[edit: escaped the rest of the code]
I am trying to implement a hierarchical beta mixture model with fixed alphas and betas and prior on the components weights. Everything runs but I am having an hard time understanding how to get the values to use in the loo package afterwards. Can someone help me?
// Function to compute the Gaussian copula density
real gaussian_copula_density(real u_x, real u_y, real rho) {
real rho_sq = square(rho);
real one_m_rho_sq = 1 - rho_sq;
real z_x = inv_Phi(u_x); // inverted normal cdf
real z_y = inv_Phi(u_y); // inverted normal cdf
real log_term1 = -log(2 * pi()) - 0.5 * log1m(rho_sq);
real log_term2 = -0.5 * (square(z_x) + square(z_y) - 2 * rho * z_x * z_y) / one_m_rho_sq;
return exp(log_term1 + log_term2);
data {
int<lower=1> K; // number of mixture components
int<lower=1> N; // number of data points
int<lower=1> I;//number of individuals
int<lower=1, upper=I> participant[N]; // Participant index for each observation
real<lower=0,upper=1> y[N]; // observations
real<lower=0,upper=1> x[N]; // Observations
array[I, K] real<lower=0> alphax;
array[I, K] real<lower = 0> betax;
array[I, K] real<lower = 0> alphay;
array[I, K] real<lower = 0> betay;
row_vector<lower=0.0001>[K] theta[I]; // Dirichlet prior parameters for each participant
real<lower = -1, upper = 1> rho[I,K];
parameters {
array[I] simplex[K] w;
//transformed parameters {
// array[I] vector[K] log_w = log(w);
model {
// priors
for(i in 1:I){
w[i] ~ dirichlet(theta[i]);
// individual likelihoods, as sum of component contributions
for (n in 1:N) {
int i = participant[n];
vector[K] log_w = log(fmax(1e-10,w[i]));
vector[K] lps = log_w; // Initialize with log weights
// Retrieve participant index for nth data point
for(k in 1:K){
real beta_x = beta_lpdf(x[n] | alphax[i,k], betax[i,k]);
real beta_y = beta_lpdf(y[n] | alphay[i,k], betay[i,k]);
real u_x = beta_cdf(x[n] | alphax[i,k], betax[i,k]);
real u_y = beta_cdf(y[n] | alphay[i,k], betay[i,k]);
real copula_density = gaussian_copula_density(u_x, u_y, rho[i,k]);
lps[k] += beta_x + beta_y+ log(fmax(1e-10, copula_density));
target += log_sum_exp(lps);
generated quantities {
real x_rep[N];
real y_rep[N];
for (n in 1:N) {
int i = participant[n]; // Retrieve participant index for nth data point
vector[K] ps;
for (k in 1:K) {
real u_x = beta_cdf(x[n] | alphax[i, k], betax[i, k]);
real u_y = beta_cdf(y[n] | alphay[i, k], betay[i, k]);
real copula_density = gaussian_copula_density(u_x, u_y, rho[i, k]);
ps[k] = w[i, k] * copula_density;
// Check for NaNs in ps
for (k in 1:K) {
if (is_nan(ps[k])) {
print("ps[", k, "] is NaN at iteration ", n);
// Normalize ps vector
ps = ps / sum(ps);
// Debug print to check if ps sums to 1
real ps_sum = sum(ps);
print("ps_sum: ", ps_sum);
// Ensure ps is a valid simplex
if (ps_sum <= 0) {
print("ps_sum is not positive at iteration ", n);
} else if (is_nan(ps_sum)) {
print("ps_sum is NaN at iteration ", n);
} else {
int comp = categorical_rng(ps); // Sample a component
x_rep[n] = beta_rng(alphax[i, comp], betax[i, comp]); // Generate new x data
y_rep[n] = beta_rng(alphay[i, comp], betay[i, comp]); // Generate new y data
instead of
vector[N] mu = alpha+beta*x;