Hello guys,
It’s a pleasure to be here again.
I am modeling the heteroscedasticity of a nonlinear hierarchical Gaussian (sigmoidal) growth model f(x). Here’s the model:
w_{ij} \sim N(f(x,\theta_{ij}),\sigma_{ij})
f(x,\theta_{ij}) = nonlinear function
\sigma_{ij} = \tau_{ij} \cdot x \cdot f'(x,\theta_{ij})
where i is the index of the first level of the group and j second level of the group of a nested hierarchical design, w_{ij} is the weight, N() truncated normal distribution (positive), \theta_{ij} set of parameters governing the nonlinear model f(x,\theta_{ij}), \sigma_{ij} scale parameter in which I am trying to model the variability of the dependent variable w_{ij}, \tau_{ij} a weighting parameter, x = time the dependent variable and f'(x,\theta_{ij}) the first derivative of the function f(x,\theta_{ij}) with respect to x.
I’m working with the rstan interface with the brms package. The pseudo-code and simulated data are below and attached to the topic, including a reproducible script. It’s not working. Very likely the error is in the way I am declaring sigma (scale parameter) and in declaring the a priori probability density.
My question is:
- Is it possible to declare sigma with this form in stan (brms package)?
- If yes, how can I do it?
Thanks in advance for reading this topic. I hope I was clear enough in the model declaration and in the problem doubt.
rm(list = ls())
# loading the data
# Preamble
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
# Initial values
init <- function(chain_id=1) {
list ( alpha = rep(80,n_cultivo) ,
kappa = rep(0.043,n_cultivo) ,
delta = rep(1.8,n_cultivo),
tau = rep(0.055,n_cultivo))
n_cultivo = length(unique(bio$cultivo))
# NUTS configuration
control. <- list(
adapt_engaged = TRUE,
adapt_delta = 0.90,
stepsize = 0.05,
max_treedepth = 10
#### modelos ####
# Piors
prior. <- c(
set_prior("normal(80, 5)", nlpar = "alpha",lb=0),
set_prior("normal(0.043,0.02)", nlpar = "kappa", lb=0),
set_prior("normal(1.8,0.15)", nlpar = "delta", lb=0),
set_prior("gamma(1,1/.1)", nplar="tau", lb=0, dpar = "sigma")
# Formula
formula. <- bf(
# location parameter
peso ~ alpha - (alpha/(1+(time*kappa)^delta)), # f(x)
# scale parameter
sigma ~ time * tau * (alpha*delta*kappa*(kappa*x)^(delta-1) )/( ((kappa*time)^delta)^2+2*(kappa*time)^delta+1), # time*tau*f '(x)
# Nonlinear variables
alpha + kappa + delta + tau ~ (1 | tq)+(1 | cultivo:tq),
# Nonlinear fit
nl = TRUE)
# fitting a model
fit <- brm(
data = bio,
prior = prior.,
control = control.,
chains = 4,
cores = getOption("mc.cores", 1)
bio.RData (4.9 KB)
2_Script.R (1.5 KB)