_items$generation[temp$stimulusL[i]]
temp$diff[i] = temp$intR[i] - temp$intL[i]
temp$thetaR[i] = inv_logit_scaled(temp$diff[i])
temp$choiceR[i] = rbinom(1, 1, temp$thetaR[i])
temp$rater[i] = rater
if (exists("df_recovery")) {df_recovery <- rbind(df_recovery, temp)} else {df_recovery <- temp}
# Visualize effects of generation across all data
p1 <- df_recovery %>%
group_by(generationL, generationR, stimulusR) %>%
summarize(x = mean(choiceR)) %>%
mutate(generationR = as.numeric(generationR), generationL = as.numeric(generationL)) %>%
ggplot(aes(generationR, x)) +
geom_point() + geom_smooth(aes(generationR, x)) +
facet_wrap(.~ generationL) + theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = "none")
# Visualize effects of generation by participant
p2 <- df_recovery %>%
group_by(generationL, generationR, stimulusR, rater) %>%
summarize(x = mean(choiceR)) %>%
mutate(generationR = as.numeric(generationR), generationL = as.numeric(generationL)) %>%
ggplot(aes(generationR, x, group = rater, color = rater)) +
geom_point() + geom_smooth(aes(generationR, x), method = lm, se = F) +
facet_wrap(.~ generationL) + theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = "none")
# Visualize effects of generation by chain
p3 <- df_recovery %>%
group_by(generationL, generationR, stimulusR, chainR) %>%
summarize(x = mean(choiceR)) %>%
mutate(generationR = as.numeric(generationR), generationL = as.numeric(generationL)) %>%
ggplot(aes(generationR, x, group = chainR, color = chainR)) +
geom_point() + geom_smooth(aes(generationR, x), method = lm, se = F) +
facet_wrap(.~ generationL) + theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = "none")
# combine the three plots
# prepping for Stan:
d1_sim <- list(
N_choices = nrow(df_recovery),
N_items = items,
N_chains = chains,
N_raters = raters,
y = as.numeric(df_recovery$choiceR),
item1 = as.numeric(df_recovery$stimulusR),
item2 = as.numeric(df_recovery$stimulusL),
rater = as.numeric(df_recovery$rater),
generation = d_items$generation,
chain = d_items$chain
On the x-axis the generation for the right stimulus. On the y-axis the propensity to choose the right stimulus. The plots are split by generation of left stimulus (panels / columns). The first row is the overall pattern in the data. The second splitting the effect of generation by participant. The third by chain (of the right stimulus).
I then build an outcome contest model
// contest model
real normal_lb_rng(real mu, real sigma, real lb) {
real p = normal_cdf(lb | mu, sigma); // cdf for bounds
real u = uniform_rng(p, 1);
return (sigma * inv_Phi(u)) + mu; // inverse cdf for value
int N_choices; // amount of data points
int N_items; // unique stimuli
int N_raters; // unique raters
int N_chains; // unique chains
array[N_choices] int y; // outcome
array[N_choices] int item1; // which stimulus 1 in each trials
array[N_choices] int item2; // which stimulus 2 in each trials
array[N_choices] int rater; // which rater in each trials
array[N_items] int chain; // item features: chain
array[N_items] int generation; // item feature: generation
real GenerationB;
vector[N_items] StimulusIntercept; // random intercept of item
real<lower=0> sigma_items; // to standardize stimulus lvl deviations
vector[N_raters] GenerationSubject; // random slope of generation over raters
real<lower=0> sigma_raters; // to standardize participant lvl deviations
vector[N_chains] GenerationChain; // random slope of generation over raters
real<lower=0> sigma_chains; // to standardize chain lvl deviations
vector[N_choices] logit_p;
real wx; // partial effect of generation
vector[N_choices] a1; // intentionality score of item 1
vector[N_choices] a2; // intentionality score of item 2
// Priors
target += normal_lpdf(StimulusIntercept | 0, 1); // Intercept by Stimulus
target += normal_lpdf(sigma_items | 0, 1) -
normal_lccdf(0 | 0, 1); // Variability of stimulus variability
