In case you are interested the model is below - I still didn’t figure add how to add code nicely). n_eff is indeed significantly lower than for other parameters. The line with multiple modes is in bold.
functions {
real [] pbpk (real t, real [] y, real [] theta, real [] x_r, int [] x_i) {
real ydot[34];
real Kpu_scale;
real Kid_Vmax;
real Kid_Km;
real Vmax_ACAT_duo;
real Vmax_ACAT_jej;
real Vmax_ACAT_ile;
real Km_ACAT_Abs;
real CL_glom;
real k_leave_1;
real k_leave_2;
Kpu_scale = theta[1];
Kid_Vmax = theta[2];
Kid_Km = theta[3];
Vmax_ACAT_duo = theta[4];
Vmax_ACAT_jej = theta[5];
Vmax_ACAT_ile = theta[6];
Km_ACAT_Abs = theta[7];
CL_glom = theta[8];
k_leave_1 = theta[9];
k_leave_2 = theta[10];
ydot[0+1] = 314.4/3.9347*((1./(16.6632+56.9064+16.6632+16.6632+40.2432+13.5192+5.0304+85.5168+63.1944)*(16.6632*y[2+1]*Kpu_scale/(0.335738777114959*0.97/1.1)+56.9064*y[9+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.45080002635366*0.97/1.1)+16.6632*y[10+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.27933750693781*0.97/1.1)+16.6632*y[3+1]*Kpu_scale/(0.753762048673023*0.97/1.1)+40.2432*y[4+1]*Kpu_scale/(0.965738822635123*0.97/1.1)+13.5192*y[5+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.80952944204737*0.97/1.1)+5.0304*y[11+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.83249661975125*0.97/1.1)+85.5168*y[7+1]*Kpu_scale/(2.82861979504438*0.97/1.1)+63.1944*y[6+1]*Kpu_scale/(3.06651237192868*0.97/1.1)))-y[0+1]);
ydot[1+1] = 314.4/1.9712*((y[8+1]*Kpu_scale/(2.57804385527433*0.97/1.1))-y[1+1]);
ydot[2+1] = 1./15.4*(16.6632*(y[1+1]-y[2+1]*Kpu_scale/(0.335738777114959*0.97/1.1)));
ydot[3+1] = 1./11.088*(16.6632*(y[1+1]-y[3+1]*Kpu_scale/(0.753762048673023*0.97/1.1)));
ydot[4+1] = 1./1.5323*(40.2432*(y[1+1]-y[4+1]*Kpu_scale/(0.965738822635123*0.97/1.1)));
ydot[5+1] = 1./0.34804*(13.5192*(y[1+1]-y[5+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.80952944204737*0.97/1.1)));
ydot[6+1] = 1./0.32725*(63.1944*(y[1+1]-y[6+1]*Kpu_scale/(3.06651237192868*0.97/1.1))-(y[6+1]/3.06651237192868*CL_glom+y[6+1]/3.06651237192868*Kid_Vmax/(y[6+1]/3.06651237192868*Kpu_scale+Kid_Km)));
ydot[7+1] = 1./1.9019*(85.5168*((1./(50.304+10.0608+3.4584+21.6936)*((+3.4584*y[23+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.80953185291572*0.97/1.1)+4.25434530612245*y[24+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.86402516093248*0.97/1.1)+4.25434530612245*y[25+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.86402516093248*0.97/1.1)+4.25434530612245*y[26+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.86402516093248*0.97/1.1)+4.25434530612245*y[27+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.86402516093248*0.97/1.1)+4.25434530612245*y[28+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.86402516093248*0.97/1.1)+4.25434530612245*y[29+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.86402516093248*0.97/1.1)+4.25434530612245*y[30+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.86402516093248*0.97/1.1)+17.0651828571429*y[31+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.86402516093248*0.97/1.1))+10.0608*y[12+1]*Kpu_scale/(2.2467210773554*0.97/1.1)+3.4584*y[13+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.55110887801799*0.97/1.1)+21.6936*y[1+1]))-y[7+1]*Kpu_scale/(2.82861979504438*0.97/1.1))-0);
