LOO-CV when log-likelihood is constant for some data points

tl;dr: I get warnings about the pareto k diagnostics when the log-likelihood is constant for some data points. Should I bother about these warnings then?

I am fitting a model that describes how participants select iteratively between different slot machines. The model assumes participants start with a random choice between all k slot machines (let’s say, k = 2) and then update their reward expectations, leading to preferences for slot machines with higher payoffs in the following trials. Crucially, the log-likelihood in the very first trial is independent of the model parameters (it is simply log(1/k), assuming all slot machines are picked with the same probability in the first trial) and therefore it has the identical value across all MCMC-iterations.

When using loo(), I get the warning about too high Pareto k diagnostic values and with pareto_k_values() I can trace this down to k=Inf for the very first trial were the likelihood is constant (and from my rather limited understanding, the Pareto distribution probably cannot be estimated). Can I use elpd_loo then safely despite these warnings (since I know that they are not due to bad model fit)? Alternatively, can I simply omit the log-likelihood for this first data point and only include the loglikelihood of the remaining data points when using loo?

Some example code:

# First, simulate some data

winchance <- c(0.7, 0.3) # chances to win for two slot machines
ntrials <- 100 # number of trials
Q <- c(0,0) # initial reward expectations

alpha <- 0.2 # learning rate
theta <- 5 # inverse softmax temperature

choices <- c() # save all choices here
rewards <- c() # save all rewards here

for (t in 1:ntrials) { # iterate over trials
  prob <- exp(theta*Q)/sum(exp(theta*Q)) # use softmax to compute choice probabilities
  choice <- sample(c(1,2), 1, prob=prob) # sample choice
  reward <- rbinom(1, 1, winchance[choice]) # sample reward
  Q[choice] <- Q[choice] + alpha * (reward - Q[choice]) # update reward expectation based on temporal-difference learning
  choices <- c(choices, choice) # append choice
  rewards <- c(rewards, reward) # append reward

code <- "
data {
int ntrials;
int choices[ntrials];
int rewards[ntrials];

parameters {
real<lower=0, upper=1> alpha; // learning rate
real<lower=0> theta; // inverse softmax temperature

transformed parameters {

matrix[2,ntrials] prob; // choice probabilities
vector[2] Q = [0, 0]'; // reward expectations

for (t in 1:ntrials) { // iterate over trials
prob[1,t] = exp(theta*Q[1])/sum(exp(theta*Q)); // probability choosing slot machine 1
prob[2,t] = exp(theta*Q[2])/sum(exp(theta*Q)); // probability choosing slot machine 2
Q[choices[t]] = Q[choices[t]] + alpha * (rewards[t]-Q[choices[t]]); // update reward expectation

model {
alpha ~ beta(1,1);
theta ~ gamma(7,2);

for (t in 1:ntrials) {
choices[t] ~ categorical(prob[,t]);

generated quantities {
vector[ntrials] log_lik;
for (t in 1:ntrials) {
    log_lik[t] = categorical_lpmf(choices[t] | prob[,t]);

fit <- stan(model_code = code, data=list(ntrials=ntrials, choices=choices, rewards=rewards), pars=c("alpha", "theta", "log_lik"))

log_lik <- extract_log_lik(fit, merge_chains = FALSE)
r_eff <- relative_eff(exp(log_lik), cores = 2)
loo <- loo(log_lik, r_eff = r_eff, cores = 2)
> loo

Computed from 4000 by 100 log-likelihood matrix

         Estimate   SE
elpd_loo    -24.7  5.6
p_loo         1.6  0.5
looic        49.3 11.2
Monte Carlo SE of elpd_loo is NA.

Pareto k diagnostic values:
                         Count Pct.    Min. n_eff
(-Inf, 0.5]   (good)     99    99.0%   2122      
 (0.5, 0.7]   (ok)        0     0.0%   <NA>      
   (0.7, 1]   (bad)       0     0.0%   <NA>      
   (1, Inf)   (very bad)  1     1.0%   2000      
See help('pareto-k-diagnostic') for details.
> pareto_k_values(loo)
  [1]          Inf -0.250820915 -0.231890100 -0.194362530 -0.123999775 -0.082366031 -0.019329143 -0.006330616  0.037577266
 [10]  0.091040580  0.095732899  0.094355175  0.067537553  0.094631436  0.001246631  0.104696377  0.064945659 -0.021309253
 [19]  0.115981847  0.078319484 -0.058639911  0.009135191  0.061737323  0.074738349  0.094201735  0.116374869  0.009274860
 [28]  0.045051165 -0.067315539  0.079272260  0.027958081  0.076988415  0.110051724 -0.012523528  0.094422197 -0.081883085
 [37]  0.069715824 -0.059791978 -0.131969375 -0.024692136  0.092425508  0.077963691  0.078872533  0.107749585  0.130824833
 [46]  0.150694845  0.043327046 -0.037994837 -0.101710611 -0.066409222  0.119235100  0.063381336  0.075570001 -0.026975655
 [55] -0.055317108 -0.143377748 -0.027658296  0.094034307  0.052289974 -0.044402115  0.079836689 -0.091743372 -0.116907409
 [64] -0.167224110  0.092147119  0.307332044 -0.127042861 -0.113747312 -0.046923850  0.031718152  0.038639365  0.054683168
 [73] -0.103481193 -0.046339586  0.029732864  0.059025017  0.051632538  0.058639093  0.065313094 -0.036766287 -0.044776130
 [82] -0.065643602  0.188474906 -0.081540664 -0.072533059  0.155653163  0.385161563  0.041677759  0.056500547 -0.096923764
 [91] -0.095223578 -0.102916686 -0.092051979  0.141964451  0.150588115  0.111743144  0.087024258  0.109849397  0.123994752
[100]  0.020656058
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Yes, this is the logical thing to do.