Hello all. I implemented multithreading with map_rect using this example (https://pystan.readthedocs.io/en/latest/threading_support.html), but when I fit the same model with the same data with and without map_rect, it takes me 10 times longer to finish sampling with map_rect. Any ideas why this could be?
I use pystan 2.18 on mac.
the CmdStan/Stan 2.24 release is due out today and CmdStanPy’s install_cmdstan() function will download and install the latest CmdStan release for you. It does require Python 3. hope this helps - https://cmdstanpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
Thanks! Is pystan2.23 release any close? And is it a known issue that map_rect does not speed up sampling?
Update - I use pystan - is it still considered old?
What would be the cmdstanpy equivalent to cpp_options = list(stan_threads = TRUE) in R to compile a model that uses partial_sum? I tried different things, all failed…