ydot[8+1] = 1./0.52745*(314.4*(y[0+1]-(y[8+1]*Kpu_scale/(2.57804385527433*0.97/1.1))));
ydot[9+1] = 1./30.569*(56.9064*(y[1+1]-y[9+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.45080002635366*0.97/1.1)));
ydot[10+1] = 1./3.4804*(16.6632*(y[1+1]-y[10+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.27933750693781*0.97/1.1)));
ydot[11+1] = 1./0.026334*(5.0304*(y[1+1]-y[11+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.83249661975125*0.97/1.1)));
ydot[12+1] = 1./0.15785*(10.0608*(y[1+1]-y[12+1]*Kpu_scale/(2.2467210773554*0.97/1.1)));
ydot[13+1] = 1./0.14784*(3.4584*(y[1+1]-y[13+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.55110887801799*0.97/1.1)));
ydot[14+1] = 1./0.3*(-k_leave_1*y[14+1]*0.3+0-(0)-0);
ydot[15+1] = 1./0.105*(k_leave_1*y[14+1]*0.3-k_leave_2*y[15+1]*0.105+0+0-(Vmax_ACAT_duo*y[15+1]/(Km_ACAT_Abs+y[15+1])*0.105)-0);
ydot[16+1] = 1./0.11*(k_leave_2*y[15+1]*0.105-2.1021021021021*y[16+1]*0.11+0-(Vmax_ACAT_jej*y[16+1]/(Km_ACAT_Abs+y[16+1])*0.11)-0);
ydot[17+1] = 1./0.11*(2.1021021021021*y[16+1]*0.11-2.1021021021021*y[17+1]*0.11+0-(Vmax_ACAT_jej*y[17+1]/(Km_ACAT_Abs+y[17+1])*0.11)-0);
ydot[18+1] = 1./0.069*(2.1021021021021*y[17+1]*0.11-2.1021021021021*y[18+1]*0.069+0-(Vmax_ACAT_ile*y[18+1]/(Km_ACAT_Abs+y[18+1])*0.069)-0);
ydot[19+1] = 1./0.069*(2.1021021021021*y[18+1]*0.069-2.1021021021021*y[19+1]*0.069+0-(Vmax_ACAT_ile*y[19+1]/(Km_ACAT_Abs+y[19+1])*0.069)-0);
ydot[20+1] = 1./0.069*(2.1021021021021*y[19+1]*0.069-2.1021021021021*y[20+1]*0.069+0-(Vmax_ACAT_ile*y[20+1]/(Km_ACAT_Abs+y[20+1])*0.069)-0);
ydot[21+1] = 1./0.069*(2.1021021021021*y[20+1]*0.069-2.1021021021021*y[21+1]*0.069+0-(Vmax_ACAT_ile*y[21+1]/(Km_ACAT_Abs+y[21+1])*0.069)-0);
ydot[22+1] = 1./1*(2.1021021021021*y[21+1]*0.069-0.0840336134453781*y[22+1]*1+0-(0)-0);
ydot[23+1] = 1./0.147*(3.4584*(y[1+1]-y[23+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.80953185291572*0.97/1.1))+(0)-0-0);
ydot[24+1] = 1./0.089*(4.25434530612245*(y[1+1]-y[24+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.86402516093248*0.97/1.1))+(Vmax_ACAT_duo*y[15+1]/(Km_ACAT_Abs+y[15+1])*0.105)-0-0);
ydot[25+1] = 1./0.089*(4.25434530612245*(y[1+1]-y[25+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.86402516093248*0.97/1.1))+(Vmax_ACAT_jej*y[16+1]/(Km_ACAT_Abs+y[16+1])*0.11)-0-0);
ydot[26+1] = 1./0.089*(4.25434530612245*(y[1+1]-y[26+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.86402516093248*0.97/1.1))+(Vmax_ACAT_jej*y[17+1]/(Km_ACAT_Abs+y[17+1])*0.11)-0-0);
