Multistate model does not always initialize

Hi all,

I am hoping to get some ideas from folks - I am working on a multistate model to estimate bird mortality rates in different behavioral states (Following this paper: I was able to fit a simple model with my data, but when I make the transition rates time-dependent, it does not initialize. After some troubleshooting with colleagues we got it to work on some simulated data, but not the real data.

There are no differences in general structure between the simulated and real data and we have thoroughly checked to make sure the real data set is correct. In the full data sets, the distributions of each parameter are fairly similar between the simulated and real data.

I am wondering if anyone might have suggestions about what could be going wrong. Thinking maybe some of the parameters need to be constrained differently, or maybe there is a different way to think about incorporating time into the model. The Stan model and R code to simulate data and run the model are below, and I can also provide a subset of the real data. Thank you for your thoughts!

Stan Model:

  int<lower = 0> N;     //Number of individuals   
  int<lower = 0> P; // number of time intervals
  int<lower = 1> l; // length of each time interval
  real<lower = 0> c_p[P]; //midpoint of each time interval
  int<lower = 0> max_U; // Maximum number of detections
  int<lower = 0> max_U_plus_one; // max number of detections including last detection to TT
  //int<lower = 0> TT;      // length of study 
  int<lower = 0> U[N];   // number of detections for each individual
  int<lower = 0> d[N, max_U]; // interval within which each obs occurred
  int<lower = 0> state[N, max_U];// states
  real<lower = 0> delta[N, max_U_plus_one]; // time difference between each observation and the previous one
  real<lower = 0> delta_int[N, max_U]; //number of whole intervals between each observation 
  real<lower = 0> b_r[N, max_U]; // time between detection and start of the interval it's in
  real<lower = 0> b_g[N, max_U]; // time between each detection and end of the interval it's in
  matrix<lower = 0>[1,4] f;//initial states 
  matrix<lower = 0>[4,1] ones;// a 1 for each state 

  real<lower = 0> h[3];// hazard rate
  real<lower = 0> k[3]; //shape parameter
  real<lower = 0> g[3]; // scale parameter
  real<lower = 0> mu[3];// detection rate

transformed parameters{
  matrix[4,4] Q[P]; //transition rate matrix
  vector<lower = 0>[4] lambda = rep_vector(0,4); // detection rate vector 
  real<lower = 0> eta12[P];   // Transition rate from state 1 to state 2
  real<lower = 0> eta13[P];   // Transition rate from state 1 to state 3
  real<lower = 0> eta23[P];   // Transition rate from state 2 to state 3
  lambda[1]=mu[1]; // detection rates

  for (p in 1:P){
    eta12[p] = k[1]* c_p[p] ^ (k[1]-1)/g[1]^k[1];
    eta13[p] = k[2]* c_p[p] ^ (k[2]-1)/g[2]^k[2];
    eta23[p] = k[3]* c_p[p] ^ (k[3]-1)/g[3]^k[3];
  // transition rate matrix - rates not listed are 0
  Q[p] = rep_matrix(0,4,4);
  Q[p,1,1] = -(eta12[p]+eta13[p]+h[1]); //stay in 1
  Q[p,1,2] = eta12[p];// 1 to 2
  Q[p,1,3] = eta13[p]; //1 to 3
  Q[p,1,4] = h[1]; // hazard 1
  Q[p,2,2] = -(eta23[p]+h[2]); 
  Q[p,2,3] = eta23[p]; //2 to 3
  Q[p,2,4] = h[2]; // hazard 2
  Q[p,3,3] = -(h[3]);  // stay in 3
  Q[p,3,4] = h[3]; // hazard 3

matrix[1,4] acc; // temp variable, holds intermediate values for calculating likelihood
matrix[4,4] Gamma; // temp variable, holds likelihood of each detection
matrix[4,4] Gamma_temp;

