After solving the previous problem, the MSM-TVTP model below is now able to ‘recover’ parameters with some bias. With some help during Andrew’s method’s playroom, I believe that this bias relates to a problem during the sampling stage. When using the Stan code with data from the same DGP with fixed T (time periods, 300) and S (states, 2) and varying N (separate time series; 1,3,5,7,9,11), it shows that the model generally estimates parameters across the two states that sum to the sum of the true parameters but in three distinct ‘clumps’ of combinations (see pngs). For example, if alpha1 = 2 and alpha = 6, it would frequently estimate alpha1 as 3 and alpha2 as 4.5. The same is true for the other parameters but not for gamma (the intercept in the equation determining the transition probabilities).
Now this also happens when the model is run repeatedly on the same data which led me to the conclusion above that it is not a problem of the DGP.
Any advice on things to try would be greatly appreciated!
The Stan code and the R with the DGP and simulation code are below.
data {
int<lower = 0> T; // number of observed time periods
int<lower = 0> N; // number of observed units
matrix[N, T] y; // outcome
int<lower = 0> M;
row_vector[M] z[N, T]; // exogenous random variable affecting transition probabilities
transformed data{
int S;
S = 2;
parameters {
ordered[2] alpha;
real gamma[2];
vector[M] lambda[2];
real<lower = 0, upper = 1> phi[2];
real<lower = 0> sigma;
transformed parameters {
real fy[N, T];
for (i in 1:N) {// looping over all observations
vector[2] s[T];
real p[T, S, S];
real p_s1[T, 2];
// [,1] P(S[t - 1] = 1 | omega[t - 1], theta) / P(S[t] = 1 | omega[t], theta)[t - 1]
// [,2] P(S[t] = 1 | omega[t - 1], theta)
for (t in 1:T) {
p[t, 1, 1] = normal_cdf(gamma[1] + z[i, t] * lambda[1], 0, 1);
p[t, 2, 2] = normal_cdf(gamma[2] + z[i, t] * lambda[2], 0, 1);
p[t, 1, 2] = 1 - p[t, 1, 1];
p[t, 2, 1] = 1 - p[t, 2, 2];
// t = 1
p_s1[1, 2] = (1 - p[1, 2, 2]) / (2 - p[1, 1, 1] - p[1, 2, 2]); // initial
p_s1[1, 1] = p[1, 1, 1] * p_s1[1, 2] +
p[1, 2, 1] * (1 - p_s1[1, 2]);
for (j in 1:2){
s[1, j] = normal_lpdf(y[i, 1] | alpha[j], sigma);
fy[i,1] = log_mix(p_s1[1, 1], s[1, 1], s[1, 2]);
p_s1[1, 2] = exp(s[1, 1] + log(p_s1[1,1]) - fy[i,1]);
// t = 2:T
for (t in 2:T){
p_s1[t, 1] = p[(t - 1), 1, 1] * p_s1[(t - 1), 2] +
p[(t - 1), 2, 1] * (1 - p_s1[(t - 1), 2]); // predict
for (j in 1:2){
s[t,j] = normal_lpdf(y[i, t] | alpha[j] + phi[j] * y[i, (t - 1)], sigma);
fy[i,t] = log_mix(p_s1[t, 1], s[t, 1], s[t, 2]); // signal
p_s1[t, 2] = exp(s[t, 1] + log(p_s1[t, 1]) - fy[i,t]); // update
model {
// likelihood
target += fy;
// priors
alpha ~ normal(0, 1);
R code
### MC simulation ###
### for MSM-TVTP ###
## setup
## libraries and options
#options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
## seed
## Global parameters
n_chains <- 2L # number of chains
n_iter <- 2000L # number of iterations (thinning half)
## simulation
dgp <- function(N, T, M){