ydot[27+1] = 1./0.089*(4.25434530612245*(y[1+1]-y[27+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.86402516093248*0.97/1.1))+(Vmax_ACAT_ile*y[18+1]/(Km_ACAT_Abs+y[18+1])*0.069)-0-0);
ydot[28+1] = 1./0.089*(4.25434530612245*(y[1+1]-y[28+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.86402516093248*0.97/1.1))+(Vmax_ACAT_ile*y[19+1]/(Km_ACAT_Abs+y[19+1])*0.069)-0-0);
ydot[29+1] = 1./0.089*(4.25434530612245*(y[1+1]-y[29+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.86402516093248*0.97/1.1))+(Vmax_ACAT_ile*y[20+1]/(Km_ACAT_Abs+y[20+1])*0.069)-0-0);
ydot[30+1] = 1./0.089*(4.25434530612245*(y[1+1]-y[30+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.86402516093248*0.97/1.1))+(Vmax_ACAT_ile*y[21+1]/(Km_ACAT_Abs+y[21+1])*0.069)-0-0);
ydot[31+1] = 1./0.357*(17.0651828571429*(y[1+1]-y[31+1]*Kpu_scale/(1.86402516093248*0.97/1.1))+(0)-0-0);
ydot[32+1] = (y[6+1]/3.06651237192868*CL_glom+y[6+1]/3.06651237192868*Kid_Vmax/(y[6+1]/3.06651237192868*Kpu_scale+Kid_Km));
ydot[33+1] = 0.0840336134453781*1*y[22+1];
return ydot;
data {
int <lower = 1> T; // number of unique time points
int <lower = 1> N; // number of states
int <lower = 1> Nparam; // number of parameters to estimate
int <lower = 1> Nobs; // number of observations
int <lower = 1> N_IND; // number of individuals
int <lower = 1> N_grp1; // number of individuals in group 1
int <lower = 1, upper = N> idx; // index of state to predict
int <lower = 1, upper = N_IND> ind_idx [Nobs];
// individual for each observation
int <lower = 1, upper = T> ts_idx [Nobs];
// time index for each observation
vector <lower = 0, upper = 1> [N_IND] group_idx;
// group index for each individual
int <lower = 0, upper = N_IND> grp1_idx [N_IND];
// index for individual in group 1
real <lower = 0> y0 [N]; // initial concentrations
real <lower = 0> t0; // initial time
real <lower = 0> uts [T]; // unique time points
vector <lower = 0> [Nobs] y; // observations
vector <lower = 0> [N_IND] urine; // urine observations
int <lower = 1, upper = N> idx_urine; // index of metKidney
transformed data {
int x_i [0];
real x_r [0];
vector [N_IND] lurine;
vector [N_IND] one;
vector [Nobs] ly;
int n_raneff;
lurine = log (urine);
one = to_vector (rep_array (1., N_IND));
ly = log (y);
n_raneff = 7;
parameters {
real <lower = 0> sigma_prop;
real stheta [Nparam];
real <lower = 0> sigma_urine;
matrix [n_raneff, N_IND] u;
vector [N_grp1] uu;
vector <lower = 0> [n_raneff] sigma_ind;
real <lower = 0> sigma_ind_kid;
transformed parameters {
real y_hat_ind [N_IND, T, N];
real <lower = 0> theta_ind [N_IND, Nparam];
vector [Nobs] ly_p;
real <lower = 0> theta [Nparam];
theta [1] = exp (0.1 + 0.06 * stheta [1]); // kpu_scale
theta [2] = exp (5.96 + 2.13 * stheta [2]); // kid_vmax
theta [3] = exp (6.38 + 2.06 * stheta [3]); // kid_km
theta [4] = exp (4.47 + 1.37 * stheta [4]); // acat_vmax_duo
theta [5] = exp (12.48 + 0.94 * stheta [5]); // acat_vmax_jej
theta [6] = exp (7.26 + 1.28 * stheta [6]); // acat_vmax_ile
