I am university student learning Bayesian statistics currently, and I am a first time user here. I would like to ask some support, please.
I intend to create a model for variable selection using Bayesian Lasso approach on the publicly available ‘wine quality data’. The data is attached, and it is also available by this link: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/wine+quality.
I am using Metropolis-Hastings sampling implementing it with base R codes. I am aware there are other methods, but this is what I would like to use now.
My current aim is to have converging chains, and it is monitored by Gelman-Rubin statistic.
I used the following steps to reach convergences for all parameters:
1, I created the first variance-covariance (cov.prop) matrix with random values in all diagonal positions, and scaler (s=1) for this.
2, I run the sampler 3 times to get 1000 samples, and I checked the acceptance ratio in each cycle; I maintained the acceptance ratio by adjusting the ‘s’ scaling factor.
3, After the fourth run, I created a new variance-covariance matrix with the last 1000 samples.
4, I repeated step2 and step3 many times.
I expected the chains to converge; it happened with only the first 12 columns of ‘draws’ until reaching around 120000 samples then even those become unconverging again. I would like to find out why it is happening that (a) only the some parameters were converging, and (b) for what reasons even those became unconverging again.
The code I used:
- for the very first cov matrix:
A<- rnorm(25, 0.1, 0.01) # updated since the first post
cov.prop <- diag(A)
- for the updated cov matrix
int = c((step1-1000):step1)
M <- (draws[int, , 1] + draws[int, , 2] + draws[int, , 3] + draws[int, , 4])/4
cov.prop <- cov(M)
- for sampling:
d <- winequality_red
d <- as.data.frame(d)
y <- d$quality
X <- d[,-12]
X <- matrix(unlist(X), ncol = dim(X)[2], byrow = FALSE)
X <- cbind(rep(1,nrow(X)),scale(X))
n <- length(y)
k <- ncol(X)
npars <- k + (k-1) + 2
logprior <- function(pars) {
b <- as.matrix(pars[1:k])
tau <- pars[(k+1):(2k-1)]
lambda2 <- pars[2k]
sigma2 <- pars[npars]
if (lambda2 <= 0)
if (sigma2 <= 0)
if (any(tau<0))
dens <- (sum(dnorm(abs(b[2:k]),0,sqrt(sigma2*tau),log=TRUE))+
dgamma(1/sigma2,4,60,log=TRUE) +
loglikelihood <- function(y,X,par) {
b <- as.matrix(par[1:k])
sigma2 <- par[npars]
if (sigma2 <= 0)
dens <- sum(dnorm(y,t(X%*%b),sqrt(sigma2),log=TRUE))
draws <- array(0, dim=c(200000, npars, 4))
draws[1,npars, 1:4] <- 1/rgamma(1,4,60)
draws[1,npars-1, 1:4] <- 1
draws[1,1, 1:4] <- mean(y)
draws[1,2:k, 1:4] <- rep(0,k-1)
draws[1,(k+1):(2*k-1), 1:4] <- rep(1,k-1)
converged <- c(1:npars)
converged[1:npars] <- 0
step1 <- 2
proposed <- c(1:npars)
proposed[1:npars] <- -1
accepted.prop <- rep(1, 4)
while (any(converged<1)) {
for (i in 1:4) {
proposed <- rmvnorm(1,draws[step1-1, , i], s*cov.prop)
r <- loglikelihood(y,X,proposed)+
loglikelihood(y,X,draws[step1-1, , i])-
logprior(draws[step1-1, , i])
u <- runif(1)
if (log(u) < r) {
draws[step1, , i] <- proposed
accepted.prop[i] <- accepted.prop[i]+1
} else {
draws[step1, , i] <- draws[step1-1, , i]
step1 <- step1 + 1
if (any(step1 == as.vector(seq(1000, 200000, by = 1000))) == TRUE) {
for ( z in 1:npars) {
chainlist <- mcmc.list(Chain1=mcmc(draws[1:(step1-1), z, 1]),
Chain2=mcmc(draws[1:(step1-1), z, 2]),
chain3=mcmc(draws[1:(step1-1), z, 3]),
chain4=mcmc(draws[1:(step1-1), z, 4]))
if ((gelman.diag(chainlist)$psrf[1,2]) < 1.4) {
converged[z] <- converged[z]+1
accepted.prop.print <- accepted.prop