## covariates
z <- array(rnorm(N * M * T, 0, 1), dim = c(N, T, M))
# state matrix
s <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = T) # a T by N matrix indicating the state the individual i is in at point t in cell [t, i]
# transition probabilities
p <- array(NA, dim = c(2, 2, T, N))
for (i in 1:N){
for (t in 1:T){
s_star <- gamma + t(z[i, t, ]) %*% lambda # [t] because the TP are lagged when determining y
# s_star <- gamma[1] + t(z[i, t, ]) %*% lambda[, 1]
p_s <- matrix(NA, ncol = 2, nrow = 2)
diag(p_s) <- pnorm(s_star) # variance of 1
p_s[1, 2] <- 1 - p_s[1, 1]
p_s[2, 1] <- 1 - p_s[2, 2]
# p_11 + p_12 = 1 and p_21 + p_22 = 1
p[ , , t, i] <- p_s # takes into consideration that lambda should have the same effect
# in each state i.e. increasing the probability of staying
# states
s[i, 1] <- rbinom(1, 1, (1 - p[2, 2, 1, i]) / (2 - p[2, 2, 1, i] - p[1, 1, 1, i])) + 1
for (t in 2:T){
if (s[i, t - 1] == 1){
s[i, t] <- rbinom(n = 1, size = 1,prob = p[1, 2, t - 1, i]) + 1
} else if (s[i, t - 1] == 2){
s[i, t] <- rbinom(n = 1, size = 1,prob = p[2, 2, t - 1, i]) + 1
# outcome
y <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = T)
for (i in 1:N){
y[i, 1] <- rnorm(1, alpha[s[i, 1]], sigma)
for (t in 2:T){
y[i, t] <- rnorm(1, alpha[s[i, t]] + phi[s[i, t]] * y[i, t - 1], sigma)
## set up data for stan
data_list <- list(T = T,
N = N,
M = M,
y = y,
z = z)
## out
out <- list(data = data_list)
## parameters
alpha <- c(2, 6)
gamma <- c(0.5, 0.5) # intercept in TPs
lambda <- matrix(c(-0.5, 0.3, 0.9, -0.2), byrow = T, ncol = 2, nrow = M)
phi <- c(0.2, 0.8)
n_parameters <- length(alpha) + length(gamma) + length(lambda) + length(phi)
sigma <- 1
## Start time
orig_time <- Sys.time()
file <- file("progress.txt")
## simulations over
T.seq <- c(300)
N.seq <- c(2)
N.sim <- seq(1, 50)
total.sim <- length(T.seq) * length(N.seq) * length(N.sim)
## container
out_par <- matrix(ncol = 9, nrow = 0)
colnames(out_par) <- c("N", "T", "sim", "name", "mean", "sd", "q025", "q50", "q975") <- list()
## Simulation
sim_counter <- 0
for (t1 in T.seq){
for (n1 in N.seq){
out <- dgp(n1, t1, 2)
for (i_sim in N.sim){
sim_counter <- sim_counter + 1
fit <- stan("02_msm_simulation_N.stan",
data = out[["data"]],
chains = n_chains,
iter = n_iter,
init_r = 0.5,
control = list(adapt_delta = .9))
## output
fit.ext <- as.matrix(fit)
for (ii in 1:n_parameters){
i_mean <- mean(fit.ext[, ii])
i_sd <- sd(fit.ext[, ii])
i_quan <- quantile(fit.ext[, ii], probs = c(0.025, 0.50, 0.975), names = F)
out_par <- rbind(out_par, c(n1, t1, sim_counter, colnames(fit.ext)[ii], i_mean, i_sd, i_quan ))
}[[sim_counter]] <- list(fit.mat = fit.ext[, 1:n_parameters],
data = out[["data"]])
## clean output
out_par <-
i_seq <- c(1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
for (i in i_seq){
out_par[, i] <- as.numeric(as.character(out_par[, i]))
## save output
save(out_par, file = "02_msm_simulation_NTSim_output.RData")
save(, file = "02_msm_simulation_NTSim_data_fit.RData")
02_msm_simulation_N.R (4.4 KB)!
02_msm_simulation_N.stan (2.6 KB)