Hello All,
I reran a model (below) that I have run successfully but with a larger warmup and more iterations. It seemingly ran normally through all the imputed models and produced a large .rds file, as expected. However, when I try to use the brm(file=…) function to load the new .rds file to my r session, I get the following:
Error in validate_formula(formula, data = data, family = family, autocor = autocor, :
argument “formula” is missing, with no default
Calls: brm → validate_formula
Execution halted
Can anyone figure out what I did to get this missing formula issue?
Thank you for any help that you can provide!
fit21<- brm_multiple(formula = chla_mg_m2 ~ temp+shear+PAR_.5+I(PAR_.5^2)+NH4+NO3+THP+LakeSurfElev_m+water_year+car(W, gr = site,"icar")+mo(DaysSinceLastExposed)+(1+temp+shear+PAR_.5+PAR_.5^2+NH4+NO3+THP+LakeSurfElev_m+water_year+mo(DaysSinceLastExposed)|site),
data = imp, data2 = W_impute,
family = gaussian(),
prior = set_prior("normal(0,5)", class = "Intercept")+
set_prior("lognormal(0,1)", class = "sd")+
set_prior("dirichlet(1,1,1,1)", class = "simo", coef = "moDaysSinceLastExposed1"),
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
warmup = 3000, iter = 6000, chains = 3,
cores = 15,
file = "./Modeling/fit_4_9_2021")
version R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)
os Windows 10 x64
system x86_64, mingw32