  //priors (following Rushing 2023 appendix 3)
  h ~ gamma(1,4); // hazard rate
  k ~ gamma(1,1); // shape parameter
  g ~ gamma(1,1); // scale parameter
  mu ~ gamma(1,4); // detection rates
  for (i in 1:N){ 
  matrix[4,4] Omega[U[i]+1]; 
    if (U[i]>0){ // this section is the equation Gamma[i,u] = exp{(Q-Lambda)* Deltat[i,u]} from paper
      for (j in 1:U[i]){
          if(delta_int[i,1]==0){ // if detections are in the same interval
            Gamma = diag_post_multiply(matrix_exp((Q[1]-diag_matrix(lambda))*delta[i,1]), lambda); 
            Omega[1] = rep_matrix(0,4,4);
            Omega[1,1,state[i,1]] = Gamma[1, state[i,1]];
            Gamma_temp = matrix_exp((Q[1] - diag_matrix(lambda))*l);
            if (delta_int[i,1]>1){
              for (p in 1:(d[i,1]-1)){
                Gamma_temp*= matrix_exp((Q[p]- diag_matrix(lambda))*l);
              } //p
            } //if
            Gamma_temp *= matrix_exp((Q[d[i,1]]- diag_matrix(lambda)) * b_r[i,1]);
            Gamma = diag_post_multiply(Gamma_temp, lambda);
            Omega[1] = rep_matrix(0,4,4);
            Omega[1,1,state[i,1]] = Gamma[1, state[i,1]];
              //if detections are within the same interval
              Gamma=diag_post_multiply(matrix_exp((Q[d[i, j]] - diag_matrix(lambda))* delta[i,j]), lambda);
              Omega[j, state[i, j-1], state[i,j]] = Gamma[state[i,j-1], state[i,j]];
              Gamma_temp = matrix_exp((Q[d[i, j-1]] - diag_matrix(lambda))* b_g[i, j-1]);
                for (p in (d[i, j-1]+1):d[i,j]-1){
                  Gamma_temp *= matrix_exp((Q[p]-diag_matrix(lambda))*l);
                  Gamma = diag_post_multiply(Gamma_temp, lambda);
                  Omega[j] = rep_matrix(0,4,4);
                  Omega[j, state[i, j-1], state[i,j]] = Gamma[state[i, j-1], state[i, j]];
                } //else
            } //j
            // last detection to end of study
            Gamma = matrix_exp((Q[d[i, U[i]]]- diag_matrix(lambda))* b_g[i, U[i]]);
            if(d[i, U[i]]<P){
              for (p in (d[i, U[i]]+1):P){
                Gamma *= matrix_exp((Q[p]-diag_matrix(lambda))*l);
              Omega[U[i]+1] = rep_matrix(0,4,4);
              Omega[U[i]+1, state[i, U[i]], state[i, U[i]]:4] = Gamma[state[i, U[i]], state[i, U[i]]:4];
              // likelihood for individual i
              acc = f * Omega[1];
              for (j in 1: U[i]+1){
                acc *= Omega[j];
              } //j
              target += log(acc*ones);

R Code to simulate data and run Stan Model


# Runs with simulated data, but not real data
#Errors when running with real data:
#Chain 1: Rejecting initial value:
#Chain 1:   Log probability evaluates to log(0), i.e. negative infinity.
#Chain 1:   Stan can't start sampling from this initial value.
#Chain 1: 
#Chain 1: Initialization between (-2, 2) failed after 100 attempts. 
#Chain 1:  Try specifying initial values, reducing ranges of constrained values, or #reparameterizing the model.
#[1] "Error : Initialization failed."

# data simulation (adapted from Rushing 2023)
## Set parameters
N <- 20 # Number of individuals
T <- 100 # Length of study
h <- c(0.0025, 0.01, 0.001) # Hazard rates
gamma <- c(6, 4, 8) # Weibull scale parameter
kappa <- c(8, 10, 8) # Weibull shape parameter
lambda <- c(0.2, 0.1, 0.3, 0) # Detection rates

b <- seq(from = 0, to = T, by = 5)
# Interval mid-points, assuming 5-day intervals
c_p <- seq(from = 2.5, to = 97.5, by = 5)/10
# Number of intervals
P <- length(c_p)
# Indicator of what interval each day is in
tau <- rep(1:length(c_p), each = 5)

# Transition rates

eta12 <- kappa[1] * c_p ^ (kappa[1] - 1)/gamma[1] ^ kappa[1]
eta13 <- kappa[2] * c_p ^ (kappa[2] - 1)/gamma[2] ^ kappa[2]
eta23 <- kappa[3] * c_p ^ (kappa[3] - 1)/gamma[3] ^ kappa[3]

## Define transition rate and detection matrices
Q <- array(0, dim = c(T, 4, 4))

for(t in 1:T){
  Q[t, 1, 1] <- -(eta12[tau[t]] + eta13[tau[t]] + h[1]) 
  Q[t, 1, 2] <- eta12[tau[t]]
  Q[t, 1, 3] <- eta13[tau[t]]
  Q[t, 1, 4] <- h[1]
  Q[t, 2, 2] <- -(eta23[tau[t]] + h[2]) 
  Q[t, 2, 3] <- eta23[tau[t]]
  Q[t, 2, 4] <- h[2]
  Q[t, 3, 3] <- -(h[3]) 
  Q[t, 3, 4] <- h[3]

