One chain not moving: sampling for complex nonlinear mixed effects model

Unfortunately, divergences usually cannot be safely ignored.

This is actually quite frequently the case - not all datasets inform all the parameters of the model well (which can then result in divergences). For example, if BA.con.15m and BA.het.15m correlate well in one dataset, it may become impossible to distinguish how much does each of the exponentials contribute to the response - only their sum is identified.

Examining pairs plots for the population-level effects might help us diagnose this as it should show some weird correlations between the parameters as well if this is the case.

This might be an important hint (at is definitely a sign that something is wrong). Maybe this dataset has too few observations per each sp and quadrat combination to inform the varying intercepts well… If you cannot fit the model without narrowing the priors more than you can justify from domain knowledge, it probably means you need more data or need to simplify the model.

A smaller note:

I would not recommend that. Priors should generally be defensible by simply referring to domain knowledge, without any reference to the actual data you happened to collect. The process you describe makes the priors depend on the data and could thus introduce some bias into your inference (it could be small, but it is hard to say).

Hope this helps at least a little bit!