target += normal_lpdf(GenerationB | 0, 1); // Effect of Generation
target += normal_lpdf(GenerationSubject | 0, 1); // Individual variations in effects of generation
target += normal_lpdf(GenerationChain | 0, 1); // Individual variations in effects of generation
target += normal_lpdf(sigma_raters | 0, .5) -
normal_lccdf(0 | 0, .5); // Variability of rater variability
target += normal_lpdf(sigma_chains | 0, .5) -
normal_lccdf(0 | 0, .5); // Variability of rater variability
for ( i in 1:N_choices ) {
wx = GenerationB + GenerationSubject[rater[i]] * sigma_raters;
a1[i] = StimulusIntercept[item1[i]] * sigma_items +
(wx + GenerationChain[chain[item1[i]]] * sigma_chains) * generation[item1[i]]; // estimate probability of stimulus on the right to be chosen (in absolute)
a2[i] = StimulusIntercept[item2[i]] * sigma_items +
(wx + GenerationChain[chain[item2[i]]] * sigma_chains) * generation[item2[i]]; // estimate probability of stimulus on the left to be chosen (in absolute)
logit_p[i] = a1[i] - a2[i]; // calculate probability for stimulus on the right to be chosen
target += bernoulli_logit_lpmf(y[i] | logit_p[i]);
generated quantities {
real StimulusIntercept_prior;
real sigma_items_prior;
real GenerationB_prior;
real GenerationSubject_prior;
real GenerationChain_prior;
real sigma_raters_prior;
real sigma_chains_prior;
//real sigma_chains_int_prior;
vector[N_choices] log_lik;
vector[N_choices] logit_p;
real wx;
vector[N_choices] a1;
vector[N_choices] a2;
StimulusIntercept_prior = normal_rng(0, 1);
GenerationB_prior = normal_rng(0, 1);
GenerationSubject_prior = normal_rng(0, 1);
GenerationChain_prior = normal_rng(0, 1);
sigma_items_prior = normal_lb_rng(0, 1, 0);
sigma_raters_prior = normal_lb_rng(0, .5, 0);
sigma_chains_prior = normal_lb_rng(0, .5, 0);
//sigma_chains_int_prior = normal_lb_rng(0, 1, 0);
for (i in 1:N_choices) {
wx = GenerationB + GenerationSubject[rater[i]] * sigma_raters;
a1[i] = StimulusIntercept[item1[i]] * sigma_items + (wx + GenerationChain[chain[item1[i]]] * sigma_chains) * generation[item1[i]]; // estimate probability of stimulus on the right to be chosen (in absolute)
a2[i] = StimulusIntercept[item2[i]] * sigma_items + (wx + GenerationChain[chain[item2[i]]] * sigma_chains) * generation[item2[i]]; // estimate probability of stimulus on the left to be chosen (in absolute)
logit_p[i] = a1[i] - a2[i]; // calculate probability for stimulus on the right to be chosen
log_lik[i] = bernoulli_logit_lpmf(y[i] | logit_p[i]);
The model fits the data nicely and recovers the right parameter values.
I then fit it to our experimental data (Dropbox - exp2_prepped_data.csv - Simplify your life).
Model quality checks all work (no divergences, rhat and other diagnostics are in place, chains are fine, prior and posteriors look great):
The posterior estimates for our predicted effect are the opposite of what we expect (later generations are less salient, negative estimate of GenerationB), but that’d be life. However, when I produce model predictions, the model predictions indicate that with later generation comes more salience.
(upper panel, lines indicate different raters, lower panel, lines indicate different chains).
Further, if I then simulate data with the mean estimates from the model, the simulated data don’t look like the predicted data.
GenerationB <- -0.1 #.4
sigma_raters <- 0.27 #.4
sigma_items <- 1 #.4
sigma_chains <- 0.13 #.2
# then code like in the first chunk above
Nevertheless, if I check whether the predicted data (from the model) and the actual data match, they do and very closely.
The plot simply maps actual against predicted data
the plots overlay the distributions of predicted ®d) and actual data (blue).
So I am very puzzled as to what I am doing wrong. I also checked whether the presentation of the stimuli was not balanced, but that was not the case. Any further suggestion?