I am attempting to add continuous covariates to the mark-recapture multi-state model like the one in Chapter 9 of Marc Kery’s BPA. The code that I have copied below can be found here [HMM code].
// -------------------------------------------------
// States (S):
// 1 alive at A
// 2 alive at B
// 3 alive at C
// 4 dead
// Observations (O):
// 1 seen at A
// 2 seen at B
// 3 seen at C
// 4 not seen
// -------------------------------------------------
functions {
* Return an integer value denoting occasion of first capture.
* This function is derived from Stan Modeling Language
* User's Guide and Reference Manual.
* @param y Observed values
* @return Occasion of first capture
int first_capture(array[] int y_i) {
for (k in 1 : size(y_i)) {
if (y_i[k] != 4) {
return k;
return 0;
* Return a simplex such as follows (thanks to Bob Carpenter):
* p[1] <- exp(lp[1]) / (1.0 + exp(lp[1]) + exp(lp[2]));
* p[2] <- exp(lp[2]) / (1.0 + exp(lp[1]) + exp(lp[2]));
* p[3] <- 1.0 - p[1] - p[2];
* @param lp N-dimension vector
* @return (N+1)-simplex of given vector and 0
vector softmax_0(vector lp) {
vector[num_elements(lp) + 1] lp_temp;
lp_temp[1 : num_elements(lp)] = lp;
lp_temp[num_elements(lp) + 1] = 0;
return softmax(lp_temp);
data {
int<lower=0> nind;
int<lower=0> n_occasions;
array[nind, n_occasions] int<lower=1, upper=4> y;
transformed data {
int n_occ_minus_1 = n_occasions - 1;
array[nind] int<lower=0, upper=n_occasions> first;
for (i in 1 : nind) {
first[i] = first_capture(y[i]);
parameters {
real<lower=0, upper=1> phiA; // Survival probability at site A
real<lower=0, upper=1> phiB; // Survival probability at site B
real<lower=0, upper=1> phiC; // Survival probability at site C
real<lower=0, upper=1> pA; // Recapture probability at site A
real<lower=0, upper=1> pB; // Recapture probability at site B
real<lower=0, upper=1> pC; // Recapture probability at site C
vector[2] lpsiA; // Logit of movement probability from site A
vector[2] lpsiB; // Logit of movement probability from site B
vector[2] lpsiC; // Logit of movement probability from site C
transformed parameters {
simplex[3] psiA; // Movement probability from site A
simplex[3] psiB; // Movement probability from site B
simplex[3] psiC; // Movement probability from site C
array[4, nind, n_occ_minus_1] simplex[4] ps;
array[4, nind, n_occ_minus_1] simplex[4] po;
// Constrain the transitions such that their sum is < 1
psiA = softmax_0(lpsiA);
psiB = softmax_0(lpsiB);
psiC = softmax_0(lpsiC);
// Define state-transition and observation matrices
for (i in 1 : nind) {
// Define probabilities of state S(t+1) given S(t)
for (t in 1 : n_occ_minus_1) {
ps[1, i, t, 1] = phiA * psiA[1];
ps[1, i, t, 2] = phiA * psiA[2];
ps[1, i, t, 3] = phiA * psiA[3];
ps[1, i, t, 4] = 1.0 - phiA;
ps[2, i, t, 1] = phiB * psiB[1];
ps[2, i, t, 2] = phiB * psiB[2];
ps[2, i, t, 3] = phiB * psiB[3];
ps[2, i, t, 4] = 1.0 - phiB;
ps[3, i, t, 1] = phiC * psiC[1];
ps[3, i, t, 2] = phiC * psiC[2];
ps[3, i, t, 3] = phiC * psiC[3];
ps[3, i, t, 4] = 1.0 - phiC;
ps[4, i, t, 1] = 0.0;
ps[4, i, t, 2] = 0.0;
ps[4, i, t, 3] = 0.0;
ps[4, i, t, 4] = 1.0;
// Define probabilities of O(t) given S(t)
po[1, i, t, 1] = pA;
po[1, i, t, 2] = 0.0;
po[1, i, t, 3] = 0.0;
po[1, i, t, 4] = 1.0 - pA;
po[2, i, t, 1] = 0.0;
po[2, i, t, 2] = pB;
po[2, i, t, 3] = 0.0;
po[2, i, t, 4] = 1.0 - pB;
po[3, i, t, 1] = 0.0;
po[3, i, t, 2] = 0.0;
po[3, i, t, 3] = pC;
po[3, i, t, 4] = 1.0 - pC;
po[4, i, t, 1] = 0.0;
po[4, i, t, 2] = 0.0;
po[4, i, t, 3] = 0.0;
po[4, i, t, 4] = 1.0;
model {
array[4] real acc;
array[n_occasions] vector[4] gamma;
// Priors
// Survival and recapture: uniform
// Uniform priors are implicitly defined.
// phiA ~ uniform(0, 1);
// phiB ~ uniform(0, 1);
// phiC ~ uniform(0, 1);
// pA ~ uniform(0, 1);
// pB ~ uniform(0, 1);
// pC ~ uniform(0, 1);
// Normal priors on logit of all but one transition probs
lpsiA ~ normal(0, sqrt(1000));
lpsiB ~ normal(0, sqrt(1000));
lpsiC ~ normal(0, sqrt(1000));
// Likelihood
// Forward algorithm derived from Stan Modeling Language
// User's Guide and Reference Manual
for (i in 1 : nind) {
if (first[i] > 0) {
for (k in 1 : 4) {
gamma[first[i], k] = y[i, first[i]] == k;
for (t in (first[i] + 1) : n_occasions) {
for (k in 1 : 4) {
for (j in 1 : 4) {
acc[j] = gamma[t - 1, j] * ps[j, i, t - 1, k]
* po[k, i, t - 1, y[i, t]];
gamma[t, k] = sum(acc);
target += log(sum(gamma[n_occasions]));
I am new to STAN and Bayesian modeling in general so I am not quite sure how to proceed. I want to start by modeling movement with a covariate (e.g., length), however, I have struggled to implement this. I have tried something like this:
for (i in 1:nind) {
// Update psi vectors based on length for individual i
psiA = softmax_0(lpsiA + b1 * lengths[i] );
psiB = softmax_0(lpsiB + b1 * lengths[i] );
psiC = softmax_0(lpsiC + b1 * lengths[i] );
The initial value was rejected in this case. Any guidance on where to start would be massively appreciated.