I’ve a question concerning uncertainty in the pareto-k values that are obtained from carrying out cross validation in R via brms::loo.
I was running a model where I found that the pareto-k estimates altered quite a lot on re-running the model and started wondering what sort of uncertainty you might expect in these values. I created a simulation to provide an example:
#random normal vector with a single 'odd' point added
d1 <- data.frame(test = c(rnorm(10),4))
mx <- brm(test~1, data = d1, prior = prior(normal(0,3), class = 'Intercept'))
res_mat <- matrix(NA, ncol = 11, nrow = 100)
for(i in 1:100){
print(i)#I want to know where I've got to
mx2 <- update(mx, newdata = d1, refresh = 0, silent = 0)
res_mat[i,] <- loo(mx2)$diagnostics$pareto_k
resdf <- res_mat %>%
data.frame() %>%
pivot_longer(1:11, names_to = 'obs_no')
p1 <- ggplot(resdf, aes(x = value, colour = obs_no))+
geom_density() +
labs(x = 'pareto_k') +
This is re-modelling exactly the same data each time. The 5-95% quantiles for the pareto-k estimate for the ‘odd’ point in the data from this seed are 0.7 - 1.07. There are similarly wide distributions of pareto-k values for the other data points.
My concern is that, with this level of variability, it could be quite difficult to interpret the value against the cutoffs suggested - particularly if there are no warnings, for example with a pareto-k value of 0.6.
What sort or variability might be expected for these values? Is this a concern?
Thanks for any help in this (and pointing me in the right direction if I’ve misunderstood ‘loo’)… :)
tagged: @avehtari