## Simulate true states
s <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = T)
s[,1] <- 1
for(i in 1:N){ for(t in 2:T){
  s[i, t] <- which(rmultinom(1, 1, prob = expm(Q[t,,])[s[i, t - 1],]) == 1)
# Change state 3 to 0 (dead)
s[s == 4] <- 0

## Simulate encounter histories as a list because
## history length differs among individuals
det_list <- state_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = N) 
U1 <- U2 <- U3 <- vector(length = N)

# How many days was each individual in each state?
s1 <- apply(s, 1, function(x) sum(x == 1)) 
s2 <- apply(s, 1, function(x) sum(x == 2))
s3 <- apply(s, 1, function(x) sum(x == 3))

for(i in 1:N){
  U1[i] <- rpois(1, lambda[1] * s1[i]) # Number of detections 
  dets1 <- sort(runif(U1[i], 0, s1[i])) # Time of detections 
  state1 <- rep(1, U1[i])
  U2[i] <- rpois(1, lambda[2] * s2[i]) # Number of detections
  dets2 <- sort(runif(U2[i], 0, s2[i])) + s1[i] # Time of detections 
  state2 <- rep(2, U2[i])
  U3[i] <- rpois(1, lambda[3] * s3[i]) # Number of detections
  dets3 <- sort(runif(U3[i], 0, s3[i])) + s1[i] + s2[i] # Time of detections 
  state3 <- rep(3, U3[i])
  det_list[[i]] <- c(dets1, dets2, dets3)
  state_list[[i]] <- c(state1, state2, state3)

# Number of detections for each individual
U <- U1 + U2 + U3

# Convert detections to matrix
det <- state <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = max(U))
for(i in 1:N){ if(U[i] > 0){
  det[i, 1:U[i]] <- det_list[[i]]
  state[i, 1:U[i]] <- state_list[[i]]

# Calculate time difference between detections (including last detection to end of study)
delta <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = max(U) + 1)
delta[,1] <- det[,1]

for(i in 1:N){ if(U[i] > 1){
  for(j in 2:U[i]){
    delta[i, j] <- det[i, j] - det[i, j - 1]
  } }
  delta[i, U[i] + 1] <- T - max(det[i,])

# Number of occasions between detections; upper/lower intervals
d <- delta_int <- b_g <-  b_r <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = max(U))

for(i in 1:N){ 
  if(U[i] > 0){
    d[i, 1:U[i]] <- as.numeric(cut(det[i, 1:U[i]], breaks = b))
    delta_int[i, 1] <- d[i, 1] - 1
    b_r[i, 1] <- det[i, 1] - b[d[i, 1]]
    b_g[i, 1] <- b[d[i, 1] + 1] - det[i, 1]
    if(U[i] > 1){
      for(j in 2:U[i]){
        delta_int[i, j] <- d[i, j] - d[i, j - 1]
        b_r[i, j] <- det[i, j] - b[d[i, j]]
        b_g[i, j] <- b[d[i, j] + 1] - det[i, j]

stan_data <- list(N = N,
                  max_U = max(U),
                  max_U_plus_one = max(U) + 1,
                  P = length(c_p),
                  l = 5,
                  U = U,
                  delta = delta,
                  d = d,
                  state = state,
                  delta_int = delta_int,
                  b_r = b_r,
                  b_g = b_g,
                  c_p = c_p,
                  f = matrix(c(1,0,0,0),1,4),
                  ones = matrix(c(1,1,1,1), 4, 1))

#stan_data <- readRDS('./stan_data_sub_REAL_051424.rds')
#stan_data <- readRDS('./stan_data_sub_SIM_051424.rds')

# Initial values
initf1 <- function() {
  list(h = runif(3, 0, 0.015),
       g = runif(3, 5, 15),
       k = runif(3, 7, 10),
       mu = runif(3, 0, 0.25))

# run model - few iterations/1 chain for troubleshooting
fit <- stan(file = "./model.stan",
            pars = c("h", "g", "k", "mu"),
            data = stan_data,
            init = initf1,
            warmup = 50,
            iter = 100,
            chains = 1,
            cores = 1,
            thin = 1)

Looks like you posted this a while ago and so maybe you’re not looking for advice anymore, but if I had to guess, I’m thinking that it has to do with log(0) being evaluated in your target statement. Is it possible that acc can be a matrix of zeroes?