I don’t have the exact same model coded without map_rect
, but here is a simpler 1-dimensional version of the model. I should mention that this version uses a Normally-distributed outcome as we standardized the retweet counts in an earlier version of the paper. In the current version we use Poisson as one reviewer had an allergic reaction to standardization in an earlier draft.
data {
int<lower=1> J; // number of elites
int<lower=1> K; // number of citizens
int<lower=1> N; // number of observations
int<lower=1> T; //number of time points
int<lower=1,upper=J> jj[N]; // elite ID for observation n
int<lower=1,upper=K> kk[N]; // citizen ID for observation n
int<lower=1> tt[N]; // t for observation N
real y[N]; // outcome for observation n
vector[T-1] time_gamma; //binary vector indicating when coup happens
int country_code[N]; //indicator for Tunisia
parameters {
vector[K] delta_1; // non-zero discriminations
vector[K] delta_0; // zero discriminations
matrix[T,J] alpha; // time-varying ideal points for elites
vector[K] beta_0; // zero difficulty of question k
vector[K] beta_1; // zero difficulty of question k
vector[4] adj_in; //adjustment parameters
vector[4] adj_out; //adjustment parameters
vector[4] alpha_int; //drift
vector[4] betax; //effects of coup
real<lower=0> country; //dummy for country-level fixed effects
vector<lower=0>[4] sigma_time; //heteroskedastic variance by ideological group
real<lower=0> sigma_beta_0; //hierarchical variance for zero betas
real<lower=0> sigma_beta_1; //hierarchical variance for zero betas
real<lower=0> sigma_overall; //variance for top-level normal distribution
transformed parameters {
//constrain one intercept for identification
//vector[4] alpha_int_full;
//alpha_int_full = append_row(alpha_int,-sum(alpha_int));
model {
to_vector(alpha[1,]) ~ normal(0,3);
alpha_int ~ normal(0,3);
adj_in ~ normal(0,3);
adj_out ~ normal(0,3);
country ~ exponential(.1);
sigma_time ~ exponential(.1);
sigma_overall ~ exponential(.1);
sigma_beta_0 ~ exponential(.1);
sigma_beta_1 ~ exponential(.1);
//VAR priors with constraints on who influences who
alpha[2:T,1] ~ normal(alpha_int[1] + adj_in[1]*alpha[1:(T-1),1] +
adj_out[1]*alpha[1:(T-1),2] +
alpha[2:T,2] ~ normal(alpha_int[2] + adj_in[2]*alpha[1:(T-1),2] +
adj_out[2]*alpha[1:(T-1),1] +
alpha[2:T,3] ~ normal(alpha_int[3] + adj_in[3]*alpha[1:(T-1),3] +
adj_out[3]*alpha[1:(T-1),4] +
alpha[2:T,4] ~ normal(alpha_int[4] + adj_in[4]*alpha[1:(T-1),4] +
adj_out[4]*alpha[1:(T-1),3] +
//citizen priors
beta_0 ~ normal(0,sigma_beta_0);
beta_1 ~ normal(0,sigma_beta_1);
delta_1 ~ normal(0,3);
delta_0 ~ normal(0,3);
// loop over outcome
// use hurdle model for missing data (-9999)
// conditional on passing hurdle, use normal distribution IRT model with time-varying
// parameters for elites
for(n in 1:N) {
if(y[n]==-9999) {
1 ~ bernoulli_logit(delta_0[kk[n]]*(alpha[tt[n],jj[n]] + country*country_code[n]) - beta_0[kk[n]]);
} else {
0 ~ bernoulli_logit(delta_0[kk[n]]*(alpha[tt[n],jj[n]] + country*country_code[n]) - beta_0[kk[n]]);
y[n] ~ normal(delta_1[kk[n]]*(alpha[tt[n],jj[n]] + country*country_code[n]) -
generated quantities {
matrix[T,J] alpha_country; //recalculate alpha with country intercepts included
alpha_country[,1] = alpha[,1];
alpha_country[,2] = alpha[,2] + country;
alpha_country[,3] = alpha[,3];
alpha_country[,4] = alpha[,4] + country;