theta [7] = exp (12.65 + 0.94 * stheta [7]); // acat_km
theta [8] = exp (2.48 + 0.04 * stheta [8]); // CL_glom
theta [9] = exp (0.67 + 0.09 * stheta [9]); // k_leave_1
theta [10] = exp (0.87 + 0.15 * stheta [10]); // k_leave_2
// random effect: log(theta_ind)~N(log(theta),sigma_ind)
theta_ind [, 1] = to_array_1d (theta [1] * exp (u [3] * sigma_ind [3])); // kpu_scale
for (i in 1 : N_IND) {
if (group_idx [i] == 0)
theta_ind [i, 2] = theta [2] * exp (uu [grp1_idx [i]] * sigma_ind_kid);
// kid_vmax, group 1
theta_ind [i, 2] = 0; // kid_vmax=0, group 2
theta_ind [, 3] = to_array_1d (theta [3] * one); // kid_km
theta_ind [, 4] = to_array_1d (theta [4] * exp (u [7] * sigma_ind [7])); // acat_vmax_duo
theta_ind [, 5] = to_array_1d (theta [5] * exp (u [2] * sigma_ind [2])); // acat_vmax_jej
theta_ind [, 6] = to_array_1d (theta [6] * exp (u [5] * sigma_ind [5])); // acat_vmax_ile
theta_ind [, 7] = to_array_1d (theta [7] * one); // acat_km
theta_ind [, 8] = to_array_1d (theta [8] * exp (u [4] * sigma_ind [4])); // CL_glom
theta_ind [, 9] = to_array_1d (theta [9] * exp (u [1] * sigma_ind [1])); // k_leave_1
theta_ind [, 10] = to_array_1d (theta [10] * exp (u [6] * sigma_ind [6])); // k_leave_2
for (i in 1 : N_IND)
y_hat_ind [i] = integrate_ode_bdf (pbpk, y0, t0, uts, theta_ind [i], x_r, x_i);
for (n in 1 : Nobs)
ly_p [n] = log (y_hat_ind [ind_idx [n], ts_idx [n], idx]);
model {
sigma_prop ~ lognormal (-0.99, 0.1);
stheta [1] ~ normal (0, 2); // kpu_scale
stheta [2] ~ normal (0, 2); // kid_vmax
stheta [3] ~ normal (0, 2); // kid_km
stheta [4] ~ normal (0, 2); // acat_vmax_duo
stheta [5] ~ normal (0, 2); // acat_vmax_jej
stheta [6] ~ normal (0, 2); // acat_vmax_ile
stheta [7] ~ normal (0, 2); // acat_km
stheta [8] ~ normal (0, 2); // CL_glom
stheta [9] ~ normal (0, 2); // k_leave_1
stheta [10] ~ normal (0, 2); // k_leave_2
to_vector (u) ~ normal (0, 1);
uu ~ normal (0, 1);
sigma_ind [1] ~ lognormal (-1.03 , 0.7); // k_leave_1
sigma_ind [2] ~ lognormal (-2.72 , 1); // acat_vmax_jej
sigma_ind [3] ~ lognormal (-2.26 , 0.79); // kpu_scale
sigma_ind [4] ~ lognormal (-2.12 , 0.25); // CL_glom
sigma_ind [5] ~ lognormal (-0.02 , 1.02); // acat_vmax_ile
sigma_ind [6] ~ lognormal (-0.86 , 0.7); // k_leave_2
sigma_ind [7] ~ lognormal (0.1 , 1.04); // acat_vmax_duo
sigma_ind_kid ~ lognormal (-0.82 , 1.06); // kid_vmax
ly ~ normal (ly_p, sigma_prop);
// sigma_urine ~ normal (0.26, 0.1); // exp err model
// lurine ~ normal (log (to_vector (y_hat_ind [, T, idx_urine])), sigma_urine); // exp err model
sigma_urine ~ normal (10, 1); // add err model
urine ~ normal (to_vector (y_hat_ind [, T, idx_urine]), sigma_urine); // add err model
generated quantities {
real y_rep [N_IND, T];
for (i in 1 : N_IND) {
real tmp [T, N];
tmp = integrate_ode_bdf (pbpk, y0, t0, uts, theta_ind [i], x_r, x_i);
for (t in 1 : T) {
real lmu;
lmu = tmp [t, idx];
if (lmu > 1e-12)
lmu = log (lmu);
lmu = -20;
y_rep [i, t] = exp (normal_rng (lmu, sigma_prop));