I have two parameters in my Stan model mo
and m1
and we know that m1 > m0, so I placed an ordering on them. I have then identified 2 prior distributions for the parameters. However, because they are ordered, do I have to define the relationship between m0
and m1
using a bivariate distribution?
parameters {
real<lower=0> m0;
real<lower=m0> m1;
model {
// Priors
m0 ~ student_t(N_obs0 - 1, lmean0, sqrt(s0sq/(N_obs0 - 1)));
m1 ~ student_t(N_obs1 - 1, lmean1, sqrt(s1sq/(N_obs1 - 1)));
Thanks! But how would I use the ordered_logistic()
while keeping the student_t()
distributions for m0 and m1?
If you specify a prior that does not respect the ordering constraint (or any constraint in Stan), then functionally what you get is a prior that is truncated by the constraint. So if you apply student t priors, you will get a joint prior corresponding to a bivariate t distribution truncated at the m0 = m1
line. The margins of this thing will not be student t. If you want student t margins, then you would need to work out for yourself the log probability density for some bivariate prior that has student t margins and respects the ordering constraint.