Non convergence issue on polytomous IRT model

This seems very similar to an issue from another post, as the issue of the latent factor theta indeterminancy. Meaning that at any given iteration the factor can be in a positive of negative direction, for example would mean “High Fatigue” or “Low Fatigue”.

The solution that I suggested was to estimate the factor loadings without constraint, and adjust the direction of the factor in function of 1 item, in the generated quantities block.

Here I am “fixing” the factor loading for item 1 in category 1 to be negative. So, if the iteration gives a positive value to this factor loading, the code will multiply all the factor loadings and latent factor for -1. So, lambdan_swt and theta_swt go in the direction that I wanted.

I ran your code, with this new block, and it converged with 5000 iterations

generated quantities{
vector[K] lambdan_swt[n_item]; // sign adjusted lambda
vector[n_student] theta_swt; // latent trait

  lambdan_swt = lambdan;
  theta_swt = theta;
  if(lambdan[1,1] > 0){
     for (i in 1:K){
      for (j in 1:n_item){
        lambdan_swt[j,i] = -1*lambdan[j,i]; }}
    theta_swt = -1*theta;


Notice that I did this in function of the center factor loadings. Since I am not familiar with this model, I dont know if it would work with the uncenter ones, or which ones are the “right ones” to use