Hi everyone,
I use a mixture prior in a model which results in “BFMI low” warnings for some simulated data. Although the estimates don’t seem to be biased, of course I still want to get rid of these warnings.
I think the problem is due to Student t Distribution I use because I don’t get such warnings with a normal distribution (but the estimates are worse/n_eff is really low). The prior I use is the following:
parameters {
matrix[S,M] delta;
real <lower=0, upper=1> theta [S];
model {
for(s in 1:S) {
for(m in 1:M) {
theta[s] ~ beta(4, 4);
target += log_mix(theta[s], normal_lpdf(delta[s,m] | 0, 0.01), student_t_lpdf(delta[s,m] | 4, 0, 0.25));
I know how to non-center the normal distribution and Student t distribution but have no idea how to do this for the mixture case. So how can I set up the prior in terms of
\delta = z_{\delta} \sigma_{\delta} and \delta = \alpha_{\delta}\tau^{-0.5}_{\delta}
considering the mixture?
Thanks for your help! :)